module Characterizable class Characteristic attr_reader :base, :name, :trumps, :prerequisite, :display, :options def initialize(base, name, options = {}, &block) @base = base @name = name @trumps = Array.wrap options.delete(:trumps) @prerequisite = options.delete(:prerequisite) @display = options.delete(:display) @options = options Blockenspiel.invoke block, self if block_given? end def as_json(*) { :name => name, :trumps => trumps, :prerequisite => prerequisite, :options => options } end def inspect "" end def characteristics base.characteristics end def value(universe) case universe when Hash universe[name] else universe.send name if universe.respond_to?(name) end end def display(universe) val = value(universe) if @display and val end def known?(universe) not value(universe).nil? end def potential?(universe) not known?(universe) and revealed? universe and not trumped? universe end def effective?(universe, ignoring = nil) known?(universe) and revealed? universe and not trumped? universe, ignoring end def trumped?(universe, ignoring = nil) characteristics.each do |_, other| if other.trumps.include? name and not ignoring == if trumps.include? # special case: mutual trumping. current characteristic is trumped if its friend is otherwise effective and it is not otherwise effective return true if other.effective? universe, name and not effective? universe, else return true if other.effective? universe end end end false end def revealed?(universe) return true if prerequisite.nil? characteristics[prerequisite].effective? universe end include Blockenspiel::DSL def reveals(other_name, other_options = {}, &block) base.has other_name, other_options.merge(:prerequisite => name), &block end def displays(&block) @display = block end end end