module DiscoApp::Concerns::Synchronises extend ActiveSupport::Concern class_methods do # Define the number of resources per page to fetch. SYNCHRONISES_PAGE_LIMIT = 250 def should_synchronise?(shop, data) true end def synchronise(shop, data) data = data.with_indifferent_access return unless should_synchronise?(shop, data) begin instance = self.find_or_create_by!(id: data[:id]) do |instance| = shop = data end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique retry end instance.update(data: data) instance end def should_synchronise_deletion?(shop, data) true end def synchronise_deletion(shop, data) data = data.with_indifferent_access return unless should_synchronise_deletion?(shop, data) self.destroy_all(shop: shop, id: data[:id]) end def synchronise_all(shop, params = {}) resource_count = shop.temp { self::SHOPIFY_API_CLASS.count(params) } (1..(resource_count / SYNCHRONISES_PAGE_LIMIT.to_f).ceil).each do |page| DiscoApp::SynchroniseResourcesJob.perform_later(shop,, params.merge(page: page, limit: SYNCHRONISES_PAGE_LIMIT)) end end end end