h1. AVM Tools h2. Instance's entries suffixes |_. Name |_. Description |_. Default value | | admin.email | Admin's e-mail address | @host_id->admin.email@ | | admin.name | Admin's name | @host_id->admin.name@ | | access | *@local@* or *@ssh@* | @self->ssh.url ? 'ssh' : 'local'@ | | data_fs_path | path to instance's data root directory | @host_id->data_fs_path + '/' + self->id@ | | database.id | ID of instance to fetch database parameters | @nil@ | | database.limit | Limit of open database connections | @database.id->database.limit or 5 | | database.system | *@postgres@* or *@mysql@* or *@oracle@* | @nil@ | | database.hostname | hostname of database server | @database.id->database.hostname or host_id->database.hostname or ''@ | | database.name | name of database | @database.id->database.name or self->id@ | | database.password | password to login in database | @database.id->database.password or host_id->database.password@ | | database.port | port of database server | @database.system->default_port@ | | database.timeout | Database connection timeout (In miliseconds) | @database.id->database.timeout or 5000 | | database.username | username to login in database | @database.id->database.username or host_id->database.username@ | | fs_path | path to instance's installation | @host_id->fs_path + '/' + self->id@ | | host_id | ID of instace to fetch host parameters | @nil@ | | ssh.url | SSH URL to access instance's host | @host_id->ssh.url or self->ssh.username + '@' self->ssh.hostname@ | | ssh.hostname | SSH hostname to access instance's host | @host_id->ssh.hostname@ | | ssh.port | SSH port to access instance's host | '22' | | ssh.username | SSH username to access instance's host | @host_id->ssh.username@ | | system.group | Group of user that runs instance | @host_id->system.groupname or self->system.username@ | | system.username | Name of user that runs instance | @host_id->system.username or self->ssh.username@ | | web.url | Root URL to web interface | @nil@ | | web.hostname | Hostname of web interface | @web.url->hostname@ |