# encoding: utf-8 require 'thread' require 'oddb2xml/builder' require 'oddb2xml/downloader' require 'oddb2xml/extractor' require 'oddb2xml/compressor' require 'oddb2xml/options' require 'oddb2xml/util' require 'rubyXL' require 'date' # for today module Oddb2xml class Cli attr_reader :options SUBJECTS = %w[product article] ADDITIONS = %w[substance limitation interaction code] OPTIONALS = %w[fi fi_product] def initialize(args) @options = args Oddb2xml.save_options(@options) @mutex = Mutex.new # product @items = {} # Items from Preparations.xml in BAG, using GTINs as key @refdata_types = {} # Base index from refdata @flags = {} # narcotics flag files repo @lppvs = {} # lppv.txt from files repo @infos = {} # [option] FI from SwissmedicInfo @packs = {} # [option] Packungen from Swissmedic for dat @infos_zur_rose = {} # [addition] infos_zur_rose and other infos from zurrose transfer.txt @migel = {} # [addition] additional Non Pharma products from files repo @actions = [] # [addition] interactions from epha @orphans = [] # [addition] Orphaned drugs from Swissmedic xls @fridges = [] # [addition] ReFridge drugs from Swissmedic xls # addres @companies = [] # betrieb @people = [] # medizinalperson @_message = false end def run threads = [] files2rm = Dir.glob(File.join(Downloads, '*')) FileUtils.rm_f(files2rm, :verbose => @options[:log]) if files2rm.size > 0 and not Oddb2xml.skip_download? if @options[:calc] and not @options[:extended] threads << download(:package) # swissmedic elsif @options[:address] [:company, :person].each do |type| threads << download(type) # medregbm.admin end else if @options[:format] != :dat if @options[:fi] threads << download(:fachinfo) # swissmedic-info end [:orphan, :fridge].each do |type| threads << download(type) # swissmedic end threads << download(:interaction) # epha end if @options[:nonpharma] threads << download(:migel) # oddb2xml_files end threads << download(:zurrose) threads << download(:package) # swissmedic threads << download(:bm_update) # oddb2xml_files threads << download(:lppv) # oddb2xml_files threads << download(:bag) # bag.e-mediat types.each do |type| threads << download(:refdata, type) # refdata end end begin # threads.map(&:join) # TODO rescue SystemExit @mutex.synchronize do if @_message puts "(Aborted)" puts "Please install SSLv3 CA certificates on your machine." puts "You can check with `ruby -ropenssl -e 'p OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE'`." puts "See README." end end exit end build compress if @options[:compress_ext] report end private def build Oddb2xml.log("Start build") begin # require 'pry'; binding.pry @_files = {"calc"=>"oddb_calc.xml"} if @options[:calc] and not @options[:extended] files.each_pair do |sbj, file| builder = Builder.new(@options) do |builder| if @options[:calc] and not @options[:extended] builder.packs = @packs builder.subject = sbj elsif @options[:address] builder.subject = sbj builder.companies = @companies builder.people = @people else # product if @options[:format] != :dat refdata = {} types.each do |type| refdata.merge!(@refdata_types[type]) if @refdata_types[type] end builder.refdata = refdata builder.subject = sbj end # common sources builder.items = @items builder.flags = @flags builder.lppvs = @lppvs # optional sources builder.infos = @infos builder.packs = @packs # additional sources %w[actions orphans fridges migel infos_zur_rose].each do |addition| builder.send("#{addition}=".intern, self.instance_variable_get("@#{addition}")) end end builder.tag_suffix = @options[:tag_suffix] end output = '' if !@options[:address] and (@options[:format] == :dat) types.each do |type| refdata1 = {} _sbj = (type == :pharma ? :dat : :with_migel_dat) builder.refdata = @refdata_types[type] builder.subject = _sbj builder.ean14 = @options[:ean14] if type == :nonpharma output << "\n" end output << builder.to_dat end else output = builder.to_xml end File.open(File.join(WorkDir, file), 'w:utf-8'){ |fh| fh << output } if @options[:calc] FileUtils.cp(File.join(WorkDir, file), File.join(WorkDir, file.sub('.xml', '_'+Time.now.strftime("%d.%m.%Y_%H.%M")+'.xml')), :verbose => false) end end rescue Interrupt files.values.each do |file| if File.exist? file File.unlink(file) # we don't save it as it might be only partly downloaded end end raise Interrupt end end def download(what, type=nil) case what when :company, :person var = (what == :company ? 'companies' : 'people') begin # instead of Thread.new do downloader = MedregbmDownloader.new(what) str = downloader.download Oddb2xml.log("SwissmedicInfoDownloader #{what} str #{str.size} bytes") self.instance_variable_set( "@#{var}".intern, items = MedregbmExtractor.new(str, what).to_arry ) Oddb2xml.log("MedregbmExtractor #{what} added #{items.size} fachinfo") items end when :fachinfo begin # instead of Thread.new do downloader = SwissmedicInfoDownloader.new xml = downloader.download Oddb2xml.log("SwissmedicInfoDownloader #{var} xml #{xml.size} bytes") @mutex.synchronize do hsh = SwissmedicInfoExtractor.new(xml).to_hash @infos = hsh Oddb2xml.log("SwissmedicInfoExtractor added #{@infos.size} fachinfo") @infos end end when :orphan, :fridge var = what.to_s + 's' begin # instead of Thread.new do downloader = SwissmedicDownloader.new(what) bin = downloader.download Oddb2xml.log("SwissmedicDownloader #{var} #{bin} #{File.size(bin)} bytes") self.instance_variable_set( "@#{var}".intern, items = SwissmedicExtractor.new(bin, what).to_arry ) Oddb2xml.log("SwissmedicExtractor added #{items.size} #{var}. File #{bin} was #{File.size(bin)} bytes") items end when :interaction begin # instead of Thread.new do downloader = EphaDownloader.new str = downloader.download Oddb2xml.log("EphaDownloader str #{str.size} bytes") @mutex.synchronize do @actions = EphaExtractor.new(str).to_arry Oddb2xml.log("EphaExtractor added #{@actions.size} interactions") @actions end end when :migel begin # instead of Thread.new do downloader = MigelDownloader.new bin = downloader.download Oddb2xml.log("MigelDownloader bin #{bin.size} bytes") @mutex.synchronize do @migel = MigelExtractor.new(bin).to_hash Oddb2xml.log("MigelExtractor added #{@migel.size} migel items") @migel end end when :package begin # instead of Thread.new do downloader = SwissmedicDownloader.new(:package, @options) bin = downloader.download Oddb2xml.log("SwissmedicDownloader package #{bin} #{File.size(bin)} bytes") @mutex.synchronize do @packs = SwissmedicExtractor.new(bin, :package).to_hash Oddb2xml.log("SwissmedicExtractor added #{@packs.size} packs from #{bin}") @packs end end when :bm_update begin # instead of Thread.new do downloader = BMUpdateDownloader.new str = downloader.download Oddb2xml.log("BMUpdateDownloader str #{str.size} bytes") @mutex.synchronize do @flags = BMUpdateExtractor.new(str).to_hash Oddb2xml.log("BMUpdateExtractor added #{@flags.size} flags") @flags end end when :lppv begin # instead of Thread.new do downloader = LppvDownloader.new str = downloader.download Oddb2xml.log("LppvDownloader str #{str.size} bytes") @mutex.synchronize do @lppvs = LppvExtractor.new(str).to_hash Oddb2xml.log("LppvExtractor added #{@lppvs.size} lppvs") @lppvs end end when :bag begin # instead of Thread.new do downloader = BagXmlDownloader.new(@options) xml = downloader.download Oddb2xml.log("BagXmlDownloader xml #{xml.size} bytes") @mutex.synchronize do hsh = BagXmlExtractor.new(xml).to_hash @items = hsh Oddb2xml.log("BagXmlExtractor added #{@items.size} items.") @items end end when :zurrose begin # instead of Thread.new do downloader = ZurroseDownloader.new(@options, @options[:transfer_dat]) xml = downloader.download Oddb2xml.log("ZurroseDownloader xml #{xml.size} bytes") @mutex.synchronize do hsh = ZurroseExtractor.new(xml, @options[:extended]).to_hash Oddb2xml.log("ZurroseExtractor added #{hsh.size} items from xml with #{xml.size} bytes") @infos_zur_rose = hsh end end when :refdata begin # instead of Thread.new do downloader = RefdataDownloader.new(@options, type) begin xml = downloader.download Oddb2xml.log("RefdataDownloader #{type} xml #{xml.size} bytes") xml rescue SystemExit @mutex.synchronize do unless @_message # hook only one exit @_message = true exit end end end @mutex.synchronize do hsh = RefdataExtractor.new(xml, type).to_hash @refdata_types[type] = hsh Oddb2xml.log("RefdataExtractor #{type} added #{hsh.size} keys now #{@refdata_types.keys} items from xml with #{xml.size} bytes") @refdata_types[type] end end end end def compress compressor = Compressor.new(prefix, @options) files.values.each do |file| work_file = File.join(WorkDir, file) if File.exists?(work_file) compressor.contents << work_file end end compressor.finalize! end def files unless @_files @_files = {} @_files[:calc] = "oddb_calc.xml" if @options[:calc] if @options[:address] @_files[:company] = "#{prefix}_betrieb.xml" @_files[:person] = "#{prefix}_medizinalperson.xml" elsif @options[:format] == :dat @_files[:dat] = "#{prefix}.dat" if @options[:nonpharma] # into one file @_files[:dat] = "#{prefix}_with_migel.dat" end else # xml ## # building order # 1. additions # 2. subjects # 3. optional SUBJECTS _files = (ADDITIONS + SUBJECTS) _files += OPTIONALS if @options[:fi] _files.each do|sbj| @_files[sbj] = "#{prefix}_#{sbj.to_s}.xml" end end end @_files end def prefix @_prefix ||= (@options[:tag_suffix] || 'oddb').gsub(/^_|_$/, '').downcase end def report lines = [] if @options[:calc] lines << Calc.dump_new_galenic_forms lines << Calc.dump_names_without_galenic_forms lines << Calc.report_conversion lines << ParseComposition.report end unless @options[:address] types.each do |type| if @refdata_types[type] indices = @refdata_types[type].values.flatten.length if type == :nonpharma migel_xls = @migel.values.compact.select{|m| !m[:pharmacode]}.map{|m| m[:pharmacode] } nonpharmas = @refdata_types[type].keys indices += (migel_xls - nonpharmas).length # ignore duplicates, null lines << sprintf("\tNonPharma products: %i", indices) else lines << sprintf("\tPharma products: %i", indices) end end end if @options[:extended] lines << sprintf("\tInformation items zur Rose: %i", @infos_zur_rose.length) end else { 'Betrieb' => :@companies, 'Person' => :@people }.each do |type, var| lines << sprintf( "#{type} addresses: %i", self.instance_variable_get(var).length) end end puts lines.join("\n") end def types # RefData @_types ||= if @options[:nonpharma] [:pharma, :nonpharma] else [:pharma] end end end end