#!/usr/bin/env ruby JSPEC_ROOT = File.expand_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') $:.unshift JSPEC_ROOT require 'rubygems' require 'commander/import' require 'bind' require 'fileutils' require 'src/project' require 'src/installables' require 'src/server' program :name, 'JSpec' program :version, '3.2.0' program :description, 'JavaScript BDD Testing Framework' default_command :bind JSpec::Project.load_commands_at '~/.jspec/commands' JSpec::Project.load_commands_at 'spec/commands' JSpec::Project.load_commands_at 'jspec/commands' command :stats do |c| c.syntax = 'jspec stats [path ...]' c.summary = 'View javascript source statistics' c.description = 'View statistics for the given [paths], defaulting to /lib/**/*.js' c.example 'View stats for all /lib javascript', 'jspec stats' c.example 'View stats for all /public/javascript files', 'jspec stats public/javascript/*.js' c.when_called do |paths, options| paths = Dir['lib/**/*.js'] if paths.empty? paths.each do |path| contents = File.read path say "%33s : \n" % $terminal.color(path, :bold) say "%25s : %0.2f KiB\n" % ['size', File.size(path).to_f / 1024] say "%25s : %d\n" % ['lines', contents.to_a.length] say "%25s : %d\n" % ['comments', contents.scan(/\/\*.*?\*\/|\/\/.*?$/m).length] say "%25s : %d\n" % ['functions', contents.scan(/function/i).length] say "%25s : %d\n" % ['vars', contents.scan(/\bvar\b/).length] say "\n" end end end command :install do |c| c.syntax = 'jspec install [dest]' c.summary = 'Install a project such as jQuery, Prototype, Rhino, etc.' c.description = 'Install the given to [dest] or spec/support/. When --release is not specified, the latest stable release will be used. Currently the following projects are supported: - jquery - jqueryui - prototype - mootools - dojo - envjs (--release not yet supported) - rhino (--release not yet supported)' c.option '-r', '--release STRING', 'Release version to install' c.example 'Install jQuery to spec/support/jquery.js', 'jspec install jquery' c.example 'Install jQuery 1.3.0 to spec/support/jquery.js', 'jspec install jquery --release 1.3.0' c.example 'Install Prototype to spec/prototype.js', 'jspec install prototype spec' c.example 'Install Prototype to spec/vendor/prototype.js', 'jspec install prototype spec/vendor' c.when_called do |args, options| name = args.shift or raise 'Project name required' project = JSpec::Project.for '.' if dest = args.shift project.install name, :to => dest, :release => options.release else Dir.mkdir project.normalize('support') unless File.directory? project.normalize('support') project.install name, :to => project.normalize('support'), :release => options.release end end end command :init do |c| c.syntax = 'jspec init [dest]' c.summary = 'Initialize a JSpec project template' c.description = 'Initialize a JSpec project template. Defaults to the current directory when [dest] is not specified. The template includes several files for running via Rhino, DOM, and the JSpec Rack server. Additional switches --freeze, and --symlink are available in order to preserve the version of JSpec at the time of initialization. Otherwise incompatibilities from later versions may prevent your suite from running properly. To update a project to the recent version of JSpec use `jspec help udpate` for more information.' c.option '-R', '--rails', 'Initialize rails template from rails root directory' c.option '-f', '--freeze', 'Copy the JSpec library' c.option '-s', '--symlink', 'Symlink the JSpec library instead of copying it' c.example 'Create a project in the current directory', 'jspec init' c.example 'Create a directory foo, initialized with a jspec template', 'jspec init foo' c.example 'Rails application support', 'jspec init --rails' c.example 'Rails application support, --rails is no longer required', 'jspec init' c.example 'Freeze JSpec\'s library at spec/lib', 'jspec init --freeze' c.when_called do |args, options| JSpec::Project.for(dest = args.shift || '.').init! options.__hash__ say "Template initialized at `#{dest}'" end end command :shell do |c| c.syntax = 'jspec shell [path ...]' c.summary = 'JSpec interactive shell' c.description = 'Launch interactive Rhino shell with jspec.js, jspec.shell.js, and any [path]s given. Simply type "quit" or "exit" to terminate the shell.' c.example 'Run shell', 'jspec shell' c.example 'Run shell with glob of files', 'jspec shell lib/*.js' c.example 'Run shell with list of files', 'jspec shell lib/foo.js lib/bar.js' c.when_called do |args, options| paths = ['jspec.js', 'jspec.shell.js'] | args paths.map! do |path| if path.include? 'jspec.' "-f #{JSPEC_ROOT}/lib/#{path}" else "-f #{path}" end end say "JSpec #{program(:version)}" `#{JSpec::Project::RHINO} #{paths.join(' ')} -f -` end end command :update do |c| c.syntax = 'jspec update [dest]' c.summary = 'Update JSpec releases' c.description = 'Update JSpec release relative to [dest], this will allow you to utilize the latest JSpec features. Execute from JSpec project root without [dest] to update the default template spec files. This command supports regular projects, as well as those initialized with --symlink and --freeze.' c.example 'Update project in the current directory', 'jspec update' c.example 'Update project in the directory specified', 'jspec update path/to/project' c.when_called do |args, options| JSpec::Project.for(dest = args.shift || '.').update! end end command :run do |c| c.syntax = 'jspec run [path] [options]' c.summary = 'Run specifications' c.description = 'Run specifications, defaulting [path] to spec/dom.html. You will need to supply [path] if your specs do not reside in this location. `run --bind` is the default sub-command of jspec so you may simply execute `jspec` in order to bind execution of your specs when a file is altered. Rhino: The [path] is assumed to be spec/rhino.js unless specified. Node.js: The [path] is assumed to be spec/node.js unless specified. JSpec\'s server is also available via --server, which defaults the [path] to spec/server.html' c.example 'Run once in default browser', 'jspec run' c.example 'Run once in Safari and Firefox', 'jspec run --browsers Safari,Firefox' c.example 'Run once in Opera, Firefox, Chrome, and WebKit', 'jspec run --browsers opera,ff,chrome,webkit' c.example 'Run custom spec file', 'jspec run foo.html' c.example 'Auto-run browsers when a file is altered', 'jspec run --bind --browsers Safari,Firefox' c.example 'Shortcut for the previous example', 'jspec --browsers Safari,Firefox' c.example 'Run Rhino specs', 'jspec run --rhino' c.example 'Auto-run rhino when a file is altered', 'jspec --rhino' c.option '-b', '--browsers BROWSERS', Array, 'Specify browsers to test' c.option '-p', '--paths PATHS', Array, 'Specify paths when binding, defaults to javascript within ./lib and ./spec' c.option '-B', '--bind', 'Auto-run specs when source files or specs are altered' c.option '-R', '--rhino', 'Run specs using Rhino' c.option '-N', '--node', 'Run specs using Node.js' c.option '-S', '--server', 'Run specs using the JSpec server' c.option '-P', '--port NUMBER', Integer, 'Start JSpec server using the given port number' c.when_called do |args, options| JSpec::Project.for('.').run! args.first, options.__hash__ end end alias_command :bind, :run, '--bind'