require 'pathname' require_relative '../lib/reek' require_relative '../lib/reek/spec' require_relative '../lib/reek/ast/ast_node_class_map' require_relative '../lib/reek/configuration/app_configuration' require_relative '../samples/paths' Reek::CLI::Silencer.silently do begin require 'pry-byebug' rescue LoadError # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions end end require 'factory_girl' FactoryGirl.find_definitions # Simple helpers for our specs. module Helpers def test_configuration_for(config) case config when Pathname configuration = Reek::Configuration::AppConfiguration.from_path(config) when Hash configuration = Reek::Configuration::AppConfiguration.from_hash config else raise "Unknown config given in `test_configuration_for`: #{config.inspect}" end configuration end # @param code [String] The given code. # # @return syntax_tree [Reek::AST::Node] def syntax_tree(code) Reek::Source::SourceCode.from(code).syntax_tree end # @param code [String] The given code. # # @return syntax_tree [Reek::Context::CodeContext] def code_context(code), syntax_tree(code)) end # @param code [String] The given code. # # @return syntax_tree [Reek::Context::MethodContext] def method_context(code), syntax_tree(code)) end # Helper methods to generate a configuration for smell types that support # `accept` and `reject` settings. %w(accept reject).each do |switch| define_method("#{switch}_configuration_for") do |smell_type, pattern:| hash = { smell_type => { switch => pattern } } Reek::Configuration::AppConfiguration.from_hash(hash) end end # :reek:UncommunicativeMethodName def sexp(type, *children) @klass_map ||= @klass_map.klass_for(type).new(type, children) end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.filter_run :focus config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true config.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods config.include Helpers config.disable_monkey_patching! config.mock_with :rspec do |mocks| mocks.verify_partial_doubles = true end # Avoid infinitely running tests. This is mainly useful when running mutant. # Set the DEBUG environment variable to something truthy like '1' to disable # this and allow using pry without specs failing. unless ENV['DEBUG'] config.around(:each) do |example| Timeout.timeout(5, &example) end end end private def require_lib(path) require_relative "../lib/#{path}" end