require 'spec_helper' require 'albacore/semver' require 'albacore/project' require 'albacore/paths' describe Albacore::Project, "when loading packages.config" do subject do p = File.expand_path('../testdata/Project/Project.fsproj', __FILE__) #puts "path: #{p}" end let :nlog do subject.declared_packages.find { |p| == 'NLog' } end it 'should have a guid' do expect(subject.guid).to match /^[A-F0-9]{8}(?:-[A-F0-9]{4}){3}-[A-F0-9]{12}$/i end it 'assumption: can gsub("[\{\}]", "")' do expect('{a}'.gsub(/[\{\}]/, '')).to eq 'a' end it 'should have an OutputPath' do expect(subject.output_path('Debug')).to_not be_nil end it 'should have the correct OutputPath' do expect(subject.output_path('Debug')).to eq('bin\\Debug\\') end it 'should also have a Release OutputPath' do expect(subject.output_path('Release')).to eq('bin\\Release\\') expect(subject.try_output_path('Release')).to eq('bin\\Release\\') end it 'should raise "ConfigurationNotFoundEror" if not found' do begin subject.output_path('wazaaa') rescue ::Albacore::ConfigurationNotFoundError end end it 'should return nil with #try_output_path(conf)' do expect(subject.try_output_path('weeeo')).to be_nil end it "should have three packages" do expect(subject.declared_packages.length).to eq 3 end it "should contain NLog" do expect(nlog).to_not be_nil end it "should have a four number on NLog" do expect(nlog.version).to eq("") end it "should have a semver number" do expect(nlog.semver).to eq(, 0, 0)) end end describe Albacore::Project, "when reading project file" do def project_path File.expand_path('../testdata/Project/Project.fsproj', __FILE__) end subject do project_path end let :library1 do subject.included_files.find { |p| p.include == 'Library1.fs' } end it "should contain library1" do expect(library1).to_not be_nil end describe 'public API' do it do expect(subject).to respond_to :name end it do expect(subject).to respond_to :asmname end it do expect(subject).to respond_to :namespace end it do expect(subject).to respond_to :version end it do expect(subject).to respond_to :authors end it 'should have five referenced assemblies' do expect(subject.find_refs.length).to eq 5 end it 'knows about referenced packages' do expect(subject).to respond_to :declared_packages end it 'knows about referenced projects' do expect(subject).to respond_to :declared_projects end it 'should have three referenced packages' do expected = %w|Intelliplan.Util Newtonsoft.Json NLog| expect( eq(expected) end # TODO: check whether output is DLL or EXE or something else it 'should know its output dll' do should respond_to :output_dll expect(subject.output_dll('Release')).to eq(Paths.join 'bin', 'Release', 'Project.dll') end end end describe Albacore::Project, 'when given a PathnameWrap' do it 'should allow argument of PathnameWrap' do require 'albacore/paths''../testdata/Project/Project.fsproj', __FILE__))) end end