# Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under # the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # Match the `length` of a field. RSpec::Matchers.define :match_response_field_length do |expected_pairs, test| match do |response| expected_pairs.all? do |expected_key, expected_value| # ssl test returns results at '$body' key. See ssl/10_basic.yml expected_pairs = expected_pairs['$body'] if expected_pairs['$body'] split_key = TestFile::Test.split_and_parse_key(expected_key).collect do |k| test.get_cached_value(k) end actual_value = split_key.inject(response) do |_response, key| # If the key is an index, indicating element of a list if _response.empty? && key == '$body' _response else _response[key] || _response[key.to_s] end end actual_value.size == expected_value end end end # Validate that a field is `true`. RSpec::Matchers.define :match_true_field do |field, test| match do |response| # TODO: Refactor! split_key for is_true if (match = field.match(/(^\$[a-z]+)/)) keys = field.split('.') keys.delete(match[1]) dynamic_key = test.cached_values[match[1].gsub('$', '')] return !!dynamic_key.dig(*keys) end # Handle is_true: '' return !!response if field == '' split_key = TestFile::Test.split_and_parse_key(field).collect do |k| test.get_cached_value(k) end !!TestFile::Test.find_value_in_document(split_key, response) end failure_message do |response| "the response `#{response}` does not have `true` in the field `#{field}`" end end # Validate that a field is `false`. RSpec::Matchers.define :match_false_field do |field, test| match do |response| # Handle is_false: '' return !response if field == '' split_key = TestFile::Test.split_and_parse_key(field).collect do |k| test.get_cached_value(k) end value_in_doc = TestFile::Test.find_value_in_document(split_key, response) value_in_doc == 0 || !value_in_doc end failure_message do |response| "the response `#{response}` does not have `false` in the field `#{field}`" end end # Validate that a field is `gte` than a given value. RSpec::Matchers.define :match_gte_field do |expected_pairs, test| match do |response| expected_pairs.all? do |expected_key, expected_value| split_key = TestFile::Test.split_and_parse_key(expected_key).collect do |k| test.get_cached_value(k) end actual_value = split_key.inject(response) do |_response, key| # If the key is an index, indicating element of a list if _response.empty? && key == '$body' _response else _response[key] || _response[key.to_s] end end actual_value >= test.get_cached_value(expected_value) end end end # Validate that a field is `gt` than a given value. RSpec::Matchers.define :match_gt_field do |expected_pairs, test| match do |response| expected_pairs.all? do |expected_key, expected_value| split_key = TestFile::Test.split_and_parse_key(expected_key).collect do |k| test.get_cached_value(k) end actual_value = split_key.inject(response) do |_response, key| # If the key is an index, indicating element of a list if _response.empty? && key == '$body' _response else _response[key] || _response[key.to_s] end end actual_value > test.get_cached_value(expected_value) end end end # Validate that a field is `lte` than a given value. RSpec::Matchers.define :match_lte_field do |expected_pairs, test| match do |response| expected_pairs.all? do |expected_key, expected_value| split_key = TestFile::Test.split_and_parse_key(expected_key).collect do |k| test.get_cached_value(k) end actual_value = split_key.inject(response) do |_response, key| # If the key is an index, indicating element of a list if _response.empty? && key == '$body' _response else _response[key] || _response[key.to_s] end end actual_value <= test.get_cached_value(expected_value) end end end # Validate that a field is `lt` than a given value. RSpec::Matchers.define :match_lt_field do |expected_pairs, test| match do |response| expected_pairs.all? do |expected_key, expected_value| split_key = TestFile::Test.split_and_parse_key(expected_key).collect do |k| test.get_cached_value(k) end actual_value = split_key.inject(response) do |_response, key| # If the key is an index, indicating element of a list if _response.empty? && key == '$body' _response else _response[key] || _response[key.to_s] end end actual_value < test.get_cached_value(expected_value) end end end # Match an arbitrary field of a response to a given value. RSpec::Matchers.define :match_response do |pairs, test| match do |response| pairs = sanitize_pairs(pairs) compare_pairs(pairs, response, test).empty? end failure_message do |response| "the expected response pair/value(s) #{@mismatched_pairs}" + " does not match the pair/value(s) in the response #{response}" end def sanitize_pairs(expected_pairs) # sql test returns results at '$body' key. See sql/translate.yml @pairs ||= expected_pairs['$body'] ? expected_pairs['$body'] : expected_pairs end def compare_pairs(expected_pairs, response, test) @mismatched_pairs = {} if expected_pairs.is_a?(String) @mismatched_pairs = expected_pairs unless compare_string_response(expected_pairs, response) else compare_hash(expected_pairs, response, test) end @mismatched_pairs end def compare_hash(expected_pairs, actual_hash, test) expected_pairs.each do |expected_key, expected_value| # TODO: Refactor! split_key if (match = expected_key.match(/(^\$[a-z]+)/)) keys = expected_key.split('.') keys.delete(match[1]) dynamic_key = test.cached_values[match[1].gsub('$', '')] value = dynamic_key.dig(*keys) if expected_pairs.values.first.is_a?(String) && expected_pairs.values.first.match?(/^\$/) return test.cached_values[expected_pairs.values.first.gsub('$','')] == value else return expected_pairs.values.first == value end else split_key = TestFile::Test.split_and_parse_key(expected_key).collect do |k| # Sometimes the expected *key* is a cached value from a previous request. test.get_cached_value(k) end end # We now accept 'nested.keys' so let's try the previous implementation and if that doesn't # work, try with the nested key, otherwise, raise exception. begin actual_value = TestFile::Test.find_value_in_document(split_key, actual_hash) rescue TypeError => e actual_value = TestFile::Test.find_value_in_document(expected_key, actual_hash) rescue StandardError => e raise e end # When the expected_key is '' actual_value = actual_hash if split_key.empty? # Sometimes the key includes dots. See watcher/put_watch/60_put_watch_with_action_condition.yml actual_value = TestFile::Test.find_value_in_document(expected_key, actual_hash) if actual_value.nil? # Sometimes the expected *value* is a cached value from a previous request. # See test api_key/10_basic.yml expected_value = test.get_cached_value(expected_value) case expected_value when Hash compare_hash(expected_value, actual_value, test) when Array begin unless compare_array(expected_value.sort, actual_value.sort, test, actual_hash) @mismatched_pairs.merge!(expected_key => expected_value) end rescue TypeError, ArgumentError unless compare_array(expected_value, actual_value, test, actual_hash) @mismatched_pairs.merge!(expected_key => expected_value) end end when String unless compare_string(expected_value, actual_value, test, actual_hash) @mismatched_pairs.merge!(expected_key => expected_value) end when Time compare_string(expected_value.to_s, Time.new(actual_value).to_s, test, actual_hash) else unless expected_value == actual_value @mismatched_pairs.merge!(expected_key => expected_value) end end end end def compare_string(expected, actual_value, test, response) # When you must match a regex. For example: # match: {task: '/.+:\d+/'} if expected[0] == '/' && expected[-1] == '/' parsed = expected expected.scan(/\$\{([a-z_0-9]+)\}/) do |match| parsed = parsed.gsub(/\$\{?#{match.first}\}?/, test.cached_values[match.first]) end /#{parsed.tr("/", "")}/ =~ actual_value elsif !!(expected.match?(/^-?[0-9]{1}\.[0-9]+E[0-9]+/)) # When the value in the yaml test is a big number, the format is # different from what Ruby uses, so we try different options: actual_value.to_s == expected.gsub('E', 'e+') || # transform X.XXXXEXX to X.XXXXXe+XX to compare thme actual_value == expected || # compare the actual values expected.to_f.to_s == actual_value.to_f.to_s # transform both to Float and compare them elsif expected == '' && actual_value != '' actual_value == response else expected == actual_value end end def compare_array(expected, actual, test, response) expected.each_with_index do |value, i| case value when Hash return false unless compare_hash(value, actual[i], test) when Array return false unless compare_array(value, actual[i], test, response) when String return false unless compare_string(value, actual[i], test, response) else true end end end def compare_string_response(expected_string, response) regexp = Regexp.new(expected_string.strip[1..-2], Regexp::EXTENDED|Regexp::MULTILINE) regexp =~ response end end # Match that a request returned a given error. RSpec::Matchers.define :match_error do |expected_error| match do |actual_error| # Remove surrounding '/' in string representing Regex expected_error = expected_error.chomp("/") expected_error = expected_error[1..-1] if expected_error =~ /^\// message = actual_error.message.tr('\\', '') case expected_error when 'request_timeout' message =~ /\[408\]/ when 'missing' message =~ /\[404\]/ when 'conflict' message =~ /\[409\]/ when 'request' message =~ /\[500\]/ when 'bad_request' message =~ /\[400\]/ when 'param' message =~ /\[400\]/ || actual_error.is_a?(ArgumentError) when 'unauthorized' actual_error.is_a?(Elastic::Transport::Transport::Errors::Unauthorized) when 'forbidden' actual_error.is_a?(Elastic::Transport::Transport::Errors::Forbidden) when /error parsing field/, /illegal_argument_exception/ message =~ /\[400\]/ || actual_error.is_a?(Elastic::Transport::Transport::Errors::BadRequest) when /NullPointerException/ message =~ /\[400\]/ else message =~ /#{expected_error}/ end end failure_message do |actual_error| "the error `#{actual_error}` does not match the expected error `#{expected_error}`" end end