module DirtyPipeline class Storage FAILED_STATUS = "failed".freeze RETRY_STATUS = "retry".freeze PROCESSING_STATUS = "processing".freeze class InvalidPipelineStorage < StandardError; end attr_reader :subject, :field attr_accessor :store alias :to_h :store def initialize(subject, field) @subject = subject @field = field init_store(field) end def init_store(store_field) = subject.send(store_field).to_h clear! if store.empty? return if (store.keys & %w(cache status events errors state)).size == 5 raise InvalidPipelineStorage, store end def clear = subject.send( "#{field}=", "status" => nil, "pipeline_status" => nil, "state" => {}, "cache" => {}, "events" => [], "errors" => [], ) DirtyPipeline.with_redis { |r| r.del(pipeline_status_key) } end def clear! clear commit! end def start!(transition, args) events << { "transition" => transition, "args" => args, "created_at" => } increment_attempts_count self.pipeline_status = PROCESSING_STATUS # self.status = "processing", should be set by Locker commit! end def start_retry! last_event.merge!(updated_at: increment_attempts_count self.pipeline_status = PROCESSING_STATUS # self.status = "processing", should be set by Locker commit! end def complete!(output, destination) store["status"] = destination state.merge!(output) last_event.merge!( "output" => output, "updated_at" =>, "success" => true, ) commit! end def fail_event! fail_event commit! end def fail_event last_event["failed"] = true end def status store["status"] end def pipeline_status_key "pipeline-status:#{subject.class}:#{}:#{field}" end def pipeline_status=(value) DirtyPipeline.with_redis do |r| if value r.set(pipeline_status_key, value) else r.del(pipeline_status_key) end end store["pipeline_status"] = value end def commit_pipeline_status!(value = nil) self.pipeline_status = value store["cache"].clear commit! end alias :reset_pipeline_status! :commit_pipeline_status! def pipeline_status DirtyPipeline.with_redis do |r| store["pipeline_status"] = r.get(pipeline_status_key) end store.fetch("pipeline_status") end def state store.fetch("state") end def events store.fetch("events") end def last_event events.last.to_h end def last_event_error(event_idx = nil) event = events[event_idx] if event_idx event ||= last_event errors[event["error_idx"]].to_h end def errors store.fetch("errors") end def last_error errors.last.to_h end def increment_attempts_count last_event.merge!( "attempts_count" => last_event["attempts_count"].to_i + 1 ) end def increment_attempts_count! increment_attempts_count commit! end def save_retry(error) save_error(error) self.pipeline_status = RETRY_STATUS end def save_retry!(error) save_retry(error) commit! end def save_exception(exception) errors << { "error" => exception.class.to_s, "error_message" => exception.message, "created_at" => Time.current, } last_event["error_idx"] = errors.size - 1 fail_event self.pipeline_status = FAILED_STATUS end def save_exception!(error) save_exception(error) commit! end def commit! subject.assign_attributes(field => store)! end def ready? storage.pipeline_status.nil? end def failed? pipeline_status == FAILED_STATUS end def processing? [PROCESSING_STATUS, RETRY_STATUS].include?(pipeline_status) end end end