require_relative "../spec_helper" begin require 'mail' rescue LoadError warn "mail not installed, skipping mail plugin test" else Mail.defaults do delivery_method :test end describe "error_mail plugin" do def app(opts={}) @emails = [] unless defined?(@emails) @app ||= super(:bare) do plugin :error_mail, {:to=>'t', :from=>'f'}.merge(opts) route do |r| r.get('noerror'){error_mail("Problem"); 'g'} raise ArgumentError, 'bad foo' rescue error_mail($!) 'e' end end end after do Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.clear end def email Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.last end it "adds error_mail method for emailing exceptions" do app body('rack.input'=>, 'QUERY_STRING'=>'b=c', 'rack.session'=>{'d'=>'e'}).must_equal 'e' ['t'] email.from.must_equal ['f'] email.header.to_s.must_match(/^Subject: ArgumentError: bad foo/) email.body.to_s.must_match(/^Backtrace:$.+^ENV:$.+^"rack\.input" => .+^Params:$\s+^"b" => "c"$\s+^Session:$\s+^"d" => "e"$/m) end it "have error_mail method support string arguments" do app body('/noerror', 'rack.input'=>, 'QUERY_STRING'=>'b=c', 'rack.session'=>{'d'=>'e'}).must_equal 'g' ['t'] email.from.must_equal ['f'] email.header.to_s.must_match(/^Subject: Problem/) email.body.to_s.must_match(/^ENV:$.+^"rack\.input" => .+^Params:$\s+^"b" => "c"$\s+^Session:$\s+^"d" => "e"$/m) email.body.to_s.wont_include('Backtrace') end it "supports error_mail_content for the content of the email" do app.route do |r| raise ArgumentError, 'bad foo' rescue error_mail_content($!) end b = body('rack.input'=>, 'QUERY_STRING'=>'b=c', 'rack.session'=>{'d'=>'e'}) b.must_match(/^Subject: ArgumentError: bad foo/) b.must_match(/^Backtrace:.+^ENV:.+^"rack\.input" => .+^Params:\s+^"b" => "c"\s+^Session:\s+^"d" => "e"/m) end it "adds :prefix option to subject line" do app(:prefix=>'TEST ') body('rack.input'=> 'e' email.header.to_s.must_match(/^Subject: TEST ArgumentError/) end it "uses :headers option for additional headers" do app(:headers=>{'Foo'=>'Bar', 'Baz'=>'Quux'}) body('rack.input'=> 'e' email.header.to_s.must_match(/^Foo: Bar/) email.header.to_s.must_match(/^Baz: Quux/) end it "requires the :to and :from options" do proc{app :from=>nil}.must_raise(Roda::RodaError) proc{app :to=>nil}.must_raise(Roda::RodaError) end it "works correctly in subclasses" do @app = @app.route do |r| raise ArgumentError rescue error_mail($!) 'e' end body('rack.input'=> 'e' ['t'] email.from.must_equal ['f'] email.header.to_s.must_match(/^Subject: ArgumentError: ArgumentError/) email.body.to_s.must_match(/^Backtrace:$.+^ENV:$.+^"rack\.input" => .+/m) end end end