require_relative '../model' require_relative '../file_uploader' require 'spaceship/globals' require 'digest/md5' module Spaceship class ConnectAPI class AppScreenshot include Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Model attr_accessor :file_name attr_accessor :source_file_checksum attr_accessor :image_asset attr_accessor :asset_token attr_accessor :asset_type attr_accessor :upload_operations attr_accessor :asset_delivery_state attr_accessor :uploaded attr_mapping({ "fileName" => "file_name", "sourceFileChecksum" => "source_file_checksum", "imageAsset" => "image_asset", "assetToken" => "asset_token", "assetType" => "asset_type", "uploadOperations" => "upload_operations", "assetDeliveryState" => "asset_delivery_state", "uploaded" => "uploaded" }) def self.type return "appScreenshots" end def complete? (asset_delivery_state || {})["state"] == "COMPLETE" end def error? (asset_delivery_state || {})["state"] == "FAILED" end def error_messages errors = (asset_delivery_state || {})["errors"] (errors || []).map do |error| [error["code"], error["description"]].compact.join(" - ") end end # This does not download the source image (exact image that was uploaded) # This downloads a modified version. # This image won't have the same checksums as source_file_checksum. # # There is an open radar for allowing downloading of source file. # def image_asset_url(width: nil, height: nil, type: "png") return nil if image_asset.nil? template_url = image_asset["templateUrl"] width ||= image_asset["width"] height ||= image_asset["height"] return template_url .gsub("{w}", width.to_s) .gsub("{h}", height.to_s) .gsub("{f}", type) end # # API # # def self.create(app_screenshot_set_id: nil, path: nil, wait_for_processing: true) require 'faraday' filename = File.basename(path) filesize = File.size(path) bytes = File.binread(path) post_attributes = { fileSize: filesize, fileName: filename } # Create placeholder screenshot = Spaceship::ConnectAPI.post_app_screenshot( app_screenshot_set_id: app_screenshot_set_id, attributes: post_attributes ).first # Upload the file upload_operations = screenshot.upload_operations Spaceship::ConnectAPI::FileUploader.upload(upload_operations, bytes) # Update file uploading complete patch_attributes = { uploaded: true, sourceFileChecksum: Digest::MD5.hexdigest(bytes) } # Patch screenshot that file upload is complete # Catch error if patch retries due to 504. Origal patch # may go through by return response as 504. begin screenshot = Spaceship::ConnectAPI.patch_app_screenshot( app_screenshot_id:, attributes: patch_attributes ).first rescue => error puts("Failed to patch app screenshot. Update may have gone through so verifying") if Spaceship::Globals.verbose? screenshot = Spaceship::ConnectAPI.get_app_screenshot(app_screenshot_id: raise error unless screenshot.complete? end # Wait for processing if wait_for_processing loop do if screenshot.complete? puts("Screenshot processing complete!") if Spaceship::Globals.verbose? break elsif screenshot.error? messages = ["Error processing screenshot '#{screenshot.file_name}'"] + screenshot.error_messages raise messages.join(". ") end # Poll every 2 seconds sleep_time = 2 puts("Waiting #{sleep_time} seconds before checking status of processing...") if Spaceship::Globals.verbose? sleep(sleep_time) screenshot = Spaceship::ConnectAPI.get_app_screenshot(app_screenshot_id: end end return screenshot end def delete!(filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) Spaceship::ConnectAPI.delete_app_screenshot(app_screenshot_id: id) end end end end