import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FunSuite} class FrequencyTest extends FunSuite with Matchers { // Poem by Friedrich Schiller. The corresponding music is the European // Anthem. private val ode_an_die_freude = List( "Freude schöner Götterfunken" , "Tochter aus Elysium," , "Wir betreten feuertrunken," , "Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!" , "Deine Zauber binden wieder" , "Was die Mode streng geteilt;" , "Alle Menschen werden Brüder," , "Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.") //Dutch national anthem private val wilhelmus = List( "Wilhelmus van Nassouwe" , "ben ik, van Duitsen bloed," , "den vaderland getrouwe" , "blijf ik tot in den dood." , "Een Prinse van Oranje" , "ben ik, vrij, onverveerd," , "den Koning van Hispanje" , "heb ik altijd geëerd.") //American national anthem private val star_spangled_banner = List( "O say can you see by the dawn's early light," , "What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming," , "Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight," , "O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?" , "And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air," , "Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;" , "O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave," , "O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?") test("Empty texts") { Frequency.frequency(1, Seq()) should be (Map()) } test("Single letter") { pending Frequency.frequency(10, Seq("a")) should be (Map('a' -> 1)) } test("Case insensitivity") { pending Frequency.frequency(1000, Seq("aA")) should be (Map('a' -> 2)) } test("Many empty texts") { pending Frequency.frequency(1, Iterator.fill(10000)(" ").toSeq) should be (Map()) } test("many times the same text gives a predictable result") { pending Frequency.frequency(1, Iterator.fill(1000)("abc").toSeq) should be (Map('a' -> 1000, 'b' -> 1000, 'c' -> 1000)) } test("Ignore punctuation") { pending Frequency.frequency(1, ode_an_die_freude).get(',') should be (None) } test("Ignore numbers") { pending Frequency.frequency(1, Seq("Testing 1, 2, 3")).get('1') should be (None) } test("All three anthems - 1 worker") { pending val freqs = Frequency.frequency(1, ode_an_die_freude ++ wilhelmus ++ star_spangled_banner) freqs.get('a') should be (Some(49)) freqs.get('t') should be (Some(56)) freqs.get('ü') should be (Some(2)) } test("All three anthems - 4 workers") { pending val freqs = Frequency.frequency(4, ode_an_die_freude ++ wilhelmus ++ star_spangled_banner) freqs.get('a') should be (Some(49)) freqs.get('t') should be (Some(56)) freqs.get('ü') should be (Some(2)) } }