true 107804211 78428 0140286780 9780140286786 1 9 1999 Penguin (Non-Classics) 249 <![CDATA[Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence]]> 400 4.03 1172
More than three-quarters of a million people everywhere, from all walks of life, have found the keys to gaining control of their money--and their lives--in this comprehensive and revolutionary book on money management. Considered the bible of the voluntary simplicity movement, Your Money or Your Life is now updated with a new Preface, Index, and Resource list to help you put the program into practice. This simple, nine-step program shows you how to:

* get out of debt and develop savings
* slow down the work-and-spend treadmill
* make values-based decisions about your spending
* save the planet while saving money

* Over three years on the Business Week bestseller list
* Your Money or Your Life made all major bestseller lists in hardcover and paperback, including the New York Times, USA Today, Business Week, Publishers Weekly, and Washington Post]]>
44528 4.03 1181 282 1992
0 0 false Sat Jun 19 11:06:06 -0700 2010 Sat Jun 19 11:06:06 -0700 2010 0
108299739 385 0691122946 9780691122946 10 1 2005 Princeton University Press 244 <![CDATA[On Bullshit]]> 68 3.30 1766 219 3.34 2078 296 2005 0 0 false Tue Jun 22 17:48:11 -0700 2010 Tue Dec 14 12:39:23 -0800 2010 0 111464874 2780549 0195092899 9780195092899 31 10 1996 Oxford University Press, USA 7 <![CDATA[Buzz: The Science and Lore of Alcohol and Caffeine]]> 224 3.53 43 Alcohol and caffeine are deeply woven into the fabric of life for most of the world's population, as close and as comfortable as a cup of coffee or a can of beer. Yet for most people they remain as mysterious and unpredictable as the spirits they were once thought to be. Now, in Buzz, Stephen Braun takes us on a myth-shattering tour of these two popular substances, one that blends fascinating science with colorful lore, and that includes cameo appearances by Shakespeare and Balzac, Buddhist monks and Arabian goat herders, even Mikhail Gorbachev and David Letterman (who once quipped, "If it weren't for the coffee, I'd have no identifiable personality whatsoever").
Much of what Braun reveals directly contradicts conventional wisdom about alcohol and caffeine. Braun shows, for instance, that alcohol is not simply a depressant as popularly believed, but is instead "a pharmacy in a bottle"—mimicking the action of drugs such as cocaine, amphetamine, valium, and opium. At low doses, it increases electrical activity in the same brain systems affected by stimulants, influences the same circuits targeted by valium, and causes the release of morphine-like compounds known as endorphins—all at the same time. This explains why alcohol can produce a range of reactions, from boisterous euphoria to dark, brooding hopelessness. Braun also shatters the myth that alcohol kills brain cells, reveals why wood alcohol or methanol causes blindness, and explains the biological reason behind the one-drink-per-hour sobriety rule (that's how long it takes the liver, working full tilt, to disable the 200 quintillion ethanol molecules found in a typical drink). The author then turns to caffeine and shows it to be no less remarkable. We discover that more than 100 plant species produce caffeine molecules in their seeds, leaves, or bark, a truly amazing distribution throughout nature (nicotine, in comparison, is found only in tobacco; opium only in the poppy). It's not surprising then that caffeine is far and away the most widely used mind altering substance on the planet, found in tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, soft drinks, and more than 2,000 non-prescription drugs. (Tea is the most popular drink on earth, with coffee a close second.) Braun also explores the role of caffeine in creativity: Johann Sebastian Bach, for one, loved coffee so much he wrote a Coffee Cantata (as Braun notes, no music captures the caffeinated experience better than one of Bachs frenetic fugues), Balzac would work for 12 hours non-stop, drinking coffee all the while, and Kant, Rousseau, and Voltaire all loved coffee. And throughout the book, Braun takes us on many engaging factual sidetrips—we learn, for instance, that Theodore Roosevelt coined the phrase "Good to the last drop" used by Maxwell House ever since; that distances between Tibetan villages are sometimes reckoned by the number of cups of tea needed to sustain a person (three cups being roughly 8 kilometers); and that John Pemberton's original recipe for Coca-Cola included not only kola extract, but also cocaine.
Whether you are a sophisticated consumer of cabernet sauvignon and Kenya AA or just someone who needs a cup of joe in the morning and a cold one after work, you will find Buzz to be an eye-opening, informative, and often amusing look at two substances at once utterly familiar and deeply mysterious.

515754 3.55 157 42 1996
0 0 false Tue Jul 13 13:57:13 -0700 2010 Tue Jun 07 19:05:31 -0700 2011 0
91829956 1842 0739467352 9780739467350 30 6 2005 W.W. Norton and Company 2849 <![CDATA[Guns, Germs, and Steel]]> 494 3.94 26981 Guns, Germs & Steel, Jared Diamond explains the reasons why things worked out that way. It's an elemental question. Diamond is certainly not the 1st to ask it. However, he performs a singular service by relying on scientific fact rather than specious theories of European genetic superiority. Diamond, a UCLA physiologist, suggests that the geography of Eurasia was best suited to farming, the domestication of animals & the free flow of information. The more populous cultures that developed as a result had more complex forms of government & communication, & increased resistance to disease. Finally, fragmented Europe harnessed the power of competitive innovation in ways that China didn't. (For example, the Europeans used the Chinese invention of gunpowder to create guns & subjugate the New World.) Diamond's book is complex & a bit overwhelming. But the thesis he methodically puts forth--examining the "positive feedback loop" of farming, then domestication, then population density, then innovation etc.--makes sense. Written without bias, Guns, Germs & Steel is good global history.]]> 256 3.92 38724 4966 1997 0 0 false Sun Jun 06 15:40:42 -0700 2010 Sun Feb 28 12:33:44 -0800 2010 Mon Jan 17 16:53:49 -0800 2011 0 146415885 6422238 0765312794 9780765312792 27 10 2009 Tor Books 219 <![CDATA[Makers]]> 416 3.58 992 From the New York Times bestselling author of Little Brother, a major novel of the booms, busts, and further booms in store for America

Perry and Lester invent things—seashell robots that make toast, Boogie Woogie Elmo dolls that drive cars. They also invent entirely new economic systems, like the “New Work,” a New Deal for the technological era. Barefoot bankers cross the nation, microinvesting in high-tech communal mini-startups like Perry and Lester’s. Together, they transform the country, and Andrea Fleeks, a journo-turned-blogger, is there to document it.

Then it slides into collapse. The New Work bust puts the dot.combomb to shame. Perry and Lester build a network of interactive rides in abandoned Wal-Marts across the land. As their rides, which commemorate the New Work’s glory days, gain in popularity, a rogue Disney executive grows jealous, and convinces the police that Perry and Lester’s 3D printers are being used to run off AK-47s.

Hordes of goths descend on the shantytown built by the New Workers, joining the cult. Lawsuits multiply as venture capitalists take on a new investment strategy: backing litigation against companies like Disney. Lester and Perry’s friendship falls to pieces when Lester gets the ‘fatkins’ treatment, turning him into a sybaritic gigolo.

Then things get really interesting.

12581 3.79 17912 3927 2009
0 0 false Sun Feb 06 19:25:16 -0800 2011 Sun Feb 06 19:25:16 -0800 2011 0
146416079 5776788 0061714305 9780061714306 1 8 2009 Eos 443 <![CDATA[Sandman Slim (Sandman Slim, #1)]]> 388 3.88 1762 James Stark's great rep got him sent to hell. When his fame as a teenage magician attracted the attention of demons, they snatched him up and dispatched him to the inferno, where he spent the next 11 years as a sideshow freak entertaining Satan's minions. Now released and hell-bent for revenge, Stark loses no time seeking out the dark magic cabal that nearly destroyed him; but he soon discovers that in the war between heaven and hell, he is not the only one with big plans.

Sandman Slim elicited raves from fellow cult figure William Gibson; "A wild, weird, nail-biting supernatural thriller in the bestselling tradition of Chris Moore, Kim Harrison, and Warren Ellis. This man is mad, in the best way."

From Publishers Weekly
Kadrey provides biting humor, an over-the-top antihero and a rich stew of metaphoric language in this testosterone- and adrenaline-charged noir thriller. James Stark spent 11 years killing monsters in Lucifer's arena for the entertainment of fallen angels, but now he's back in seedy, magic-riddled L.A., trying to avenge his girlfriend's murder and hunt down Mason Faim, the black magician responsible for getting him sent downtown. He meets with some initial success, beheading second-rate magician Kasabian (whose head becomes Stark's smart-mouthed sidekick), but he can't find Faim. Instead he encounters Homeland Security agents, a near-psychotic angel and some odd nonhuman, nonangelic beings called the kissi. Darkly atmospheric settings, such as a posh gentlemen's club where angels are tortured in an attempt to bring about Armageddon, bring this violent fantasy into sharp, compelling focus. (Aug.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

37557 3.89 2895 736 2009
0 0 false Sun Feb 06 19:25:55 -0800 2011 Sun Feb 06 19:25:55 -0800 2011 0
146416136 9665017 4 10 2010 Faber & Faber 14 <![CDATA[Bad Science: Quacks, Hacks, and Big Pharma Flacks]]> 304 4.13 1215 Have you ever wondered how one day the media can assert that alcohol is bad for us and the next unashamedly run a story touting the benefits of daily alcohol consumption? Or how a drug that is pulled off the market for causing heart attacks ever got approved in the first place? How can average readers, who aren’t medical doctors or Ph.D.s in biochemistry, tell what they should be paying attention to and what’s, well, just more bullshit?


Ben Goldacre has made a point of exposing quack doctors and nutritionists, bogus credentialing programs, and biased scientific studies. He has also taken the media to task for its willingness to throw facts and proof out the window. But he’s not here just to tell you what’s wrong. Goldacre is here to teach you how to evaluate placebo effects, double-blind studies, and sample sizes, so that you can recognize bad science when you see it. You’re about to feel a whole lot better.</DIV></DIV></DIV>]]>
1387272 4.13 1219 284 2008
0 0 false Sun Feb 06 19:26:14 -0800 2011 Wed Mar 16 17:49:37 -0700 2011 0
146416202 7985893 0596805888 9780596805883 15 6 2010 O'Reilly Media 39 <![CDATA[Cooking for Geeks: Real Science, Great Hacks, and Good Food]]> 432 4.16 134 275310 4.16 134 46 2010 0 0 false Sun Feb 06 19:26:32 -0800 2011 Sun Feb 06 19:26:32 -0800 2011 0 146416356 9515290 4 10 2010 Scott & Nix, Inc. 1 <![CDATA[Brain Cuttings]]> 3.82 11 12815 4.10 1178 241 2010 0 0 false Sun Feb 06 19:27:21 -0800 2011 Sun Feb 06 19:27:21 -0800 2011 0 157682625 6772566 1933633840 9781933633848 16 2 2010 Melville House 15 <![CDATA[The Hollywood Economist: The Hidden Financial Reality Behind the Movies]]> 240 3.48 71 21405 3.46 181 38 2010 0 0 false Wed Mar 30 06:57:04 -0700 2011 Wed Mar 30 06:57:04 -0700 2011 0 158422813 2767052 0439023483 9780439023481 14 9 2008 Scholastic, Inc. 39088 <![CDATA[The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)]]> 374 4.54 185677
Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she steps forward to take her sister's place in the Games. But Katniss has been close to dead before—and survival, for her, is second nature. Without really meaning to, she becomes a contender. But if she is to win, she will have to start making choices that will weigh survival against humanity and life against love.]]>
153394 4.36 475573 95324 2008
0 0 false Sat Apr 02 19:25:11 -0700 2011 Sat Apr 02 19:25:11 -0700 2011 0
167712046 838491 0596510519 9780596510510 28 9 2007 Make Books 4 <![CDATA[Making Things Talk: Practical Methods for Connecting Physical Objects]]> 352 3.94 47 233582 4.01 84 7 2007 0 0 false Thu May 12 11:53:07 -0700 2011 Thu May 12 11:53:07 -0700 2011 0 167713232 413213 159200346X 9781592003464 28 5 2004 Course Technology PTR 3 <![CDATA[Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers]]> 496 4.09 35 233582 4.01 84 7 2004 0 0 false Thu May 12 11:58:16 -0700 2011 Thu May 12 11:58:16 -0700 2011 0 168177404 7950231 0670021814 9780670021819 29 4 2010 Viking Adult 33 <![CDATA[Steak: One Man's Search for the World's Tastiest Piece of Beef]]> 304 3.62 66 3452291 3.62 66 36 2010 0 0 false Sat May 14 10:53:40 -0700 2011 Sat May 14 10:53:40 -0700 2011 0 168637585 9647532 0765328542 9780765328540 10 5 2011 Tor Books 167 <![CDATA[Fuzzy Nation]]> 301 4.12 420 It's a classic case of good news, bad news. Independent contractor Jack Holloway helps cause a cliff collapse, which gets him fired from his partnership; but the accident reveals a vein of valuable jewels, which gets him rehired and promises to make him rich. Of course, there's a catch: To maintain the claim on his newfound wealth, the partners must be able to certify that the planet is not inhabited by any sentient beings—and that, of course, is the cue for the small, lovable, furry little creatures to appear. A superbly plotted spin across the fantasy floor by the author of Old Man's War.

4763 3.96 19031 2896 2011
0 0 false Mon May 16 08:27:10 -0700 2011 Mon May 16 08:27:10 -0700 2011 0
168778815 100467 1591841496 9781591841494 27 3 2007 Portfolio Trade 40 <![CDATA[Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big]]> 268 3.85 217 58003 3.88 369 85 2005 0 0 false Mon May 16 18:22:40 -0700 2011 Mon May 16 18:22:40 -0700 2011 0 171875071 34484 0552152978 9780552152976 6 9 2005 Corgi 295 <![CDATA[Small Gods (Discworld, #13)]]> 389 4.13 11994 1654 4.01 442397 20188 1992 0 0 false Sat May 28 20:03:19 -0700 2011 Sat May 28 20:03:19 -0700 2011 0 179823388 8855321 1841499889 9781841499888 2 6 2011 Orbit 38 <![CDATA[Leviathan Wakes (Expanse #1)]]> 561 4.17 127
Jim Holden is XO of an ice miner making runs from the rings of Saturn to the mining stations of the Belt. When he and his crew stumble upon a derelict ship, The Scopuli, they find themselves in possession of a secret they never wanted. A secret that someone is willing to kill for – and kill on a scale unfathomable to Jim and his crew. War is brewing in the system unless he can find out who left the ship and why.

Detective Miller is looking for a girl. One girl in a system of billions, but her parents have money and money talks. When the trail leads him to The Scopuli and rebel sympathizer, Holden, he realizes that this girl may be the key to everything.

Holden and Miller must thread the needle between the Earth government, the Outer Planet revolutionaries, and secretive corporations – and the odds are against them. But out in the Belt, the rules are different, and one small ship can change the fate of the universe.]]>
4192148 4.17 126 53 2011
0 0 false Sun Jun 26 13:34:05 -0700 2011 Sun Jun 26 13:34:05 -0700 2011 0
180035724 6470498 9781596062801 12 2009 Subterranean Press 117 <![CDATA[The God Engines]]> 136 3.55 488
Tephe knows from that the start that his mission will be a test of his skill as a leader of men and as a devout follower of his god. It s what he doesn t know that matters: to what ends his faith and his ship will ultimately be put—and that the tests he will face will come not only from his god and the Bishopry Militant, but from another, more malevolent source entirely...]]>
4763 3.96 19031 2896 2009
0 0 false Mon Jun 27 09:27:37 -0700 2011 Mon Jun 27 09:27:37 -0700 2011 0
180171257 9434537 0937381969 9780937381960 16 10 2010 Brewers Publications 2 <![CDATA[Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation]]> 300 3.69 13 220966 4.00 50 21 2010 0 0 false Mon Jun 27 18:27:54 -0700 2011 Mon Jun 27 18:27:54 -0700 2011 0