#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 # (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'highline/import' require 'cloud_connection.rb' # # Boot module # module Forj # This module provides the behavior to boot your forge module Boot @account = nil attr_accessor :account def self.deprecated_name?(blueprint, on_or_name, old_accountname, as, old_name ) # depreciated: on as if old_accountname && as && old_name msg = format( "The syntax `forj boot '%s' on '%s' as '%s'`" \ " is depreciated. \nUse `forj boot '%s' '%s' ", blueprint, old_accountname, old_name, blueprint, old_name ) if account.get('account_name') == old_accountname PrcLib.warning('%s` instead.', msg) else PrcLib.warning("%s -a '%s'` instead.", msg, old_accountname) end name = old_name @account.set(:account_name, old_accountname) else name = on_or_name end name end def self.load_options(options, options_map) options_map.each do |opt_key, ac_key| if options.key?(opt_key.to_s) value = yield(opt_key, options[opt_key.to_s]) @account.set(ac_key, value) unless value.nil? end end end def self.validate_keypath(options) if options[:key_path] m_found = options[:key_path].match(/^(.*)(\.pub)?$/) if m_found key_path = File.expand_path(m_found[1]) if m_found[2] && !(File.exist?( File.expand_path(m_found[1] + m_found[2]) )) PrcLib.fatal( 1, "'%s' is not a valid keypair files." \ ' At least the public key (.pub) is have to exist.', key_path ) end @account.set(:keypair_path, key_path) else PrcLib.fatal( 1, "'%s' is not a valid keypair files." \ 'At least the public key (.pub) is have to exist.', key_path ) end end end def self.install_blueprint?(blueprint, name) @account[:instance_name] = name if blueprint == 'maestro' PrcLib.info("Starting boot process of '%s'. No blueprint requested.", @account[:instance_name]) else @account[:blueprint] = blueprint PrcLib.info("Starting boot process of '%s' with blueprint '%s'.", @account[:instance_name], @account[:blueprint]) end end end # rubocop: disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop: disable Metrics/MethodLength # module Boot # Boot process def self.boot(blueprint, on_or_name, deprecated_name, options) @account = Lorj::Account.new(options[:config]) name = deprecated_name?(blueprint, on_or_name, deprecated_name[0], deprecated_name[1], deprecated_name[2]) PrcLib.fatal(1, "instance name '%s' not supported. Support only lower" \ ' case, numeric and dash caracters.', name) unless /^[\d[[:lower:]]-]+$/ =~ name # Options are added if they are set. # Otherwise, get will retrieve the default value. @account[:account_name] = options[:account_name] if options[:account_name] unless @account.ac_load @account[:account_name] PrcLib.fatal(1, "Account '%s' not loaded. You need to call "\ '`forj setup %s [provider]` to use this account.', @account[:account_name], @account[:account_name]) end options = options.to_h options['tb_path'] = nil if options.key?('test_box') && !options.key?('tb_path') options_map = { :infra => :infra_repo, :key_name => :keypair_name, :key_path => :keypair_path, :security_group => :security_group, :image_name => :image_name, :maestro_flavor => :flavor, :bp_flavor => :bp_flavor, :maestro_repo => :maestro_repo, :branch => :branch, :test_box => :test_box, :tb_path => :test_box_path, :ca_root_cert => :ca_root_cert, :extra_metadata => :extra_metadata } load_options(options, options_map) { |k, v| complete_boot_options(k, v) } validate_keypath(options) # o_cloud = get_o_cloud(o_forj_account) o_cloud = Forj::CloudConnection.connect(@account) install_blueprint?(blueprint, name) PrcLib.high_level_msg("Preparing your forge '%s'.Please be patient. "\ "more output in '%s'\n", @account[:instance_name], PrcLib.log_file) o_cloud.create(:forge) end end # rubocop: enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop: enable Metrics/MethodLength # module Boot # Take care of special options cases for boot. def self.complete_boot_options(key, value) case key when :test_box value = tb_repo_detect(value) when :tb_path value = tb_bin_detect(value) when :ca_root_cert value = ca_root_file_detect(value) end value end # Function to check the repository path passed. def self.tb_repo_detect(paths) res = {} paths.each do |path| cmd = <<-CMD cd "#{path}" git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null 1>&2 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then exit 1 fi REPO_TO_ADD="$(LANG= git remote show origin -n | awk '$1 ~ /Fetch/ { print $3 }')" if [ "$REPO_TO_ADD" = "" ] then exit 1 fi echo $REPO_TO_ADD pwd CMD cmd_res = `#{cmd}`.split # For any reason, $CHILD_STATUS is empty, while $? is not. # Ruby bug. tested with: # ruby 2.0.0p353 (2013-11-22 revision 43784) [x86_64-linux] # rubocop: disable Style/SpecialGlobalVars next unless $?.exitstatus == 0 # rubocop: enable Style/SpecialGlobalVars repo_found = cmd_res[0].match(%r{.*/(.*)(.git)?}) next unless repo_found res[repo_found[1]] = cmd_res[1] end res end # function to detect if test-box.sh is runnable # # It returns the script to execute. def self.tb_bin_detect(tb_path) tb_path = ENV['TEST_BOX'] if tb_path.nil? tb_path = File.expand_path(tb_path) unless tb_path.nil? script = 'test-box.sh' if tb_path && File.directory?(tb_path) script_found = tb_check_bin(tb_path) script = File.expand_path(File.join(tb_path, script)) if script_found.nil? PrcLib.error("Test-box: '%s' is not a valid runnable script. "\ 'test-box is disabled.', script) return nil end return script_found end script_found = nil ENV['PATH'].split(':').each do |path| script_found = tb_check_bin(path) break unless script_found.nil? end script_found end # Script to check the bin and path def self.tb_check_bin(tb_path) script = 'test-box.sh' script = File.expand_path(File.join(tb_path, script)) return script if File.executable?(script) nil end def self.ca_root_file_detect(param) res_found = param.match(/^(.*)#(.*)$/) if res_found cert_file = res_found[1] else cert_file = param end unless File.readable?(cert_file) PrcLib.error("Unable to read the Root Certificate file '%s'", cert_file) return nil end param end end end