require 'thor/group' module Baldwin class Installer < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions def ignore_dummy_rails_apps append_to_file '.gitignore', <<-EOS spec/rails/rails-* EOS end def create_appraisals_file create_file 'Appraisals', <<-EOS # add your rails configurations to test against here, like: # # appraise 'rails-3.1.0' do # gem 'rails', '3.1.0' # end # appraise 'rails-3.2.0' do # gem 'rails', '3.2.0' # end # # see for more info EOS end def add_appraisal_rake_task # TODO figure out why this isn't in Thor 0.15 + # TODO also, ask those guys why they haven't # updated their version.rb in two years. wtf. # comment_lines 'Rakefile', /RSpec::Core::RakeTask/ flag = '' gsub_file 'Rakefile', /^(\s*)([^#|\n]*#{flag})/, '\1# \2' append_to_file 'Rakefile', <<-EOS :spec => [ :'baldwin:env', :'baldwin:rails' ] desc "Run specs for all supported rails versions" task :all do exec 'rake appraisal spec' end desc "Default: Clean, install dependencies, and run specs" task :default => [ :'baldwin:clean', :'appraisal:install', :all ] EOS end def add_baldwin_setup_to_spec_helper prepend_to_file 'spec/spec_helper.rb', <<-EOS require 'baldwin/setup' # require test dependencies *after* baldwin/setup EOS end def copy_example_rails_template copy_file 'rails_template.rb', 'spec/rails/rails_template.rb' end def self.source_root File.dirname __FILE__ end end end