(function($) { var defaults = { auto : true, interval : 3500, counter : 0, continuous : false, duration : 200, rewind: false, debug : false, previous : false, next : false, nav: false, el : false, parent : 'ul', children : 'li', width : 250, height : 250, distance : 0, easing: 'easeInOutQuart', orientation: 'horizontal', key_orientation: 'horizontal', active_class: 'on', per_page : 1, keyboard_nav : false, enabled : true }; $.amplePanels = function(e, o) { this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, o || {}); this.options.el = e; this.init(); }; $.amplePanels.fn = $.amplePanels.prototype = { /** * constructor function */ init: function() { this.log('init()') this.setup(); this.buttons(); }, /** * add styles to head, wrap container element with mask */ setup : function( ) { this.log('setup()'); this.options.id = $(this.options.el).attr('id'); this.children = $(this.options.el).find(this.options.children); this.options.total = this.children.length; switch(this.options.orientation) { case 'vertical': this.vertical(); break; default: this.horizontal(); break; } this.clone_els(); this.events(); this.nav(); this.start(); }, /** * setup horizontal orientation */ horizontal : function() { this.log('horizontal()'); $('<style>.ampn #' + $(this.options.el).attr('id') + ' ' + this.options.parent + ', .ampn #' + $(this.options.el).attr('id') + ' ' + this.options.children + ' { list-style-type:none; } .ampn #' + $(this.options.el).attr('id') + ' ' + this.options.children + ' { float: left; margin-right: ' + this.options.distance + 'px; }</style>').appendTo('head'); var width = (this.options.width + this.options.distance) * this.options.per_page - this.options.distance; if(this.width_percentage()) { width = this.options.width; } $(this.options.el).wrap($('<div id="' + this.options.id + '-wrapper" class="ampn"></div>').css({ 'width': width, 'height': this.options.height, overflow: 'hidden' })); this.set_width(); }, /** * setup vertical orientation */ vertical : function() { this.log('vertical()'); var width = this.width_percentage() ? this.options.width : String(parseInt(this.options.width)) + 'px'; var height = String(parseInt(this.options.height)) + 'px'; $('<style>.ampn #' + $(this.options.el).attr('id') + ' ' + this.options.children + ' { width: ' + width + '; height: ' + height + '; overflow: hidden; margin-bottom: ' + this.options.distance + 'px; }</style>').appendTo('head'); var height = (this.options.height + this.options.distance) * this.options.per_page - this.options.distance; $(this.options.el).wrap($('<div id="' + this.options.id + '-wrapper" class="ampn"></div>').css({ 'width': this.options.width, 'height': height, overflow: 'hidden' })); this.set_height(); }, /** * for continuous instances, prepend last original item and append first original item */ clone_els : function() { if(this.options.continuous) { this.log('clone_els()') var width = this.options.width; if(this.width_percentage()) { width = $(this.children).first().width(); } var distance = "-" + (width + this.options.distance) +"px"; $.each($(this.options.children), function(i,el){ $(el).attr('data-slide-item',i); }); $(this.options.el).prepend($(this.options.children + ":last-child", this.options.el).clone().css(( this.options.orientation=='horizontal' ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-top' ), distance)); for(var i = 1; i < ( this.options.continuous ? this.options.total : 2 ); i++) { $(this.options.el).append($(this.options.children + ":eq(" + i + ")", this.options.el).clone()); } this.set_width(); } }, /** * add events to buttons, keys, etc. */ events: function( ) { var ref = this; this.key_down(); if(this.options.previous) { $(this.options.previous).bind('click',function(){ ref.stop(); ref.previous(); }); } if(this.options.next) { $(this.options.next).bind('click',function(){ ref.stop(); ref.next(); }); } }, /** * build navigation */ nav: function( ) { if(this.options.nav) { if(this.options.continuous) { this.paged_nav(); } else { this.itemized_nav(); } } }, /** * build paged navigation */ paged_nav: function() { this.log('paged_nav()') var ref = this; var previous = $('<a href="#"></a>') .addClass('previous') .text('Previous') .click(function() { ref.stop(); ref.previous(); }); var next = $('<a href="#"></a>') .addClass('next') .text('Next') .click(function() { ref.stop(); ref.next(); }); var nav = $('<div></div>') .append( previous ) .append( '<span data-role="current-slide">' + 1 + '</span> of ' ) .append( '<span data-role="total-slides">' + this.options.total + '</span>' ) .append( next ); $(this.options.nav).append(nav); this.activate(); }, /** * build itemized navigation */ itemized_nav: function() { this.log('itemized_nav()') var ref = this; var nav = $('<ul></ul>'); $.each($(this.options.el).find(this.options.children), function(i,el){ nav.append('<li><a href="#" data-role="' + i + '">' + i + '</a></li>'); }); $(this.options.nav).append(nav); $(this.options.nav).find('a').click(function(){ ref.goto($(this).attr('data-role')); return false; }) this.activate(); }, /** * enable / disable navigation buttons */ buttons: function() { if( !this.options.continuous ) { $( this.options.previous ).attr('disabled', ( this.options.counter == 0 ? true : false ) ); $( this.options.next ).attr('disabled', ( this.options.counter == this.last_page() ? true : false ) ); } }, /** * update container el's width */ set_width: function( ) { this.log('set_width()') this.children = $(this.options.el).find(this.options.children); var total = this.children.length; var width = 0; if(this.width_percentage()) { $.each(this.children, function(i,el) { width += $(el).children().first().width(); }); } else { width = (this.options.width + this.options.distance) * total; } $(this.options.el).css('width', width); }, /** * update container el's height */ set_height: function( ) { this.log('set_height()') var total = $(this.options.el).find(this.options.children).length; $(this.options.el).css('height',( (this.options.height + this.options.distance) * total) ); }, /** * scroll to */ goto: function( i ) { if(!this.options.enabled) { return false; } this.options.counter = parseInt(i); this.stop(); switch(this.options.orientation) { case 'vertical': this.slide_vertically(); break; default: this.slide_horizontally(); break; } }, enable: function() { this.options.enabled = true; }, disable: function() { this.options.enabled = false; }, /** * next page */ next: function( ) { if(!this.options.enabled) { return false; } if(!this.options.continuous) { if(!this.options.rewind && this.options.counter == this.last_page()) { return false; } } this.count('next'); switch(this.options.orientation) { case 'vertical': this.slide_vertically(); break; default: this.slide_horizontally(); break; } return false; }, /** * previous page */ previous: function( ) { if(!this.options.enabled) { return false; } if(!this.options.continuous) { if(!this.options.rewind && this.options.counter == 0) { return false; } } this.count('previous'); switch(this.options.orientation) { case 'vertical': this.slide_vertically(); break; default: this.slide_horizontally(); break; } return false; }, /** * return true if width option is a percentage value */ width_percentage: function( ) { return String(this.options.width).slice(-1)=='%' ? true : false }, /** * remove active class from navigation els */ deactivate: function( ) { $(this.options.nav).find('li').removeClass(this.options.active_class); }, /** * apply active class to navigation els */ activate: function( ) { if(this.options.nav) { this.log('activate()'); var active; if(this.options.continuous) { $(this.options.nav).find('span[data-role=current-slide]').text(this.active); } else { this.deactivate(); active = $(this.options.nav).find('li').get(this.options.counter); $(active).addClass(this.options.active_class); } } }, /** * increment / decrement page counter */ count: function( dir ) { this.dir = dir; var last_page = this.last_page(); switch(dir) { case 'previous': this.options.counter = this.options.counter == 0 ? parseInt(last_page) : parseInt(this.options.counter) - 1; break; case 'next': this.options.counter = this.options.counter == parseInt(last_page) ? 0 : parseInt(this.options.counter) + 1; break; }; }, /** * return the page counter for last page */ last_page: function() { return Math.ceil ( $(this.options.el).find(this.options.children).length / this.options.per_page ) - 1; }, /** * slide panel horizontally */ slide_horizontally: function( ) { var counter = this.options.counter; if(this.options.continuous && counter>this.options.total) { counter = -1; } $( this.options.el ).trigger('slide_horizontal', [counter, this.dir]); var left = 0; if( this.width_percentage() ) { for(var i=0; i<(this.options.counter); i++) { left += ($(this.children[i]).first().width() + this.options.distance ) * this.options.per_page; } if( counter == -1 ) { left = ($(this.children).first().width() + this.options.distance ) * this.options.per_page * counter; } } else { left = (this.options.width + this.options.distance ) * this.options.per_page * counter; } var properties = { marginLeft: left * -1 + 'px' }; var options = { duration: this.options.duration }; if(jQuery().easing) { options['easing'] = this.options.easing; } if(this.rewinding()) { options['duration'] = this.options.duration * 2; } var ref = this; if(this.options.continuous) { options['complete'] = function(){ $(ref.options.el).trigger('complete') ref.reset(); } } else { options['complete'] = function(){ $(ref.options.el).trigger('complete') } } $( this.options.el ).animate( properties, options ); this.buttons(); this.current(counter); this.activate(); }, /** * slide panel vertically */ slide_vertically: function( ) { var counter = this.options.counter; if( this.options.continuous ) { counter += 1; if(this.dir == 'previous' && counter > this.options.total) { counter = -1; } } $( this.options.el ).trigger('slide_vertical', counter); var top = ( this.options.height + this.options.distance ) * this.options.per_page * counter; var properties = { marginTop: top * -1 + 'px' }; var options = { duration: this.options.duration }; if(jQuery().easing) { options['easing'] = this.options.easing; } if(this.rewinding()) { options['duration'] = this.options.duration * 2; } var ref = this; if(this.options.continuous) { options['complete'] = function(){ $(ref.options.el).trigger('complete') ref.reset(); } } else { options['complete'] = function(){ $(ref.options.el).trigger('complete', counter) } } $( this.options.el ).animate( properties, options ); this.buttons(); this.current(counter); this.activate(); }, current: function(counter) { var i = $(this.options.el).find(this.options.children + ':eq(' + (counter+1) + ')').attr('data-slide-item'); this.active = parseInt(i) + 1 }, /** * if instance is continuous, reset position after animation */ reset: function() { if(this.options.orientation == 'horizontal') { if( this.options.total == this.options.counter ) { $( this.options.el ).css({ 'margin-left': 0 }); this.options.counter = 0; } else if( this.options.counter > this.options.total ) { this.log('reset') if(this.options.continuous && this.width_percentage()) { var width = 0, total = this.options.total; var distance = this.options.distance, per_page = this.options.per_page; $.each(this.children,function(i,el){ if(i > 0 && i < total) { width += ( $(el).width() + distance ) * per_page; } }); $( this.options.el ).css({ 'margin-left': width * -1 }); } else { $( this.options.el ).css({ 'margin-left': (( this.options.width + this.options.distance ) * this.options.per_page * ( this.options.total - 1 )) * -1 }); } this.options.counter = this.options.total - 1; } } else if(this.options.orientation == 'vertical') { if( this.options.total == this.options.counter ) { $( this.options.el ).css({ 'margin-top': (( this.options.height + this.options.distance ) * this.options.per_page) * -1 }); this.options.counter = 0; } else if( this.options.counter > this.options.total ) { $( this.options.el ).css({ 'margin-top': (( this.options.height + this.options.distance ) * this.options.per_page) * this.options.total * -1 }); this.options.counter = this.options.total - 1; } } }, /** * on keydown event handler */ key_down: function() { if(!this.options.keyboard_nav) return; var ref = this; var previous = this.options.key_orientation == 'vertical' ? 38 : 37; var next = this.options.key_orientation == 'vertical' ? 40 : 39; $(document).keydown(function(e){ switch(e.keyCode) { case previous: ref.stop(); ref.previous(); break; case next: ref.stop(); ref.next(); break; } }); }, /** * is this animation a rewind? */ rewinding : function() { var rewinding = false; switch(this.dir) { case 'next': rewinding = this.options.counter == 0 ? true : false; break; case 'previous': rewinding = this.options.counter == this.last_page() ? true : false; break; } return this.options.rewind && rewinding ? true : false; }, /** * push new els onto container el */ append : function( el ) { this.log('append()') $(this.options.el).append(el); this.update(); }, update : function( ) { this.log('update()') this.set_width(); this.buttons(); }, empty : function( ) { this.log('empty()') this.goto(0); $(this.options.el).empty(); this.update(); }, /** * start auto advance */ start : function() { this.log('start()'); if(this.options.auto) { var ref = this; this.interval = setInterval(function() { ref.next(); }, this.options.interval); } }, /** * stop auto advance */ stop : function() { if(!this.options.enabled) { return false; } this.log('stop()'); clearInterval(this.interval) }, /** * talk to me */ log : function( msg ) { if (this.options.debug) { msg = typeof(msg)=='object' ? msg : 'AMPLE: '+msg; !window.console ? alert(msg) : console.log(msg); } } }; $.fn.amplePanels = function(o) { if (typeof o == 'string') { var instance = $(this).data('amplePanels'), args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return instance[o].apply(instance, args); } else { return this.each(function() { $(this).data('amplePanels', new $.amplePanels(this, o)); }); } }; })(jQuery);