module Freyr class Command extend Forwardable attr_reader :service def initialize(service, command=nil, args = {}) @service = service end def_delegators :'@service', :info def_delegators :info, :name, :env def command info.start end def run! raise "no start command found for service #{name}" unless command kill! if service.alive? require_admin total_time = Freyr.logger.debug("attempting to run command") {command.inspect} pid = spawn(command) str = "Starting #{} with #{command.inspect}" OUT.puts '',str, '='*str.length Process.detach(pid) pid = service.pid_file.wait_for_pid OUT.puts "PID of new #{} process is #{pid}" if pinger = pinger.wait_for_resp { @service.alive? } end if @service.alive? OUT.puts "Launch took about #{(} seconds" pid else OUT.puts "#{} service wasn't launched correctly. For details see: #{info.log}" end end def kill!(sig=nil) require_admin sig ||= info.stop_sig || 'KILL' Freyr.logger.debug("sending signal to process") {"Signal: #{sig}, PID: #{pid}"} if pid(true) Process.kill(sig, pid) end end def pid force = false end def restart! require_admin if info.restart chdir system(info.restart) elsif info.restart_sig kill!(info.restart_sig) else run! end end private def require_admin raise AdminRequired if info.sudo && !Freyr.is_root? end def chdir &blk if block_given? Dir.chdir(File.expand_path(info.dir),&blk) else Dir.chdir(File.expand_path(info.dir)) end end def spawn(command) if info.rvm && RVM.installed? Freyr.logger.debug("rvm insalled") chdir do if File.exist? '.rvmrc' Freyr.logger.debug('adding rvmrc to source') command = "source .rvmrc && #{command}" Freyr.logger.debug('changed command to') {command} else Freyr.logger.debug('attempting to set rvm') {info.rvm} if RVM.installed?(info.rvm) command = "rvm #{info.rvm} exec #{command}" Freyr.logger.debug('changed command to') {command} else abort("must setup rvm correctly, run: rvm --install --create #{info.rvm}") end end end elsif info.rvm Freyr.logger.debug("rvm not installed so can't switch to") {info.rvm} end fork do File.umask info.umask if info.umask uid_num = Etc.getpwnam(info.uid).uid if info.uid gid_num = Etc.getgrnam(info.gid).gid if info.gid ::Dir.chroot(info.chroot) if info.chroot ::Process.setsid ::Process.groups = [info.guid] if info.gid ::Process::Sys.setgid(info.guid) if info.gid ::Process::Sys.setuid(info.guid) if info.uid chdir $0 = "freyr - #{name} (#{command})" STDIN.reopen "/dev/null" if info.log_cmd STDOUT.reopen IO.popen(log_cmd, "a") elsif info.log && !info.dont_write_log STDOUT.reopen info.log, "a" else STDOUT.reopen "/dev/null" end if info.err_log_cmd STDERR.reopen IO.popen(info.err_log_cmd, "a") elsif info.err_log && (info.log_cmd || info.err_log != info.log) STDERR.reopen info.err_log, "a" else STDERR.reopen STDOUT end # close any other file descriptors --- I think this is for anything after stderr 3.upto(256){|fd| IO::new(fd).close rescue nil} if @env && @env.is_a?(Hash) @env.each do |(key, value)| ENV[key] = value end end exec(command) end end class << self def add_service_method *methods end end end class AdminRequired < Errno::EACCES; end end