require 'spec_helper' require 'openssl' describe Akero do subject { } describe '#new' do it "returns instance with unique fingerprint" do memo = {} 10.times do id = memo.should_not include id memo[id] = true end end end describe '#id' do it "returns a String that looks like an Akero fingerprint" do be_a String match /^AK(:([a-fA-Z0-9]){2}){20}$/ end end describe '#private_key' do describe 'return value' do it "is a String that looks like an Akero private key" do subject.private_key.should be_a String subject.private_key.should match /^#{Akero::PKEY_HEADER}/ subject.private_key.should match /\n#{Akero::PKEY_FOOTER}$/ end it "can be loaded by Akero" do bob = Akero.load(subject.private_key) == bob.public_key.should == subject.public_key end end end describe '#public_key' do describe 'return value' do it "is a String that looks like an Akero public key" do subject.public_key.should be_a String subject.public_key.should match /^-----BEGIN #{Akero::PLATE_CERT[1]}-----\n/ subject.public_key.should match /\n-----END #{Akero::PLATE_CERT[1]}-----\n$/ end it "raises RuntimeError when trying to load as private key" do lambda { bob = Akero.load(subject.public_key) == bob.public_key.should == subject.public_key }.should raise_error RuntimeError, Akero::ERR_PKEY_CORRUPT end end end describe '#sign' do describe 'return value' do it "is a String that looks like an Akero signed message" do plaintext = "Hello world!" signed_msg = subject.sign(plaintext) signed_msg.should be_a String signed_msg.should match /^-----BEGIN #{Akero::PLATE_SIGNED[1]}-----\n/ signed_msg.should match /\n-----END #{Akero::PLATE_SIGNED[1]}-----\n$/ end it "contains valid signature" do plaintext = "Hello world!" signed_msg = subject.sign(plaintext) bob = msg = bob.receive(signed_msg) msg.from.should == msg.from_pk.should == subject.public_key msg.body.should == plaintext msg.type.should == :signed end end end describe '#encrypt' do describe 'return value' do it "is a String that looks like an Akero secret message" do plaintext = "Hello world!" ciphertext = subject.encrypt(subject.public_key, plaintext) ciphertext.should be_a String ciphertext.should match /^-----BEGIN #{Akero::PLATE_CRYPTED[1]}-----\n/ ciphertext.should match /\n-----END #{Akero::PLATE_CRYPTED[1]}-----\n$/ end it "contains valid signature" do plaintext = "Hello world!" signed_msg = subject.sign(plaintext) bob = msg = bob.receive(signed_msg) msg.from == msg.from_pk.should == subject.public_key msg.body.should == plaintext msg.type.should == :signed end it "raises RuntimeError on invalid recipient (invalid public key)" do lambda { msg = "Hello world!" ciphertext = subject.encrypt([subject.public_key, 'foo'], msg) }.should raise_error RuntimeError, Akero::ERR_INVALID_RECIPIENT_CERT end it "raises RuntimeError on invalid recipient (wrong type)" do lambda { msg = "Hello world!" ciphertext = subject.encrypt([subject.public_key, 42], msg) }.should raise_error RuntimeError, Akero::ERR_INVALID_RECIPIENT end it "raises RuntimeError when message is not String" do lambda { msg = "Hello world!" ciphertext = subject.encrypt(subject.public_key, 42) }.should raise_error RuntimeError, Akero::ERR_MSG_NOT_STRING_NOR_PKCS7 end end end describe '#receive' do it "decrypts message that was encrypted for self" do plaintext = "Hello world!" ciphertext = subject.encrypt(subject.public_key, plaintext) msg = subject.receive(ciphertext) msg.body.should == plaintext msg.type.should == :encrypted end it "decrypts message that was encrypted for self and other recipients" do plaintext = "Hello world!" alice = bob = ciphertext = subject.encrypt([alice.public_key, subject.public_key, bob.public_key], plaintext) msg = subject.receive(ciphertext) msg.body.should == plaintext msg.type.should == :encrypted end it "fails to decrypt message that was encrypted only for other recipients" do lambda { plaintext = "Hello world!" alice = bob = ciphertext = subject.encrypt([alice.public_key, bob.public_key], plaintext) msg = subject.receive(ciphertext) msg.body.should == plaintext msg.type.should == :encrypted }.should raise_error RuntimeError, Akero::ERR_DECRYPT end it "extracts signature from signed message" do plaintext = "Hello world!" alice = signed_msg = subject.sign(plaintext) msg = alice.receive(signed_msg) msg.body.should == plaintext msg.type.should == :signed end it "raises RuntimeError on invalid message" do lambda { subject.receive("foobar") }.should raise_error RuntimeError #, Akero::ERR_MSG_MALFORMED_ENV end it "raises RuntimeError when inner does not match outer signature" do lambda { oscar = raw_key = subject.send(:instance_variable_get, '@cert') a = subject.send(:_encrypt, [raw_key], subject.send(:_sign, 'foobar')) b = oscar.send(:_sign, a).to_s c = Akero.replate(b, Akero::PLATE_CRYPTED) subject.receive(c) }.should raise_error RuntimeError, Akero::ERR_MSG_CORRUPT_CERT end it "raises RuntimeError on malformed inner message" do lambda { key, cert = subject.send(:generate_keypair, 1024) env = OpenSSL::PKCS7::sign(cert, key, 0xff.chr, [], OpenSSL::PKCS7::BINARY) broken_msg = Akero.replate(env.to_s, Akero::PLATE_CRYPTED) subject.receive(broken_msg) }.should raise_error RuntimeError, Akero::ERR_MSG_MALFORMED_BODY end it "raises RuntimeError on unsigned message" do lambda { raw_key = subject.send(:instance_variable_get, '@cert') env = OpenSSL::PKCS7::encrypt([raw_key], 'foobar', OpenSSL::Cipher::new("AES-256-CFB"), OpenSSL::PKCS7::BINARY) broken_msg = Akero.replate(env.to_s, Akero::PLATE_CRYPTED) subject.receive(broken_msg) }.should raise_error RuntimeError, Akero::ERR_MSG_TOO_MANY_SIGNERS end end describe '#verify' do it "raises RuntimeError when embedded certificate can not be verified" do lambda { fake_msg = mock('fake_msg') fake_msg.stub(:verify).and_return(false) fake_msg.stub_chain(:certificates, :length).and_return(1) fake_msg.stub_chain(:certificates, :[]).and_return(nil) subject.send(:verify, fake_msg, nil) }.should raise_error RuntimeError, Akero::ERR_MSG_CORRUPT_CERT end end describe '#inspect' do it "returns a summary String" do s = subject.inspect s.should match /id=AK:/ end end describe '#to_s' do it "returns the same value as #inspect" do subject.to_s.should == subject.inspect end end describe '.fingerprint_from_cert' do it "raises RuntimeError on invalid cert" do mock_cert = mock('mock_cert') mock_cert.stub_chain(:extensions, :map, :each).and_return(nil) lambda { Akero.fingerprint_from_cert(mock_cert) }.should raise_error RuntimeError, Akero::ERR_CERT_CORRUPT end end describe Akero::Message do describe '#inspect' do it "returns a summary String" do signed_msg = subject.sign('') msg = subject.receive(signed_msg) s = msg.inspect s.should be_a String s.should match /@type=/ s.should match /@from=/ s.should match /@body=/ end end end end