module Rack module OAuth2 class Server # Authorization request. Represents request on behalf of client to access # particular scope. Use this to keep state from incoming authorization # request to grant/deny redirect. class AuthRequest class << self # Find AuthRequest from identifier. def find(request_id) id = BSON::ObjectId(request_id.to_s) Server.new_instance self, collection.find_one(id) rescue BSON::InvalidObjectId end # Create a new authorization request. This holds state, so in addition # to client ID and scope, we need to know the URL to redirect back to # and any state value to pass back in that redirect. def create(client, scope, redirect_uri, response_type, state) scope = Utils.normalize_scope(scope) & client.scope # Only allowed scope fields = { :client_id=>, :scope=>scope, :redirect_uri=>client.redirect_uri || redirect_uri, :response_type=>response_type, :state=>state, :grant_code=>nil, :authorized_at=>nil, :created_at=>, :revoked=>nil } fields[:_id] = collection.insert(fields) Server.new_instance self, fields end def collection prefix = Server.options[:collection_prefix] Server.database["#{prefix}.auth_requests"] end end # Request identifier. We let the database pick this one out. attr_reader :_id alias :id :_id # Client making this request. attr_reader :client_id # scope of this request: array of names. attr_reader :scope # Redirect back to this URL. attr_reader :redirect_uri # Client requested we return state on redirect. attr_reader :state # Does what it says on the label. attr_reader :created_at # Response type: either code or token. attr_reader :response_type # If granted, the access grant code. attr_accessor :grant_code # If granted, the access token. attr_accessor :access_token # Keeping track of things. attr_accessor :authorized_at # Timestamp if revoked. attr_accessor :revoked # Grant access to the specified identity. def grant!(identity, expires_in = nil) raise ArgumentError, "Must supply a identity" unless identity return if revoked client = Client.find(client_id) or return self.authorized_at = if response_type == "code" # Requested authorization code access_grant = AccessGrant.create(identity, client, scope, redirect_uri) self.grant_code = access_grant.code self.class.collection.update({ :_id=>id, :revoked=>nil }, { :$set=>{ :grant_code=>access_grant.code, :authorized_at=>authorized_at } }) else # Requested access token access_token = AccessToken.get_token_for(identity, client, scope, expires_in) self.access_token = access_token.token self.class.collection.update({ :_id=>id, :revoked=>nil, :access_token=>nil }, { :$set=>{ :access_token=>access_token.token, :authorized_at=>authorized_at } }) end true end # Deny access. def deny! self.authorized_at = self.class.collection.update({ :_id=>id }, { :$set=>{ :authorized_at=>authorized_at } }) end Server.create_indexes do # Used to revoke all pending access grants when revoking client. collection.create_index [[:client_id, Mongo::ASCENDING]] end end end end end