module Katello module Resources module CDN SUPPORTED_SSL_VERSIONS = ['SSLv23', 'TLSv1'].freeze class Utils # takes releasever from contentUrl (e.g. 6Server, 6.0, 6.1) # returns hash e.g. {:major => 6, :minor => "6.1"} # used to be able to make hierarchial view for RH repos def self.parse_version(releasever) if releasever.to_s =~ /^\d/ {:major => releasever[/^\d+/].to_i, :minor => releasever } else {} end end end class CdnResource CDN_DOCKER_CONTAINER_LISTING = "CONTAINER_REGISTRY_LISTING".freeze attr_reader :url, :product, :options def substitutor(logger = nil) @logger = logger end def initialize(url, options = {}) @ssl_version = Setting[:cdn_ssl_version] if @ssl_version && !SUPPORTED_SSL_VERSIONS.include?(@ssl_version) fail("Invalid SSL version specified. Check the 'CDN SSL Version' setting") end options.reverse_merge!(:verify_ssl => 9) options.assert_valid_keys(:ssl_client_key, :ssl_client_cert, :ssl_ca_file, :verify_ssl, :product) ca = Katello::Repository.feed_ca_file(url) if ca && URI(url).scheme == 'https' options.reverse_merge!(:ssl_ca_file => ca) elsif URI(url).scheme == 'https' store = store.set_default_paths options.reverse_merge!(:cert_store => store) end @product = options[:product] @url = url @uri = URI.parse(url) @options = options end def self.redhat_cdn?(url) url.include?(SETTINGS[:katello][:redhat_repository_url]) end def http_downloader net =, @uri.port) net.use_ssl = @uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPS) if CdnResource.redhat_cdn?(@uri.to_s) net.cert = @options[:ssl_client_cert] net.key = @options[:ssl_client_key] net.ca_file = @options[:ssl_ca_file] if @options[:ssl_ca_file] else net.cert_store = @options[:cert_store] end # NOTE: This was added because some proxies dont support SSLv23 and do not handle TLS 1.2 # Valid values in ruby 1.9.3 are 'SSLv23' or 'TLSV1' # Run the following command in rails console to figure out other # valid constants in other ruby versions # "OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::METHODS" net.ssl_version = @ssl_version if (@options[:verify_ssl] == false) || (@options[:verify_ssl] == OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) net.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE elsif @options[:verify_ssl].is_a? Integer net.verify_mode = @options[:verify_ssl] net.verify_callback = lambda do |preverify_ok, ssl_context| if !preverify_ok || ssl_context.error != 0 err_msg = "SSL Verification failed -- Preverify: #{preverify_ok}, Error: #{ssl_context.error_string} (#{ssl_context.error})" fail RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified, err_msg end true end end net end def get(path, _headers = {}) net = http_downloader path = File.join(@uri.request_uri, path) used_url = File.join("#{@uri.scheme}://#{}:#{@uri.port}", path) Rails.logger.debug "CDN: Requesting path #{used_url}" req = begin net.start do |http| res = http.request(req, nil) { |http_response| http_response.read_body } code = res.code.to_i if code == 200 return res.body else # we don't really use RestClient here (it doesn't allow to safely # set the proxy only for a set of requests and we don't want the # backend engines communication to go through the same proxy like # accessing CDN - its another use case) # But RestClient exceptions are really nice and can be handled in # the same way exception_class = RestClient::Exceptions::EXCEPTIONS_MAP[code] || RestClient::RequestFailed fail, code) end end rescue EOFError raise RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection rescue Timeout::Error raise RestClient::RequestTimeout rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound raise Errors::NotFound, _("CDN loading error: %s not found") % used_url rescue RestClient::Unauthorized raise Errors::SecurityViolation, _("CDN loading error: access denied to %s") % used_url rescue RestClient::Forbidden raise Errors::SecurityViolation, _("CDN loading error: access forbidden to %s") % used_url end end def fetch_substitutions(base_path) get(File.join(base_path, "listing")).split("\n") rescue Errors::NotFound => e # some of listing file points to not existing content log :error, e.message [] # return no substitution for unreachable listings end def self.ca_file "#{Katello::Engine.root}/ca/redhat-uep.pem" end def self.ca_file_contents end def net_http_class if (proxy = ::HttpProxy.default_global_content_proxy) uri = URI(proxy.url) #Net::HTTP::Proxy ignores port as part of the url Net::HTTP::Proxy("#{}#{uri.path}", uri.port, proxy.username, proxy.password) else Net::HTTP end end def parse_host(host_or_url) uri = URI.parse(host_or_url) return || uri.path end def get_container_listings(content_path) JSON.parse(get(File.join(content_path, CdnResource::CDN_DOCKER_CONTAINER_LISTING))) end # eg content url listing file -> # /content/dist/rhel/server/7/7Server/x86_64/containers/CONTAINER_REGISTRY_LISTING # format # { # "header": { # "version": "1.0" # }, # "payload": { # "registries": [ # { "name": "rhel", # "url": "", # }, # { "name": "rhel7", # "url": "" # "aliases": [ "redhat/rhel7" ] # } # ] # } # } def get_docker_registries(content_path) docker_listing = get_container_listings(content_path) docker_listing.try(:[], "payload").try(:[], "registries") || [] rescue ::Katello::Errors::NotFound => e # some of listing file points to not existing content # If the container listing file was not found # there is probably no content to be had. Rails.logger.warn("Could not get to #{content_path}.") Rails.logger.warn e.to_s [] end def log(level, *args) [Rails.logger, @logger].compact.each { |logger| logger.send(level, *args) } end end end end end