require 'spec/helper' class SpecHelperPartial Innate.node '/' map_views '/' def index '<%= render_partial("/title") %>' end def title "Title" end def with_params '<%= render_partial("/message", :msg => "hello") %>' end def message "Message: #{request[:msg]}" end def without_ext render_template('partial') end def with_real_ext render_template('partial.erb') end def with_needed_ext render_template('partial.html') end def composed @here = 'there' 'From Action | ' << render_template("partial") end def recursive @n ||= 1 end def with_variable here = 'there' render_template("partial", :here => here) end end class SpecHelperPartialWithLayout < SpecHelperPartial Innate.node '/with_layout' layout('layout') def layout '

with layout

<%= @content %>' end end describe Innate::Helper::Partial do behaves_like :mock should 'render partials' do get('/').body.should == 'Title' end should 'render partials with params' do get('/with_params').body.should == 'Message: hello' end should 'be able to render a template in the current scope' do get('/composed').body.strip.should == "From Action | From Partial there" end should 'not require file extension' do get('/without_ext').body.should == "From Partial \n" end it "the real extension will just be stripped" do got = get('/with_real_ext').body.should == "From Partial \n" end it "works with the content representation instead" do get('/with_needed_ext').body.should == "From Partial \n" end should 'render_template in a loop' do get('/loop').body.gsub(/\s/,'').should == '12345' end should 'work recursively' do get('/recursive').body.gsub(/\s/,'').should == '{1{2{3{44}4}3}2}' end should 'render template with layout' do get('/with_layout/without_ext').body.should == "

with layout

From Partial \n" end it 'makes passed variables available in the template as instance variables' do get('/with_variable').body.should == "From Partial there\n" end end