require "logger" require "erb" require "net/https" require "base64" require "securerandom" require_relative "./schema/json_parser" require_relative "./schema/file_parser" module Recurly class Client require_relative "./client/operations" BASE_HOST = "" BASE_PORT = 443 CA_FILE = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../data/ca-certificates.crt") BINARY_TYPES = [ "application/pdf", ].freeze JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/json" MAX_RETRIES = 3 LOG_LEVELS = %i(debug info warn error fatal).freeze BASE36_ALPHABET = (("0".."9").to_a + ("a".."z").to_a).freeze ALLOWED_OPTIONS = [ :site_id, :open_timeout, :read_timeout, :body, :params, :headers, ].freeze # Initialize a client. It requires an API key. # # @example # API_KEY = '83749879bbde395b5fe0cc1a5abf8e5' # client = API_KEY) # sub = client.get_subscription(subscription_id: 'abcd123456') # @example # # You can also pass the initializer a block. This will give you # # a client scoped for just that block # API_KEY) do |client| # sub = client.get_subscription(subscription_id: 'abcd123456') # end # @example # # If you only plan on using the client for more than one site, # # you should initialize a new client for each site. # # client = API_KEY1) # sub = client.get_subscription(subscription_id: 'uuid-abcd123456') # # # you should create a new client to connect to another site # client = API_KEY2) # sub = client.get_subscription(subscription_id: 'uuid-abcd7890') # # @param api_key [String] The private API key # @param logger [Logger] A logger to use. Defaults to creating a new STDOUT logger with level WARN. def initialize(api_key:, logger: nil) set_api_key(api_key) if logger.nil? @logger = do |l| l.level = Logger::WARN end else unless LOG_LEVELS.all? { |lev| logger.respond_to?(lev) } raise ArgumentError, "You must pass in a logger implementation that responds to the following messages: #{LOG_LEVELS}" end @logger = logger end if @logger.level < Logger::INFO msg = <<-MSG The Recurly logger should not be initialized beyond the level INFO. It is currently configured to emit headers and request / response bodies. This has the potential to leak PII and other sensitive information and should never be used in production. MSG log_warn("SECURITY_WARNING", message: msg) end # execute block with this client if given yield(self) if block_given? end protected # Used by the operations.rb file to interpolate paths attr_reader :site_id def pager(path, **options) client: self, path: path, options: options, ) end def head(path, **options) validate_options!(**options) request = build_url(path, options) set_headers(request, options[:headers]) http_response = run_request(request, options) handle_response! request, http_response end def get(path, **options) validate_options!(**options) request = build_url(path, options) set_headers(request, options[:headers]) http_response = run_request(request, options) handle_response! request, http_response end def post(path, request_data, request_class, **options) validate_options!(**options)! request = build_url(path, options) request.set_content_type(JSON_CONTENT_TYPE) set_headers(request, options[:headers]) request.body = JSON.dump(request_data) http_response = run_request(request, options) handle_response! request, http_response end def put(path, request_data = nil, request_class = nil, **options) validate_options!(**options) request = build_url(path, options) request.set_content_type(JSON_CONTENT_TYPE) set_headers(request, options[:headers]) if request_data! json_body = JSON.dump(request_data) request.body = json_body end http_response = run_request(request, options) handle_response! request, http_response end def delete(path, **options) validate_options!(**options) request = build_url(path, options) set_headers(request, options[:headers]) http_response = run_request(request, options) handle_response! request, http_response end private @connection_pool = class << self # @return [Recurly::ConnectionPool] attr_accessor :connection_pool end def run_request(request, options = {}) self.class.connection_pool.with_connection do |http| set_http_options(http, options) retries = 0 begin http.start unless http.started? log_attrs = { method: request.method, path: request.path, } if @logger.level < Logger::INFO log_attrs[:request_body] = request.body # No need to log the authorization header headers = request.to_hash.reject { |k, _| k&.downcase == "authorization" } log_attrs[:request_headers] = headers end log_info("Request", **log_attrs) start = response = http.request(request) elapsed = - start # GETs are safe to retry after a server error, requests with an Idempotency-Key will return the prior response if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPServerError) && request.is_a?(Net::HTTP::Get) retries += 1 log_info("Retrying", retries: retries, **log_attrs) start = response = http.request(request) if retries < MAX_RETRIES elapsed = - start end if @logger.level < Logger::INFO log_attrs[:response_body] = response.body log_attrs[:response_headers] = response.to_hash end log_info("Response", time_ms: (elapsed * 1_000).floor, status: response.code, **log_attrs) response rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Errno::ECONNABORTED, Errno::EPIPE, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Net::OpenTimeout, EOFError, SocketError => ex retries += 1 if retries < MAX_RETRIES retry end if ex.kind_of?(Net::OpenTimeout) || ex.kind_of?(Errno::ETIMEDOUT) raise Recurly::Errors::TimeoutError, "Request timed out" end raise Recurly::Errors::ConnectionFailedError, "Failed to connect to Recurly: #{ex.message}" rescue Net::ReadTimeout, Timeout::Error raise Recurly::Errors::TimeoutError, "Request timed out" rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => ex raise Recurly::Errors::SSLError, ex.message rescue StandardError => ex raise Recurly::Errors::NetworkError, ex.message end end end def set_headers(request, additional_headers = {}) # TODO this is undocumented until we finalize it additional_headers.each { |header, v| request[header] = v } if additional_headers request["Accept"] = "application/vnd.recurly.#{api_version}".chomp # got this method from operations.rb request["Authorization"] = "Basic #{Base64.encode64(@api_key)}".chomp request["User-Agent"] = "Recurly/#{VERSION}; #{RUBY_DESCRIPTION}" unless request.is_a?(Net::HTTP::Get) || request.is_a?(Net::HTTP::Head) request["Idempotency-Key"] ||= generate_idempotency_key end end # from def generate_idempotency_key(n = 16) SecureRandom.random_bytes(n).unpack("C*").map do |byte| idx = byte % 64 idx = SecureRandom.random_number(36) if idx >= 36 BASE36_ALPHABET[idx] end.join end def set_http_options(http, options) http.open_timeout = options[:open_timeout] || 20 http.read_timeout = options[:read_timeout] || 60 end def handle_response!(request, http_response) response =, request) raise_api_error!(http_response, response) unless http_response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) resource = if response.body if http_response.content_type&.include?(JSON_CONTENT_TYPE) JSONParser.parse(self, response.body) elsif BINARY_TYPES.include?(http_response.content_type) FileParser.parse(response.body) else raise Recurly::Errors::InvalidContentTypeError, "Unexpected content type: #{http_response.content_type}" end else end # Keep this interface "private" resource.instance_variable_set(:@response, response) resource end def raise_api_error!(http_response, response) if response.content_type.include?(JSON_CONTENT_TYPE) error = JSONParser.parse(self, response.body) begin error_class = Errors::APIError.error_class(error.type) raise, response, error) rescue NameError error_class = Errors::APIError.from_response(http_response) raise"Unknown Error", response, error) end end error_class = Errors::APIError.from_response(http_response) if error_class <= Recurly::Errors::APIError error = "#{http_response.code}: #{http_response.message}") raise, response, error) else raise error_class, "#{http_response.code}: #{http_response.message}" end end def read_headers(response) if !@_ignore_deprecation_warning && response.headers["Recurly-Deprecated"]&.upcase == "TRUE" log_warn("DEPRECTATION WARNING", message: "Your current API version \"#{api_version}\" is deprecated and will be sunset on #{response.headers["Recurly-Sunset-Date"]}") end response end def validate_options!(**options) invalid_options = options.keys.reject do |k| ALLOWED_OPTIONS.include?(k) end if invalid_options.any? joinedKeys = invalid_options.join(", ") joinedOptions = ALLOWED_OPTIONS.join(", ") raise ArgumentError, "Invalid options: '#{joinedKeys}'. Allowed options: '#{joinedOptions}'" end end def validate_path_parameters!(**options) # Check to see that we are passing the correct data types # This prevents a confusing error if the user passes in a non-primitive by mistake options.each do |k, v| unless [String, Symbol, Integer, Float].include?(v.class) message = "We cannot build the url with the given argument #{k}=#{v.inspect}." if k =~ /_id$/ message << " Since this appears to be an id, perhaps you meant to pass in a String?" end raise ArgumentError, message end end # Check to make sure that parameters are not empty string values empty_strings = { |_, v| v.is_a?(String) && v.strip.empty? } if empty_strings.any? raise ArgumentError, "#{empty_strings.keys.join(", ")} cannot be an empty string" end end def interpolate_path(path, **options) validate_path_parameters!(**options) options.each do |k, v| # We need to encode the values for the url options[k] = ERB::Util.url_encode(v.to_s) end path = path.gsub("{", "%{") path % options end def set_api_key(api_key) @api_key = api_key end def build_url(path, options) path = scope_by_site(path, options) query_params = map_array_params(options.fetch(:params, {})) if query_params.any? "#{path}?#{URI.encode_www_form(query_params)}" else path end end # Converts array parameters to CSV strings to maintain consistency with # how the server expects the request to be formatted while providing the # developer with an array type to maintain developer happiness! def map_array_params(params) do |key, param| [key, param.is_a?(Array) ? param.join(",") : param] end.to_h end def scope_by_site(path, options) if site = site_id || options[:site_id] # Ensure that we are only including the site_id once because the Pager operations # will use the cursor returned from the API which may already have these components path.start_with?("/sites/#{site}") ? path : "/sites/#{site}#{path}" else path end end # Define a private `log_` method for each log level LOG_LEVELS.each do |level| define_method "log_#{level}" do |tag, **attrs| @logger.send(level, "Recurly") do msg = { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v.inspect}" }.join(" ") "[#{tag}] #{msg}" end end end end end