# Barista Barista is very, very similar to [bistro\_car](http://github.com/jnicklas/bistro_car) (infact, credit where credit is due - it shares similar code / is almost a fork). The main difference being, it lets you use coffee as you would javascript. Simply put, Write coffee and place it in `app/scripts` and Barista will automatically serve it as if it was placed in `public/javascripts` That is, `app/scripts/demo.coffee` will work for `/javascripts/demo.js`. Even better (and more importantly for me), it provides `Barista.compile_all!` which takes all coffee files and compiles them into `public/javascripts`. If you're using Jammit, this means you can simple run a rake task (`rake barista:brew` before running jammit) and your coffeescripts will be automatically provided, ready for bundling. Barista require rails 3+ (but patches for Rails 2 will be accepted.)