begin require 'java' # Add method snake_case to String as early as possible so all classes below can use it class String def snake_case return downcase if match(/\A[A-Z]+\z/) gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2'). downcase end end # # The Killbill Java APIs imported into that jruby bridge # IMPORT_KILLBILL_APIS = %w( com.ning.billing.account.api.AccountUserApi com.ning.billing.catalog.api.CatalogUserApi com.ning.billing.entitlement.api.user.EntitlementUserApi com.ning.billing.invoice.api.InvoicePaymentApi com.ning.billing.invoice.api.InvoiceUserApi com.ning.billing.overdue.OverdueUserApi com.ning.billing.payment.api.PaymentApi com.ning.billing.util.api.CustomFieldUserApi com.ning.billing.util.api.TagUserApi javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet ) # # The Killbill ruby APIs exported for all the ruby plugins # EXPORT_KILLBILL_API = %w( createAccount updateAccount getAccountById getBundleFromId getSubscriptionFromId getBundlesForAccount getSubscriptionsForBundle getBaseSubscription createBundleForAccount createSubscription getNextBillingDate getAllInvoicesByAccount getInvoice getInvoicePayments getInvoicePaymentForAttempt getRemainingAmountPaid getChargebacksByAccountId getAccountIdFromInvoicePaymentId getChargebacksByPaymentId getChargebackById getInvoicesByAccount getAccountBalance getAccountCBA getInvoice getUnpaidInvoicesByAccountId getOverdueStateFor getAccountRefunds getPaymentRefunds getInvoicePayments getAccountPayments getPayment getPaymentMethods getPaymentMethodById addCustomFields getCustomFieldsForAccount getTagDefinitions createTagDefinition deleteTagDefinition getTagDefinition getTagDefinitions addTags addTag removeTags removeTag getTagsForAccount ).collect { |e| e.snake_case } begin IMPORT_KILLBILL_APIS.each { |api| java_import api } rescue NameError # killbill-api should be provided by the JRuby OSGI bundle. We default to using JBundler for development purposes only begin require 'jbundler' IMPORT_KILLBILL_APIS.each { |api| java_import api } warn 'Using JBundler to load killbill-api (see .jbundler/classpath.rb). This should only happen in development mode!' rescue LoadError => e warn 'Unable to load killbill-api. For development purposes, use JBundler (create the following Jarfile: and run: `bundle install && jbundle install\')' end end # jbundler needs to be loaded first! require 'killbill/jplugin' require 'killbill/jpayment' require 'killbill/jnotification' rescue LoadError => e warn "You need JRuby to run Killbill plugins #{e}" end require 'killbill/gen/require_gen' require 'killbill/notification' require 'killbill/payment'