require 'custom_fields/custom_field_base' include ::CustomFields module ActiveRecord # :nodoc: module Has # :nodoc: ## # HasCustomFields allow for the Entity-attribute-value model (EAV), also # known as object-attribute-value model and open schema on any of your ActiveRecord # models. # module CustomFields ALLOWABLE_TYPES = ['select', 'boolean', 'text', 'date'] Object.const_set('TagFacade', do def initialize(object_with_custom_fields, scope, scope_id) @object = object_with_custom_fields @scope = scope @scope_id = scope_id end def [](tag) # puts "** Calling get_custom_field_attribute for #{@object.class},#{tag},#{@scope},#{@scope_id}" return @object.get_custom_field_attribute(tag, @scope, @scope_id) end end Object.const_set('ScopeIdFacade', do def initialize(object_with_custom_fields, scope) @object = object_with_custom_fields @scope = scope end def [](scope_id) # puts "** Returning a TagFacade for #{@object.class},#{@scope},#{scope_id}" return, @scope, scope_id) end end Object.const_set('ScopeFacade', do def initialize(object_with_custom_fields) @object = object_with_custom_fields end def [](scope) # puts "** Returning a ScopeIdFacade for #{@object.class},#{scope}" return, scope) end end def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods ## # Will make the current class have eav behaviour. # # The following options are available on for has_custom_fields to modify # the behavior. Reasonable defaults are provided: # # * value_class_name: # The class for the related model. This defaults to the # model name prepended to "Attribute". So for a "User" model the class # name would be "UserAttribute". The class can actually exist (in that # case the model file will be loaded through Rails dependency system) or # if it does not exist a basic model will be dynamically defined for you. # This allows you to implement custom methods on the related class by # simply defining the class manually. # * table_name: # The table for the related model. This defaults to the # attribute model's table name. # * relationship_name: # This is the name of the actual has_many # relationship. Most of the type this relationship will only be used # indirectly but it is there if the user wants more raw access. This # defaults to the class name underscored then pluralized finally turned # into a symbol. # * foreign_key: # The key in the attribute table to relate back to the # model. This defaults to the model name underscored prepended to "_id" # * name_field: # The field which stores the name of the attribute in the related object # * value_field: # The field that stores the value in the related object def has_custom_fields(options = {}) # Provide default options options[:fields_class_name] ||= + 'Field' options[:fields_table_name] ||= options[:fields_class_name].tableize options[:fields_relationship_name] ||= options[:fields_class_name].tableize.to_sym options[:values_class_name] ||= + 'Attribute' options[:values_table_name] ||= options[:values_class_name].tableize options[:relationship_name] ||= options[:values_class_name].tableize.to_sym options[:foreign_key] ||= options[:base_foreign_key] ||= options[:name_field] ||= 'name' options[:value_field] ||= 'value' options[:parent] = ::Rails.logger.debug("OPTIONS: #{options.inspect}") puts("OPTIONS: #{options.inspect}") # Init option storage if necessary cattr_accessor :custom_field_options self.custom_field_options ||= # Return if already processed. return if self.custom_field_options.keys.include? options[:values_class_name] # Attempt to load related class. If not create it begin Object.const_get(options[:values_class_name]) rescue Object.const_set(options[:fields_class_name], do set_table_name options[:fields_table_name] def self.reloadable? #:nodoc: false end end ::CustomFields.const_set(options[:fields_class_name], Object.const_get(options[:fields_class_name])) Object.const_set(options[:values_class_name], do cattr_accessor :custom_field_options belongs_to options[:fields_relationship_name], :class_name => '::CustomFields::' + options[:fields_class_name].singularize alias_method :field, options[:fields_relationship_name] def self.reloadable? #:nodoc: false end def validate field = self.field raise "Couldn't load field" if !field if == "select" && !self.value.blank? # raise self.field.select_options.find{|f| f == self.value}.to_s if field.select_options.find{|f| f == self.value}.nil? raise "Invalid option: #{self.value}. Should be one of #{field.select_options.join(", ")}" self.errors.add_to_base("Invalid option: #{self.value}. Should be one of #{field.select_options.join(", ")}") return false end end end end ::CustomFields.const_set(options[:values_class_name], Object.const_get(options[:values_class_name])) end # Store options self.custom_field_options[] = options # Only mix instance methods once unless self.included_modules.include?(ActiveRecord::Has::CustomFields::InstanceMethods) send :include, ActiveRecord::Has::CustomFields::InstanceMethods end # Modify attribute class attribute_class = Object.const_get(options[:values_class_name]) base_class = attribute_class.class_eval do belongs_to base_class, :foreign_key => options[:base_foreign_key] alias_method :base, base_class # For generic access end # Modify main class class_eval do has_many options[:relationship_name], :class_name => options[:values_class_name], :table_name => options[:values_table_name], :foreign_key => options[:foreign_key], :dependent => :destroy # The following is only setup once unless method_defined? :read_attribute_without_custom_field_behavior # Carry out delayed actions before save after_validation :save_modified_custom_field_attributes, :on => :update private alias_method_chain :read_attribute, :custom_field_behavior alias_method_chain :write_attribute, :custom_field_behavior end end create_attribute_table end def custom_field_fields(scope, scope_id) options = custom_field_options[] klass = Object.const_get(options[:fields_class_name]) return klass.send("find_all_by_#{scope}_id", scope_id, :order => :id) end end module InstanceMethods def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods ## # Rake migration task to create the versioned table using options passed to has_custom_fields # def create_attribute_table(options = {}) options = custom_field_options[] klass = Object.const_get(options[:fields_class_name]) return if connection.tables.include?(options[:values_table_name]) # todo: get the real pkey type and name scope_fkeys = options[:scopes].collect{|s| "#{s.to_s}_id"} ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do self.connection.create_table(options[:fields_table_name], options) do |t| t.string options[:name_field], :null => false t.string :style, :null => false t.string :select_options scope_fkeys.each do |s| t.integer s end t.timestamps end self.connection.add_index options[:fields_table_name], scope_fkeys + [options[:name_field]], :unique => true # add foreign keys for scoping tables options[:scopes].each do |s| self.connection.execute <<-FOO alter table #{options[:fields_table_name]} add foreign key (#{s.to_s}_id) references #{eval(s.to_s.classify).table_name}(#{eval(s.to_s.classify).primary_key}) FOO end # add xor constraint if !options[:scopes].empty? self.connection.execute <<-FOO alter table #{options[:fields_table_name]} add constraint scopes_xor check (1 = #{options[:scopes].collect{|s| "(#{s.to_s}_id is not null)::integer"}.join(" + ")}) FOO end self.connection.create_table(options[:values_table_name], options) do |t| t.integer options[:foreign_key], :null => false t.integer options[:fields_table_name].foreign_key, :null => false t.string options[:value_field], :null => false t.timestamps end self.connection.add_index options[:values_table_name], options[:foreign_key] self.connection.add_index options[:values_table_name], options[:fields_table_name].foreign_key self.connection.execute <<-FOO alter table #{options[:values_table_name]} add foreign key (#{options[:fields_table_name].foreign_key}) references #{options[:fields_table_name]}(#{eval(options[:fields_class_name]).primary_key}) FOO end end ## # Rake migration task to drop the attribute table # def drop_attribute_table(options = {}) options = custom_field_options[] self.connection.drop_table options[:values_table_name] end def drop_field_table(options = {}) options = custom_field_options[] self.connection.drop_table options[:fields_table_name] end end def get_custom_field_attribute(attribute_name, scope, scope_id) read_attribute_with_custom_field_behavior(attribute_name, scope, scope_id) end def set_custom_field_attribute(attribute_name, value, scope, scope_id) write_attribute_with_custom_field_behavior(attribute_name, value, scope, scope_id) end def custom_fields=(custom_fields_data) custom_fields_data.each do |scope, scoped_ids| scoped_ids.each do |scope_id, attrs| attrs.each do |k, v| self.set_custom_field_attribute(k, v, scope, scope_id) end end end end def custom_fields return end private ## # Called after validation on update so that eav attributes behave # like normal attributes in the fact that the database is not touched # until save is called. # def save_modified_custom_field_attributes return if @save_attrs.nil? @save_attrs.each do |s| if s.value.nil? || (s.respond_to?(:empty) && s.value.empty?) s.destroy if !s.new_record? else end end @save_attrs = [] end def get_value_object(attribute_name, scope, scope_id) ::Rails.logger.debug("scope/id is: #{scope}/#{scope_id}") options = custom_field_options[] model_fkey = options[:foreign_key] fields_class = options[:fields_class_name] values_class = options[:values_class_name] value_field = options[:value_field] fields_fkey = options[:fields_table_name].foreign_key fields = Object.const_get(fields_class) values = Object.const_get(values_class) ::Rails.logger.debug("fkey is: #{fields_fkey}") ::Rails.logger.debug("fields class: #{fields.to_s}") ::Rails.logger.debug("values class: #{values.to_s}") f = fields.send("find_by_name_and_#{scope}_id", attribute_name, scope_id) raise "No field #{attribute_name} for #{scope} #{scope_id}" if f.nil? ::Rails.logger.debug("field: #{f.inspect}") field_id = model_id = value_object = values.send("find_by_#{model_fkey}_and_#{fields_fkey}", model_id, field_id) if value_object.nil? value_object = model_fkey =>, fields_fkey => end return value_object end ## # Overrides ActiveRecord::Base#read_attribute # def read_attribute_with_custom_field_behavior(attribute_name, scope = nil, scope_id = nil) return read_attribute_without_custom_field_behavior(attribute_name) if scope.nil? value_object = get_value_object(attribute_name, scope, scope_id) case when "date" ::Rails.logger.debug("reading date object: #{value_object.value}") return Date.parse(value_object.value) if value_object.value end return value_object.value end ## # Overrides ActiveRecord::Base#write_attribute # def write_attribute_with_custom_field_behavior(attribute_name, value, scope = nil, scope_id = nil) return write_attribute_without_custom_field_behavior(attribute_name, value) if scope.nil? ::Rails.logger.debug("attribute_name(#{attribute_name}) value(#{value.inspect}) scope(#{scope}) scope_id(#{scope_id})") value_object = get_value_object(attribute_name, scope, scope_id) case when "date" ::Rails.logger.debug("date object: #{value["date(1i)"].to_i}, #{value["date(2i)"].to_i}, #{value["date(3i)"].to_i}") begin new_date = !value["date(1i)"].empty? && !value["date(2i)"].empty? && !value["date(3i)"].empty? ? Date.civil(value["date(1i)"].to_i, value["date(2i)"].to_i, value["date(3i)"].to_i) : nil rescue ArgumentError new_date = nil end value_object.send("value=", new_date) if value_object else value_object.send("value=", value) if value_object end @save_attrs ||= [] @save_attrs << value_object end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, ActiveRecord::Has::CustomFields