#!/usr/bin/ruby # -*- ruby -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/lib/') require 'rubygems' require 'statsample' require 'hoe' require 'rdoc' Hoe.plugin :git Hoe.plugin :doofus desc "Ruby Lint" task :lint do executable=Config::CONFIG['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME'] Dir.glob("lib/**/*.rb") {|f| if !system %{#{executable} -w -c "#{f}"} puts "Error on: #{f}" end } end task :release do system %{git push origin master} end task "clobber_docs" do # Only to omit warnings end desc "Update pot/po files." task "gettext:updatepo" do require 'gettext/tools' GetText.update_pofiles("statsample", Dir.glob("{lib,bin}/**/*.{rb,rhtml}"), "statsample #{Statsample::VERSION}") end desc "Create mo-files" task "gettext:makemo" do require 'gettext/tools' GetText.create_mofiles() # GetText.create_mofiles(true, "po", "locale") # This is for "Ruby on Rails". end h=Hoe.spec('statsample') do self.version=Statsample::VERSION #self.testlib=:minitest # self.rubyforge_name = "ruby-statsample" self.developer('Claudio Bustos', 'clbustos@gmail.com') self.extra_deps << ["spreadsheet","~>0.6.5"] << ["reportbuilder", "~>1.4"] << ["minimization", "~>0.2.0"] << ["fastercsv", ">0"] << ["dirty-memoize", "~>0.0"] << ["extendmatrix","~>0.3.1"] << ["statsample-bivariate-extension", ">0"] << ["rserve-client", "~>0.2.5"] << ["rubyvis", "~>0.5"] << ["distribution", "~>0.6"] self.extra_dev_deps << ["hoe","~>0"] << ["shoulda","~>3.1.1"] << ["minitest", "~>2.0"] << ["rserve-client", "~>0"] << ["gettext", "~>0"] << ["mocha", "~>0"] << ["hoe-git", "~>0"] self.clean_globs << "test/images/*" << "demo/item_analysis/*" << "demo/Regression" self.post_install_message = <<-EOF *************************************************** Thanks for installing statsample. On *nix, you could install statsample-optimization to retrieve gems gsl, statistics2 and a C extension to speed some methods. $ sudo gem install statsample-optimization On Ubuntu, install build-essential and libgsl0-dev using apt-get. Compile ruby 1.8 or 1.9 from source code first. $ sudo apt-get install build-essential libgsl0-dev ***************************************************** EOF self.need_rdoc=false end if Rake.const_defined?(:RDocTask) Rake::RDocTask.new(:docs) do |rd| rd.main = h.readme_file rd.options << '-d' if (`which dot` =~ /\/dot/) unless ENV['NODOT'] || Hoe::WINDOZE rd.rdoc_dir = 'doc' rd.rdoc_files.include("lib/**/*.rb") rd.rdoc_files += h.spec.extra_rdoc_files rd.rdoc_files.reject! {|f| f=="Manifest.txt"} title = h.spec.rdoc_options.grep(/^(-t|--title)=?$/).first if title then rd.options << title unless title =~ /\=/ then # for ['-t', 'title here'] title_index = spec.rdoc_options.index(title) rd.options << spec.rdoc_options[title_index + 1] end else title = "#{h.name}-#{h.version} Documentation" title = "#{h.rubyforge_name}'s " + title if h.rubyforge_name != h.name rd.options << '--title' << title end end end desc 'Publish rdocs with analytics support' task :publicar_docs => [:clean, :docs] do ruby %{agregar_adsense_a_doc.rb} path = File.expand_path("~/.rubyforge/user-config.yml") config = YAML.load(File.read(path)) host = "#{config["username"]}@rubyforge.org" remote_dir = "/var/www/gforge-projects/#{h.rubyforge_name}/#{h.remote_rdoc_dir }" local_dir = h.local_rdoc_dir Dir.glob(local_dir+"/**/*") {|file| sh %{chmod 755 #{file}} } sh %{rsync #{h.rsync_args} #{local_dir}/ #{host}:#{remote_dir}} end # vim: syntax=Ruby