3.2.1 (Media Mark)
 * Tables
 * -------------------------------------------------- */:ET:
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i1;@�o:Sass::Selector::Pseudo
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;[o;	;[I"th;	T;0;i1;@�;0;o;;{�;i1;@�o;;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i1;@�o;.
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;[o;	;[I"td;	T;0;i1;@�;0;o;;{�;i1;@�o;;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i1;@�o;.
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i1;@�o;.
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 * ---------------- */;	T;
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;;[�;iT;
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;[o;	;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i];@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"th;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"caption;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�I"+;	To;
;[o;	;[I"
tbody;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i];@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"th;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"caption;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�I"+;	To;
;[o;	;[I"
tbody;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i];@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"td;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;;[I"
;	Fo;
;[o;	;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"
thead;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i];@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"th;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"
tbody;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i];@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"th;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"
tbody;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i];@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"td;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;;[	I"
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;[o;	;[I"
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;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i];@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"th;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;;[	I"
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i];@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"th;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;;[	I"
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;[o;	;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i];@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�o;
;[o;	;[I"td;	T;0;i];@�;0;o;;{�;i];@�;i];@�;[o;;[I"border-top;	T;o;;I"0;	T;
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;;[�;i`;
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;[o;	;[I"
thead;	T;0;ic;I"�;	Fo;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;ic;@�;0;o;;{�;ic;@�o;
;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;ic;@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;ic;@�;0;o;;{�;ic;@�o;
;[o;	;[I"th;	T;0;ic;@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;ic;@�;0;o;;{�;ic;@�o;;[	I"
;	Fo;
;[o;	;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;ic;@�o;.
;/;[I"last-child;	T;00;ic;@�;0;o;;{�;ic;@�o;
;[o;	;[I"td;	T;0;ic;@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;ic;@�;0;o;;{�;ic;@�o;;[	I"
;	Fo;
;[o;	;[I"
tfoot;	T;0;ic;@�o;.
;/;[I"last-child;	T;00;ic;@�;0;o;;{�;ic;@�o;
;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;ic;@�o;.
;/;[I"last-child;	T;00;ic;@�;0;o;;{�;ic;@�o;
;[o;	;[I"td;	T;0;ic;@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;ic;@�;0;o;;{�;ic;@�;ic;@�;[o;;[I"#-webkit-border-top-left-radius;	T;o;;I"4px;	T;
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  tbody:last-child tr:last-child td:last-child,
  tfoot:last-child tr:last-child td:last-child;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"
thead;	T;0;ij;I"�;	Fo;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;ij;@D;0;o;;{�;ij;@Do;
;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;ij;@Do;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;ij;@D;0;o;;{�;ij;@Do;
;[o;	;[I"th;	T;0;ij;@Do;.
;/;[I"last-child;	T;00;ij;@D;0;o;;{�;ij;@Do;;[	I"
;	Fo;
;[o;	;[I"
tbody;	T;0;ij;@Do;.
;/;[I"last-child;	T;00;ij;@D;0;o;;{�;ij;@Do;
;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;ij;@Do;.
;/;[I"last-child;	T;00;ij;@D;0;o;;{�;ij;@Do;
;[o;	;[I"td;	T;0;ij;@Do;.
;/;[I"last-child;	T;00;ij;@D;0;o;;{�;ij;@Do;;[	I"
;	Fo;
;[o;	;[I"
tfoot;	T;0;ij;@Do;.
;/;[I"last-child;	T;00;ij;@D;0;o;;{�;ij;@Do;
;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;ij;@Do;.
;/;[I"last-child;	T;00;ij;@D;0;o;;{�;ij;@Do;
;[o;	;[I"td;	T;0;ij;@Do;.
;/;[I"last-child;	T;00;ij;@D;0;o;;{�;ij;@D;ij;@D;[o;;[I"$-webkit-border-top-right-radius;	T;o;;I"4px;	T;
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@;i�;!;";[�;il;
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@;i�;!;";[�;im;
@;ij;%T;
;[I"D/* Special fixes to round the left border on the first td/th */;	T;
;;[�;ip;
@o;;[I"�caption + thead tr:first-child th:first-child,
  caption + tbody tr:first-child td:first-child,
  colgroup + thead tr:first-child th:first-child,
  colgroup + tbody tr:first-child td:first-child;	T;i�;o;;[	o;;[
;[o;	;[I"caption;	T;0;it;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;it;@�I"+;	To;
;[o;	;[I"
thead;	T;0;it;@�;0;o;;{�;it;@�o;
;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;it;@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;it;@�;0;o;;{�;it;@�o;
;[o;	;[I"th;	T;0;it;@�o;.
;/;[I"first-child;	T;00;it;@�;0;o;;{�;it;@�o;;[I"
;	Fo;
;[o;	;[I"caption;	T;0;it;@�;0;o;;{�;it;@�I"+;	To;
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i|;@so;.
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;[o;	;[I"th;	T;0;i|;@so;.
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i|;@so;.
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;;[�;i�;
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;[o;	;[I"td;	T;0;i�;@K;0;o;;{�;i�;@Ko;;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"th;	T;0;i�;@K;0;o;;{�;i�;@K;i�;@K;[o;;[I"background-color;	T;o;#	;I"tableBackgroundAccent;	T;$I"tableBackgroundAccent;	T;i�;
@;i�;!;";[�;i�;
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 * ------------
 * Placed here since it has to come after the potential zebra striping */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
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;[o;	;[I"td;	T;0;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I"
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@;i�;!;";[�;i�;
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 * ----------------- */;	T;
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;;[�;i�;
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;[o;	;[I"
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;[o:Sass::Selector::Attribute;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"
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;[I"*/* undo default grid column styles */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
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;;[�;i�;
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@;3{�;40;[�;i�;
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@;3{�;40;[�;i�;
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@;3{�;40;[�;i�;
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@;3{�;40;[�;i�;
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@;i�;%T;
 * -----------------
 * Exact selectors below required to override .table-striped */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
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table;	T;i�;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�	;i�;@�	;[o;;[I"tbody tr.success td;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i�;@�	o;&;[I"success;	T;i�;@�	;0;o;;{�;i�;@�	o;
;[o;	;[I"td;	T;0;i�;@�	;0;o;;{�;i�;@�	;i�;@�	;[o;;[I"background-color;	T;o;#	;I"successBackground;	T;$I"successBackground;	T;i�;
@;i�;!;";[�;i�;
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@o;;[I"tbody tr.error td;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i�;@�	o;&;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"td;	T;0;i�;@�	;0;o;;{�;i�;@�	;i�;@�	;[o;;[I"background-color;	T;o;#	;I"errorBackground;	T;$I"errorBackground;	T;i�;
@;i�;!;";[�;i�;
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@o;;[I"tbody tr.info td;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"tr;	T;0;i�;@�	o;&;[I"	info;	T;i�;@�	;0;o;;{�;i�;@�	o;
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@:@templateI"	//
// Tables
// --------------------------------------------------

// -----------------

table {
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// ---------------

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  td {
    padding: 8px;
    line-height: $baseLineHeight;
    text-align: left;
    vertical-align: top;
    border-top: 1px solid $tableBorder;
  th {
    font-weight: bold;
  // Bottom align for column headings
  thead th {
    vertical-align: bottom;
  // Remove top border from thead by default
  caption + thead tr:first-child th,
  caption + thead tr:first-child td,
  colgroup + thead tr:first-child th,
  colgroup + thead tr:first-child td,
  thead:first-child tr:first-child th,
  thead:first-child tr:first-child td {
    border-top: 0;
  // Account for multiple tbody instances
  tbody + tbody {
    border-top: 2px solid $tableBorder;

// -------------------------------

.table-condensed {
  td {
    padding: 4px 5px;

// ----------------

.table-bordered {
  border: 1px solid $tableBorder;
  border-collapse: separate; // Done so we can round those corners!
  *border-collapse: collapse; // IE7 can't round corners anyway
  border-left: 0;
  @include border-radius(4px);
  td {
    border-left: 1px solid $tableBorder;
  // Prevent a double border
  caption + thead tr:first-child th,
  caption + tbody tr:first-child th,
  caption + tbody tr:first-child td,
  colgroup + thead tr:first-child th,
  colgroup + tbody tr:first-child th,
  colgroup + tbody tr:first-child td,
  thead:first-child tr:first-child th,
  tbody:first-child tr:first-child th,
  tbody:first-child tr:first-child td {
    border-top: 0;
  // For first th or td in the first row in the first thead or tbody
  thead:first-child tr:first-child th:first-child,
  tbody:last-child tr:last-child td:first-child,
  tfoot:last-child tr:last-child td:first-child {
    -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px;
            border-top-left-radius: 4px;
        -moz-border-radius-topleft: 4px;
  thead:first-child tr:first-child th:last-child,
  tbody:last-child tr:last-child td:last-child,
  tfoot:last-child tr:last-child td:last-child {
    -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px;
            border-top-right-radius: 4px;
        -moz-border-radius-topright: 4px;

  // Special fixes to round the left border on the first td/th
  caption + thead tr:first-child th:first-child,
  caption + tbody tr:first-child td:first-child,
  colgroup + thead tr:first-child th:first-child,
  colgroup + tbody tr:first-child td:first-child {
    -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px;
            border-top-left-radius: 4px;
        -moz-border-radius-topleft: 4px;
  caption + thead tr:first-child th:last-child,
  caption + tbody tr:first-child td:last-child,
  colgroup + thead tr:first-child th:last-child,
  colgroup + tbody tr:first-child td:last-child {
    -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px;
            border-top-right-radius: 4px;
          -moz-border-right-topleft: 4px;


// --------------

// Default zebra-stripe styles (alternating gray and transparent backgrounds)
.table-striped {
  tbody {
    tr:nth-child(odd) td,
    tr:nth-child(odd) th {
      background-color: $tableBackgroundAccent;

// ------------
// Placed here since it has to come after the potential zebra striping
.table-hover {
  tbody {
    tr:hover td,
    tr:hover th {
      background-color: $tableBackgroundHover;

// -----------------

// Reset default grid behavior
table [class*=span],
.row-fluid table [class*=span] {
  display: table-cell;
  float: none; // undo default grid column styles
  margin-left: 0; // undo default grid column styles

// Change the column widths to account for td/th padding
table {
  .span1     { @include tableColumns(1); }
  .span2     { @include tableColumns(2); }
  .span3     { @include tableColumns(3); }
  .span4     { @include tableColumns(4); }
  .span5     { @include tableColumns(5); }
  .span6     { @include tableColumns(6); }
  .span7     { @include tableColumns(7); }
  .span8     { @include tableColumns(8); }
  .span9     { @include tableColumns(9); }
  .span10    { @include tableColumns(10); }
  .span11    { @include tableColumns(11); }
  .span12    { @include tableColumns(12); }
  .span13    { @include tableColumns(13); }
  .span14    { @include tableColumns(14); }
  .span15    { @include tableColumns(15); }
  .span16    { @include tableColumns(16); }
  .span17    { @include tableColumns(17); }
  .span18    { @include tableColumns(18); }
  .span19    { @include tableColumns(19); }
  .span20    { @include tableColumns(20); }
  .span21    { @include tableColumns(21); }
  .span22    { @include tableColumns(22); }
  .span23    { @include tableColumns(23); }
  .span24    { @include tableColumns(24); }

// -----------------
// Exact selectors below required to override .table-striped

.table {
  tbody tr.success td {
    background-color: $successBackground;
  tbody tr.error td {
    background-color: $errorBackground;
  tbody tr.info td {
    background-color: $infoBackground;
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