ELA.Models ?= {} class ELA.Models.BaseCalculator _.extend @prototype, Backbone.Events xRange: (func) -> 1.0 yRange: (func) -> curve = func group = _.find @curveGroups, (group) -> _.contains(group, curve) minY = null maxY = null if group? for func in group when _.isFunction(@[func]) result = @[func]() maxY = Math.max(result.maxY, maxY) minY = Math.min(result.minY, minY) else result = null if _.isFunction(@[func]) result = @[func]() else throw new Error("#{func} does not specify a calculator function in #{name}") minY = result.minY maxY = result.maxY range = 0 range += maxY if maxY > 0 range -= minY if minY < 0 range constructor: (options) -> for required in (options.required or []) throw "Missing `#{required}` option" unless options[required]? models = _.omit(options, 'required') @_memo = {} this[name] = model for name, model of models @bindEvents(models) bindEvents: (models = {}) -> @stopListening() for key, obj of models do => if obj.on? modelName = _.clone(key) @listenTo obj, 'change', (model) => for attribute, value of model.changed @trigger("change:#{modelName}.#{attribute}", model, value) @_parseForDeps: (funcStr) -> for dep in (funcStr.match(/this.([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*(\.get)?(\([^\)]*\))?)/g) or []) dep = dep.slice(5) continue if /^[_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*$/.test(dep) # skip CONSTANTS if (match = dep.match(/([^.]+)\.get\(['"]([^'"]+)['"]\)/)) "#{match[1]}.#{match[2]}" else ampIndex = dep.indexOf('(') if ampIndex > 0 # Search within parentheses again [dep.slice(0, ampIndex), @_parseForDeps(dep.slice(ampIndex))] else dep @extractDeps: (func) -> deps = @_parseForDeps(func.toString()) _.chain(deps).flatten().compact().uniq().value() @memoize: (name, func) -> resolveDeps = (f) -> depsBefore = '' until f.deps.join('') is depsBefore depsBefore = f.deps.join('') f.deps = for dep in f.deps if /([^.]+)\.([^.]+)/.test(dep) dep else if this[dep]? this[dep].deps or dep f.deps = _.chain(f.deps).flatten().compact().uniq().value() f.depsResolved = true bindDeps = (f, callback) -> for dep in f.deps @on "change:#{dep}", => callback.call(this) @trigger("change:#{name}") @_memo[name].eventsBound = true parameters = do -> funcStr = func.toString() if (match = funcStr.match(/^function ?\(([^\)]+)\)/))? match[1].split(',') else [] # TODO: Bind Events for dynamic dependencies like this[func] where # func is a string parameter when calling the function. f = if parameters.length > 0 -> @_memo[name] ?= values: {}, eventsBound: false key = JSON.stringify(arguments) unless @_memo[name].values[key]? @_memo[name].values[key] = func.apply(this, arguments) resolveDeps.call(this, f) unless f.depsResolved unless @_memo[name].eventsBound bindDeps.call this, f, -> @_memo[name].values = {} @_memo[name].values[key] else -> @_memo[name] ?= eventsBound: false unless @_memo[name].value? @_memo[name].value = func.apply(this, arguments) resolveDeps.call(this, f) unless f.depsResolved unless @_memo[name].eventsBound bindDeps.call this, f, -> @_memo[name].value = null @_memo[name].value f.depsResolved = false f.memoizable = true f.deps = @extractDeps(func) f @reactive: (name, func) -> resolveDeps = (f) -> depsBefore = '' resolvedDeps = [] # required to avoid loops until f.deps.join('') is depsBefore depsBefore = f.deps.join('') f.deps = for dep in f.deps continue if dep is name if /([^.]+)\.([^.]+)/.test(dep) dep else if this[dep]? and not _.contains(resolvedDeps, dep) resolvedDeps.push(dep) this[dep].deps or dep f.deps = _.chain(f.deps).flatten().compact().uniq().value() f.depsResolved = true bindDeps = (f, callback) -> for dep in f.deps @on "change:#{dep}", => callback() if callback? @trigger("change:#{name}") @_memo[name].eventsBound = true parameters = do -> funcStr = func.toString() if (match = funcStr.match(/function \(([^\)]+)\)/))? match[1].split(',') else [] # TODO: Bind Events for dynamic dependencies like this[func] where # func is a string parameter when calling the function. f = -> @_memo[name] ||= eventsBound: false resolveDeps.call(this, f) unless f.depsResolved bindDeps.call(this, f) unless @_memo[name].eventsBound f._func.apply(this, arguments) f.depsResolved = false f.memoizable = false f.deps = @extractDeps(func) f._func = func f clearMemoizations: -> for key, memo of @_memo memo.value = null if _.has(memo, 'value') memo.values = {} if _.has(memo, 'values') pole: (func, options = {}) -> precision = Math.abs(options.precision or 0.001) min = options.min or 0.0 max = options.max or 1.0 middle = (max + min)*0.5 minPos = this[func](min) > 0 maxPos = this[func](max) > 0 middlePos = this[func](middle) > 0 n = 0 if minPos is maxPos return max else while middle - min > precision y = this[func](middle) return middle if y is Infinity or y is -Infinity if minPos is middlePos min = middle minPos = middlePos else max = middle maxPos = middlePos middle = (max + min)*0.5 middlePos = this[func](middle) > 0 n += 1 min