require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe Sequel::Model, "tree plugin" do def klass(opts={}) @db = DB c =[:nodes])) c.class_eval do def; 'Node'; end columns :id, :name, :parent_id, :i, :pi plugin :tree, opts end c end before do @c = klass @ds = @c.dataset @o = @c.load(:id=>2, :parent_id=>1, :name=>'AA', :i=>3, :pi=>4) @db.reset end it "should define the correct associations" do @c.associations.sort_by{|x| x.to_s}.must_equal [:children, :parent] end it "should define the correct reciprocals" do @c.associations.sort_by{|x| x.to_s}.map{|x| @c.association_reflection(x).reciprocal}.must_equal [:parent, :children] end it "should define the correct associations when giving options" do klass(:children=>{:name=>:cs}, :parent=>{:name=>:p}).associations.sort_by{|x| x.to_s}.must_equal [:cs, :p] end it "should use the correct SQL for lazy associations" do @o.parent_dataset.sql.must_equal 'SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ( = 1) LIMIT 1' @o.children_dataset.sql.must_equal 'SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (nodes.parent_id = 2)' end it "should use the correct SQL for lazy associations when giving options" do o = klass(:primary_key=>:i, :key=>:pi, :order=>:name, :children=>{:name=>:cs}, :parent=>{:name=>:p}).load(:id=>2, :parent_id=>1, :name=>'AA', :i=>3, :pi=>4) o.p_dataset.sql.must_equal 'SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (nodes.i = 4) ORDER BY name LIMIT 1' o.cs_dataset.sql.must_equal 'SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (nodes.pi = 3) ORDER BY name' end it "should have parent_column give the symbol of the parent column" do @c.parent_column.must_equal :parent_id klass(:key=>:p_id).parent_column.must_equal :p_id end it "should have tree_order give the order of the association" do @c.tree_order.must_be_nil klass(:order=>:name).tree_order.must_equal :name klass(:order=>[:parent_id, :name]).tree_order.must_equal [:parent_id, :name] end it "should work correctly in subclasses" do o =>:i, :key=>:pi, :order=>:name, :children=>{:name=>:cs}, :parent=>{:name=>:p})).load(:id=>2, :parent_id=>1, :name=>'AA', :i=>3, :pi=>4) o.p_dataset.sql.must_equal 'SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (nodes.i = 4) ORDER BY name LIMIT 1' o.cs_dataset.sql.must_equal 'SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (nodes.pi = 3) ORDER BY name' end it "should have roots return an array of the tree's roots" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([{:id=>1, :parent_id=>nil, :name=>'r'}]) @c.roots.must_equal [@c.load(:id=>1, :parent_id=>nil, :name=>'r')] @db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (parent_id IS NULL)"] end it "should have roots_dataset be a dataset representing the tree's roots" do @c.roots_dataset.sql.must_equal "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (parent_id IS NULL)" end it "should have ancestors return the ancestors of the current node" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([[{:id=>1, :parent_id=>5, :name=>'r'}], [{:id=>5, :parent_id=>nil, :name=>'r2'}]]) @o.ancestors.must_equal [@c.load(:id=>1, :parent_id=>5, :name=>'r'), @c.load(:id=>5, :parent_id=>nil, :name=>'r2')] @db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE id = 1", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE id = 5"] end it "should have descendants return the descendants of the current node" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([[{:id=>3, :parent_id=>2, :name=>'r'}, {:id=>4, :parent_id=>2, :name=>'r2'}], [{:id=>5, :parent_id=>4, :name=>'r3'}], []]) @o.descendants.must_equal [@c.load(:id=>3, :parent_id=>2, :name=>'r'), @c.load(:id=>4, :parent_id=>2, :name=>'r2'), @c.load(:id=>5, :parent_id=>4, :name=>'r3')] @db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (nodes.parent_id = 2)", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (nodes.parent_id = 3)", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (nodes.parent_id = 5)", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (nodes.parent_id = 4)"] end it "should have root return the root of the current node" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([[{:id=>1, :parent_id=>5, :name=>'r'}], [{:id=>5, :parent_id=>nil, :name=>'r2'}]]) @o.root.must_equal @c.load(:id=>5, :parent_id=>nil, :name=>'r2') @db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE id = 1", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE id = 5"] end it "should have root? return true for a root node and false for a child node" do @c.load(:parent_id => nil).root?.must_equal true @c.load(:parent_id => 1).root?.must_equal false end it "should have root? return false for an new node" do false end it "should have self_and_siblings return the children of the current node's parent" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([[{:id=>1, :parent_id=>3, :name=>'r'}], [{:id=>7, :parent_id=>1, :name=>'r2'}, @o.values.dup]]) @o.self_and_siblings.must_equal [@c.load(:id=>7, :parent_id=>1, :name=>'r2'), @o] @db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE id = 1", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (nodes.parent_id = 1)"] end it "should have siblings return the children of the current node's parent, except for the current node" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([[{:id=>1, :parent_id=>3, :name=>'r'}], [{:id=>7, :parent_id=>1, :name=>'r2'}, @o.values.dup]]) @o.siblings.must_equal [@c.load(:id=>7, :parent_id=>1, :name=>'r2')] @db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE id = 1", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (nodes.parent_id = 1)"] end describe ":single_root option" do before do @c = klass(:single_root => true) end it "should have root class method return the root" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([{:id=>1, :parent_id=>nil, :name=>'r'}]) @c.root.must_equal @c.load(:id=>1, :parent_id=>nil, :name=>'r') end it "prevents creating a second root" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([{:id=>1, :parent_id=>nil, :name=>'r'}]) lambda { @c.create }.must_raise(Sequel::Plugins::Tree::TreeMultipleRootError) end it "errors when promoting an existing record to a second root" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([{:id=>1, :parent_id=>nil, :name=>'r'}]) n = @c.load(:id => 2, :parent_id => 1) lambda { n.update(:parent_id => nil) }.must_raise(Sequel::Plugins::Tree::TreeMultipleRootError) end it "allows updating existing root" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([{:id=>1, :parent_id=>nil, :name=>'r'}]) @c.root.update(:name => 'fdsa') end end end describe Sequel::Model, "tree plugin with composite keys" do def klass(opts={}) @db = DB c =[:nodes])) c.class_eval do def; 'Node'; end columns :id, :id2, :name, :parent_id, :parent_id2, :i, :pi set_primary_key [:id, :id2] plugin :tree, opts.merge(:key=>[:parent_id, :parent_id2]) def self.set_dataset(ds) super set_primary_key [:id, :id2] end end c end before do @c = klass @ds = @c.dataset @o = @c.load(:id=>2, :id2=>5, :parent_id=>1, :parent_id2=>6, :name=>'AA', :i=>3, :pi=>4) @db.reset end it "should use the correct SQL for lazy associations" do @o.parent_dataset.sql.must_equal 'SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (( = 1) AND (nodes.id2 = 6)) LIMIT 1' @o.children_dataset.sql.must_equal 'SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((nodes.parent_id = 2) AND (nodes.parent_id2 = 5))' end it "should have parent_column give an array of symbols of the parent column" do @c.parent_column.must_equal [:parent_id, :parent_id2] end it "should have roots return an array of the tree's roots" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([{:id=>1, :parent_id=>nil, :parent_id2=>nil, :name=>'r'}]) @c.roots.must_equal [@c.load(:id=>1, :parent_id=>nil, :parent_id2=>nil, :name=>'r')] @db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((parent_id IS NULL) OR (parent_id2 IS NULL))"] end it "should have roots_dataset be a dataset representing the tree's roots" do @c.roots_dataset.sql.must_equal "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((parent_id IS NULL) OR (parent_id2 IS NULL))" end it "should have ancestors return the ancestors of the current node" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([[{:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>5, :parent_id2=>7, :name=>'r'}], [{:id=>5, :id2=>7, :parent_id=>nil, :parent_id2=>nil, :name=>'r2'}]]) @o.ancestors.must_equal [@c.load(:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>5, :parent_id2=>7, :name=>'r'), @c.load(:id=>5, :id2=>7, :parent_id=>nil, :parent_id2=>nil, :name=>'r2')] sqls = @db.sqls sqls.length.must_equal 2 ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((id = 1) AND (id2 = 6)) LIMIT 1", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((id2 = 6) AND (id = 1)) LIMIT 1"].must_include(sqls[0]) ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((id = 5) AND (id2 = 7)) LIMIT 1", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((id2 = 7) AND (id = 5)) LIMIT 1"].must_include(sqls[1]) end it "should have descendants return the descendants of the current node" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([[{:id=>3, :id2=>7, :parent_id=>2, :parent_id2=>5, :name=>'r'}, {:id=>4, :id2=>8, :parent_id=>2, :parent_id2=>5, :name=>'r2'}], [{:id=>5, :id2=>9, :parent_id=>4, :parent_id2=>8, :name=>'r3'}], []]) @o.descendants.must_equal [@c.load(:id=>3, :id2=>7, :parent_id=>2, :parent_id2=>5, :name=>'r'), @c.load(:id=>4, :id2=>8, :parent_id=>2, :parent_id2=>5, :name=>'r2'), @c.load(:id=>5, :id2=>9, :parent_id=>4, :parent_id2=>8, :name=>'r3')] @db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((nodes.parent_id = 2) AND (nodes.parent_id2 = 5))", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((nodes.parent_id = 3) AND (nodes.parent_id2 = 7))", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((nodes.parent_id = 5) AND (nodes.parent_id2 = 9))", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((nodes.parent_id = 4) AND (nodes.parent_id2 = 8))"] end it "should have root return the root of the current node" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([[{:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>5, :parent_id2=>7, :name=>'r'}], [{:id=>5, :id2=>7, :parent_id=>nil, :parent_id2=>nil, :name=>'r2'}]]) @o.root.must_equal @c.load(:id=>5, :id2=>7, :parent_id=>nil, :parent_id2=>nil, :name=>'r2') sqls = @db.sqls sqls.length.must_equal 2 ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((id = 1) AND (id2 = 6)) LIMIT 1", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((id2 = 6) AND (id = 1)) LIMIT 1"].must_include(sqls[0]) ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((id = 5) AND (id2 = 7)) LIMIT 1", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((id2 = 7) AND (id = 5)) LIMIT 1"].must_include(sqls[1]) end it "should have root? return true for a root node and false for a child node" do @c.load(:parent_id => nil, :parent_id2=>nil).root?.must_equal true @c.load(:parent_id => 1, :parent_id2=>nil).root?.must_equal true @c.load(:parent_id => nil, :parent_id2=>2).root?.must_equal true @c.load(:parent_id => 1, :parent_id2=>2).root?.must_equal false end it "should have root? return false for an new node" do false end it "should have self_and_siblings return the children of the current node's parent" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([[{:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>3, :parent_id2=>7, :name=>'r'}], [{:id=>7, :id2=>9, :parent_id=>1, :parent_id2=>6, :name=>'r2'}, @o.values.dup]]) @o.self_and_siblings.must_equal [@c.load(:id=>7, :id2=>9, :parent_id=>1, :parent_id2=>6, :name=>'r2'), @o] sqls = @db.sqls sqls.length.must_equal 2 ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((id = 1) AND (id2 = 6)) LIMIT 1", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((id2 = 6) AND (id = 1)) LIMIT 1"].must_include(sqls[0]) sqls[1].must_equal "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((nodes.parent_id = 1) AND (nodes.parent_id2 = 6))" end it "should have siblings return the children of the current node's parent, except for the current node" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([[{:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>3, :parent_id2=>7, :name=>'r'}], [{:id=>7, :id2=>9, :parent_id=>1, :parent_id2=>6, :name=>'r2'}, @o.values.dup]]) @o.siblings.must_equal [@c.load(:id=>7, :id2=>9, :parent_id=>1, :parent_id2=>6, :name=>'r2')] sqls = @db.sqls sqls.length.must_equal 2 ["SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((id = 1) AND (id2 = 6)) LIMIT 1", "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((id2 = 6) AND (id = 1)) LIMIT 1"].must_include(sqls[0]) sqls[1].must_equal "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE ((nodes.parent_id = 1) AND (nodes.parent_id2 = 6))" end describe ":single_root option" do before do @c = klass(:single_root => true) end it "prevents creating a second root" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([{:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>nil, :parent_id2=>nil, :name=>'r'}]) lambda { @c.create }.must_raise(Sequel::Plugins::Tree::TreeMultipleRootError) @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([{:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>1, :parent_id2=>nil, :name=>'r'}]) lambda { @c.create(:parent_id2=>1) }.must_raise(Sequel::Plugins::Tree::TreeMultipleRootError) @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([{:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>nil, :parent_id2=>2, :name=>'r'}]) lambda { @c.create(:parent_id=>2) }.must_raise(Sequel::Plugins::Tree::TreeMultipleRootError) end it "errors when promoting an existing record to a second root" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([{:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>nil, :parent_id2=>nil, :name=>'r'}]) lambda { @c.load(:id => 2, :id2=>7, :parent_id => 1, :parent_id2=>2).update(:parent_id => nil, :parent_id2=>nil) }.must_raise(Sequel::Plugins::Tree::TreeMultipleRootError) @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([{:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>1, :parent_id2=>nil, :name=>'r'}]) lambda { @c.load(:id => 2, :id2=>7, :parent_id => 1, :parent_id2=>2).update(:parent_id => nil) }.must_raise(Sequel::Plugins::Tree::TreeMultipleRootError) @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch([{:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>nil, :parent_id2=>2, :name=>'r'}]) lambda { @c.load(:id => 2, :id2=>7, :parent_id => 1, :parent_id2=>2).update(:parent_id2 => nil) }.must_raise(Sequel::Plugins::Tree::TreeMultipleRootError) end it "allows updating existing root" do @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch(:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>nil, :parent_id2=>nil, :name=>'r') @c.root.update(:name => 'fdsa') @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch(:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>1, :parent_id2=>nil, :name=>'r') @c.root.update(:name => 'fdsa') @c.dataset = @c.dataset.with_fetch(:id=>1, :id2=>6, :parent_id=>nil, :parent_id2=>2, :name=>'r') @c.root.update(:name => 'fdsa') end it "freezes tree_order if it is an array" do @c.tree_order = [:id] @c.freeze @c.tree_order.frozen?.must_equal true end end end