REVISIONS_PER_PAGE = Card.config.revisions_per_page def history? true end # must be called on all actions and before :set_name, :process_subcards and :validate_delete_children event :assign_act, :before=>:prepare, :when=>proc {|c| c.history? || c.respond_to?(:attachment) } do @current_act = (@supercard && @supercard.current_act) || Card::Act.create(:ip_address=>Env.ip) end event :assign_action, :after=>:assign_act do @current_action = Card::Action.create(:card_act_id=>, :action_type=>@action, :draft=>(Env.params['draft'] == 'true') ) if (@supercard and @supercard !=self) @current_action.super_action = @supercard.current_action end end # stores changes in the changes table and assigns them to the current action # removes the action if there are no changes event :finalize_action, :after =>:stored, :when=>proc {|c| (c.history? || c.respond_to?(:attachment)) && c.current_action} do @changed_fields ={ |f| changed_attributes.member? f } if @changed_fields.present? @changed_fields.each{ |f| Card::Change.create :field => f, :value => self[f], :card_action_id=> } @current_action.update_attributes! :card_id => id elsif @current_action.card_changes(true).empty? @current_action.delete @current_action = nil end end event :finalize_act, :after=>:finalize_action, :when=>proc {|c| !c.supercard } do if @current_act.actions(true).empty? @current_act.delete @current_act = nil else @current_act.update_attributes! :card_id=>id end end event :rollback_actions, :before=>:approve, :on=>:update, :when=>proc{ |c| c.rollback_request? } do revision = { :subcards => {}} rollback_actions = Env.params['action_ids'].map do |a_id| Action.fetch(a_id) || nil end rollback_actions.each do |action| if action.card_id == id revision.merge!(revision(action)) else revision[:subcards][] = revision(action) end end Env.params['action_ids'] = nil update_attributes! revision rollback_actions.each do |action| action.card.try :symlink_to, end clear_drafts abort :success end def rollback_request? history? && Env && Env.params['action_ids'] && Env.params['action_ids'].class == Array end # alternative approach to handle act and action that doesn't change the database in the beginning # stopped working with Rails 4 # def build_act_and_action # @current_act = if @supercard # @supercard.current_act ||>Env.ip) # else #>Env.ip) # end # @current_action = actions(true).build(:action_type=>@action, :draft=>(Env.params['draft'] == 'true') ) # @current_action.act = @current_act # # if (@supercard and @supercard !=self) # @current_action.super_action = @supercard.current_action # end # end def intrusive_family_acts args={} # all acts with actions on self and on cards that are descendants of self and included in self @intrusive_family_acts ||= begin Act.find_all_with_actions_on( (included_descendant_card_ids << id), args) end end def intrusive_acts args={:with_drafts=>true} # all acts with actions on self and on cards included in self @intrusive_acts ||= begin Act.find_all_with_actions_on( (included_card_ids << id), args) end end def current_rev_nr @current_rev_nr ||= begin intrusive_acts.first.actions.last.draft ? @intrusive_acts.size - 1 : @intrusive_acts.size end end def included_card_ids :ref_type => 'I', :referer_id=>id ).pluck('referee_id').compact.uniq end def descendant_card_ids parent_ids=[id] more_ids = Card.where('left_id IN (?)', parent_ids).pluck('id') if !more_ids.empty? more_ids += descendant_card_ids more_ids end more_ids end def included_descendant_card_ids included_card_ids & descendant_card_ids end format :html do view :history do |args| frame args.merge(:body_class=>"history-slot list-group", :content=>true) do [ history_legend, _render_revisions ] end end def default_history_args args args[:optional_toolbar] ||= :show end view :revisions do |args| page = params['page'] || 1 count = card.intrusive_acts.size+1-(page.to_i-1)*REVISIONS_PER_PAGE do |act| count -= 1 render_act_summary args.merge(:act=>act,:rev_nr=>count) end.join end def history_legend intr =['page']).per(REVISIONS_PER_PAGE) render_haml :intr=>intr do <<-HAML .history-header %span.slotter = paginate intr, :remote=>true, :theme=>'twitter-bootstrap-3' %div.history-legend %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-plus-sign.diff-green %span = Card::Diff.render_added_chunk("Added") | %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-minus-sign.diff-red %span = Card::Diff.render_deleted_chunk("Deleted") HAML end end view :act_summary do |args| render_act :summary, args end view :act_expanded do |args| render_act :expanded, args end def render_act act_view, args act = (params['act_id'] and Card::Act.find(params['act_id'])) || args[:act] rev_nr = params['rev_nr'] || args[:rev_nr] current_rev_nr = params['current_rev_nr'] || args[:current_rev_nr] || card.current_rev_nr hide_diff = (params["hide_diff"]=="true") || args[:hide_diff] wrap( args.merge(:slot_class=>"revision-#{} history-slot list-group-item") ) do render_haml :card=>card, :act=>act, :act_view=>act_view, :current_rev_nr=>current_rev_nr, :rev_nr=>rev_nr, :hide_diff=> hide_diff do <<-HAML .act{:style=>"clear:both;"} .head .nr = "##{rev_nr}" .title .actor = link_to, card_url( ) .time.timeago = time_ago_in_words(act.acted_at) ago - if act.actions.last.draft | Autosave - if current_rev_nr == rev_nr %em.label.label-info Current - elsif act_view == :expanded = rollback_link act.relevant_actions_for(card, act.actions.last.draft) = show_or_hide_changes_link hide_diff, :act_id=>, :act_view=>act_view, :rev_nr=>rev_nr, :current_rev_nr=>current_rev_nr .toggle = fold_or_unfold_link :act_id=>, :act_view=>act_view, :rev_nr=>rev_nr, :current_rev_nr=>current_rev_nr .action-container{:style=>("clear: left;" if act_view == :expanded)} - act.relevant_actions_for(card).each do |action| = send("_render_action_#{ act_view }", :action=>action ) HAML end end end view :action_summary do |args| render_action :summary, args end view :action_expanded do |args| render_action :expanded, args end def render_action action_view, args action = args[:action] || card.last_action hide_diff = Env.params["hide_diff"]=="true" || args[:hide_diff] name_diff = if action.card == card name_changes(action, hide_diff) else link_to name_changes(action, hide_diff), path(:view=>:related, :related=>{:view=>"history",:name=>}), :class=>'slotter label label-default', 'data-slot-selector'=>".card-slot.history-view", :remote=>true end type_diff = action.new_type? && type_changes(action, hide_diff) content_diff = action.new_content? && action.card.format.render_content_changes(:action=>action, :diff_type=>action_view, :hide_diff=>hide_diff) render_haml :action => action, :action_view => action_view, :name_diff => name_diff, :type_diff => type_diff, :content_diff => content_diff do <<-HAML .action .summary %span.ampel = glyphicon 'minus-sign', ( ? 'diff-red' : 'diff-invisible') = glyphicon 'plus-sign', ( ? 'diff-green' : 'diff-invisible') = wrap_diff :name, name_diff = wrap_diff :type, type_diff -if content_diff = glyphicon 'arrow-right', 'arrow' -if action_view == :summary = wrap_diff :content, content_diff -if content_diff and action_view == :expanded .expanded = wrap_diff :content, content_diff HAML end end def wrap_diff field, content if content.present? %{ #{content} } else '' end end def name_changes action, hide_diff=false old_name = (name = action.old_values[:name] and showname(name).to_s) if action.new_name? new_name = showname(action.new_values[:name]).to_s if hide_diff new_name else Card::Diff.complete(old_name,new_name) end else old_name end end def type_changes action, hide_diff=false change = hide_diff ? action.new_values[:cardtype] : action.cardtype_diff "(#{change})" end view :content_changes do |args| if args[:hide_diff] args[:action].new_values[:content] else args[:action].content_diff(args[:diff_type]) end end def rollback_link actions not_current = { |action| action.card.last_action_id != } if card.ok?(:update) && not_current.present? "| " + link_to('Save as current', path(:action=>:update, :view=>:open, :action_ids=>not_current), :class=>'slotter','data-slot-selector'=>'.card-slot.history-view', :remote=>true, :method=>:post, :rel=>'nofollow') end end def fold_or_unfold_link args if (args[:act_view] == :expanded) toggled_view = :act_summary else toggled_view = :act_expanded end link_to '', args.merge(:view=>toggled_view), :class=>"slotter revision-#{args[:act_id]} #{ args[:act_view]==:expanded ? "arrow-down" : "arrow-right"}", :remote=>true end def show_or_hide_changes_link hide_diff, args "| " + view_link( (hide_diff ? "Show" : "Hide") + " changes", :act_expanded, :path_opts=>args.merge(:hide_diff=>!hide_diff), :class=>'slotter', :remote=>true ) end end def diff_args {:format=>:text} end