- editor = @item.has_code? ? 'ace' : 'tinymce' - @languages = [''] if !@item.is_translated .row .col-md-8.col-sm-8 / Nav tabs %ul#tabs-translation.nav.nav-tabs - @languages.each do |lang| - t = lang.blank? ? 'Default' : lang %li.nav-item{class: [('active' if lang=='')]} %a{"aria-controls" => "tab-content-#{lang}", "data-toggle" => "tab", :href => "#tab-content-#{lang}", :class=>'nav-link'} =t / Tabs content #tabs-translation-content.tab-content = f.simple_fields_for :translations do |ftran| - tran = ftran.object - lang = tran.lang - name = lang=='' ? 'def' : lang - lang_ok = lang=='' || lang=='def' || @languages.include?(lang) - if lang_ok %div{id: "tab-content-#{lang}", class: ["tab-pane", ("active" if lang=='')], role: "tabpanel", data: {lang: lang}} =ftran.input :item_id, as: :hidden, :readonly=>true =ftran.input :lang, :readonly=>true -#=ftran.input :content, label: 'Content' - if @item.has_code? .form-group = ftran.input_field :content, as: :text, label: "Content", :rows => 16, :cols => 80, :class=>'form_input_content', :data=>{lang: name} %div{id: "content-#{name}", class: '', data: {lang: name}}(style="width:100%; height: 600px; border: 2px #333333 solid;") - else .form-group .col-sm-12.col-md-12.control -#= ftran.input :content, as: :text, label: "Content", input_html: {:rows => 16, :cols => 120, :class=>'editor'} = ftran.input_field :content, as: :text, label: "Content", rows: 16, cols: 120, class: 'editor', style: "min-height: 600px;" .clearfix -# @languages.each do |lang| %div{id: "content-#{lang}", class: "tab-pane", role: "tabpanel"} - if @item.has_code? .form-group.template_content .col-sm-12.col-md-12.control = f.input_field :content, as: :text, label: "Content", html: {:rows => 16, :cols => 120, :class=>'' } #content(style="width:100%; height: 600px; border: 2px #333333 solid;") - else = f.input :content, as: :text, label: "Content", input_html: {:rows => 16, :cols => 120, :class=>'editor'} .col-md-4.col-sm-4(style="padding-top:40px;") / panel - tabs %ul#editor-panels-tabs.nav.nav-tabs %li.nav-item{class: "active"} %a{"aria-controls" => "panel-blocks", "data-toggle" => "tab", :href => "#panel-blocks", :class => "nav-link"} Blocks %li.nav-item %a{"aria-controls" => "panel-images", "data-toggle" => "tab", :href => "#panel-images", :class => "nav-link"} Images / Panels. Tabs content #editor-panels-content.tab-content %div{id: "panel-blocks", class: "tab-pane active"} blocks... %div{id: "panel-images", class: "tab-pane"} images... .clearfix ///////// -#- if @item.has_code? .form-group.template_content %label(for="inputContent" class="col-sm-2 col-md-1 control-label") Content .col-sm-8.col-md-8.control = f.input_field :content, as: :text, label: "Content", html: {:rows => 16, :cols => 120, :class=>'' } #content(style="width:100%; height: 600px; border: 2px #333333 solid;") -# else = f.input :content, as: :text, label: "Content", input_html: {:rows => 16, :cols => 120, :class=>'editor'} :javascript function get_current_tab(){ return $('#tabs-translation-content .tab-pane.active'); } function get_current_tab_lang(){ var lang = get_current_tab().data('lang'); return lang; } - if editor=='tinymce' = render 'optimacms/admin/common/js_tinymce' - elsif editor=='ace' = render 'optimacms/admin/common/js_ace' :javascript $( document ).ready(function() { // panel blocks init_panel_blocks('#{@item.basedirpath rescue ''}'); $('#tabs-translation a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab', function (e) { //init_panel_blocks(); //e.target // newly activated tab //e.relatedTarget // previous active tab }) }); function init_editor(id){ //var editor = ace.edit("content"); var editor = ace.edit(id); editor.setTheme("ace/theme/chrome"); editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/haml"); editor.getSession().setNewLineMode("windows"); editor.getSession().setTabSize(2); return editor; } // init editors var editors = []; #{ @languages.map do |lang| name = lang=='' ? 'def' : lang "editors[\"#{name}\"] = init_editor(\"content-#{name}\");" end.join(' ').html_safe } $(document).ready(function() { // set content from input to editor $( "textarea.form_input_content" ).each(function( index ) { var textarea = $(this); var lang=textarea.data('lang'); textarea.hide(); editors[lang].getSession().setValue(textarea.val()); }); // set content from editor back to input $('#mainform form').submit(function(){ $( "textarea.form_input_content" ).each(function( index ) { var textarea = $(this); var lang=textarea.data('lang'); textarea.val(editors[lang].getSession().getValue()); }); }); }); = render 'optimacms/admin/templates/js_editor_panel_blocks'