require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') context "DB#create_table" do setup do @db = end specify "should accept the table name" do @db.create_table(:cats) {} @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats ()'] end specify "should accept multiple columns" do @db.create_table(:cats) do column :id, :integer column :name, :text end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text)'] end specify "should accept method calls as data types" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id text :name end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text)'] end specify "should accept primary key definition" do @db.create_table(:cats) do primary_key :id end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)'] @db.sqls.clear @db.create_table(:cats) do primary_key :id, :serial, :auto_increment => false end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id serial PRIMARY KEY)'] @db.sqls.clear @db.create_table(:cats) do primary_key :id, :type => :serial, :auto_increment => false end @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TABLE cats (id serial PRIMARY KEY)'] end specify "should accept and literalize default values" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id, :default => 123 text :name, :default => "abc'def" end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer DEFAULT 123, name text DEFAULT 'abc''def')"] end specify "should accept not null definition" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id text :name, :null => false end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text NOT NULL)"] end specify "should accept null definition" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id text :name, :null => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text NULL)"] end specify "should accept unique definition" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id text :name, :unique => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer, name text UNIQUE)"] end specify "should accept unsigned definition" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :value, :unsigned => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (value integer UNSIGNED)"] end specify "should accept [SET|ENUM](...) types" do @db.create_table(:cats) do set :color, :elements => ['black', 'tricolor', 'grey'] end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (color set('black', 'tricolor', 'grey'))"] end specify "should accept varchar size" do @db.create_table(:cats) do varchar :name end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (name varchar(255))"] @db.sqls.clear @db.create_table(:cats) do varchar :name, :size => 51 end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (name varchar(51))"] end specify "should accept varchar size as sql function" do @db.create_table(:cats) do column :name, :varchar[102] end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (name varchar(102))"] end specify "should accept foreign keys without options" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer)"] end specify "should accept foreign keys with options" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects)"] end specify "should accept foreign keys with separate table argument" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :projects, :default=>3 end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer DEFAULT 3 REFERENCES projects)"] end specify "should accept foreign keys with arbitrary keys" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :key => :id end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects(id))"] @db.sqls.clear @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :key => :zzz end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects(zzz))"] end specify "should accept foreign keys with ON DELETE clause" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :restrict end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE RESTRICT)"] @db.sqls.clear @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :cascade end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE CASCADE)"] @db.sqls.clear @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :no_action end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE NO ACTION)"] @db.sqls.clear @db.sqls.clear @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :set_null end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE SET NULL)"] @db.sqls.clear @db.sqls.clear @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :set_default end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE SET DEFAULT)"] @db.sqls.clear end specify "should accept inline index definition" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id, :index => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE INDEX cats_id_index ON cats (id)"] end specify "should accept inline index definition for foreign keys" do @db.create_table(:cats) do foreign_key :project_id, :table => :projects, :on_delete => :cascade, :index => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (project_id integer REFERENCES projects ON DELETE CASCADE)", "CREATE INDEX cats_project_id_index ON cats (project_id)"] end specify "should accept index definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index :id end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE INDEX cats_id_index ON cats (id)"] end specify "should accept unique index definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do text :name unique :name end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (name text)", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cats_name_index ON cats (name)"] end specify "should raise on full-text index definitions" do proc { @db.create_table(:cats) do text :name full_text_index :name end }.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should raise on spatial index definitions" do proc { @db.create_table(:cats) do point :geom spatial_index :geom end }.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should raise on partial index definitions" do proc { @db.create_table(:cats) do text :name index :name, :where => {:something => true} end }.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should raise index definitions with type" do proc { @db.create_table(:cats) do text :name index :name, :type => :hash end }.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should accept multiple index definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index :id index :name end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE INDEX cats_id_index ON cats (id)", "CREATE INDEX cats_name_index ON cats (name)"] end specify "should accept custom index names" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index :id, :name => 'abc' end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE INDEX abc ON cats (id)"] end specify "should accept unique index definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index :id, :unique => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cats_id_index ON cats (id)"] end specify "should accept composite index definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :id index [:id, :name], :unique => true end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (id integer)", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cats_id_name_index ON cats (id, name)"] end specify "should accept unnamed constraint definitions with blocks" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :score check {(:x > 0) & (:y < 1)} end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (score integer, CHECK ((x > 0) AND (y < 1)))"] end specify "should accept unnamed constraint definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do check 'price < ?', 100 end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (CHECK (price < 100))"] end specify "should accept named constraint definitions" do @db.create_table(:cats) do integer :score constraint :valid_score, 'score <= 100' end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (score integer, CONSTRAINT valid_score CHECK (score <= 100))"] end specify "should accept named constraint definitions with block" do @db.create_table(:cats) do constraint(:blah_blah) {(:x > 0) & (:y < 1)} end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE cats (CONSTRAINT blah_blah CHECK ((x > 0) AND (y < 1)))"] end end context "DB#create_table!" do setup do @db = end specify "should drop the table and then create it" do @db.create_table!(:cats) {} @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE cats', 'CREATE TABLE cats ()'] end end context "DB#drop_table" do setup do @db = end specify "should generate a DROP TABLE statement" do @db.drop_table :cats @db.sqls.should == ['DROP TABLE cats'] end end context "DB#alter_table" do setup do @db = end specify "should support add_column" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_column :score, :integer end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD COLUMN score integer"] end specify "should support add_constraint" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_constraint :valid_score, 'score <= 100' end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD CONSTRAINT valid_score CHECK (score <= 100)"] end specify "should support add_constraint with block" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_constraint(:blah_blah) {(:x > 0) & (:y < 1)} end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD CONSTRAINT blah_blah CHECK ((x > 0) AND (y < 1))"] end specify "should support add_foreign_key" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_foreign_key :node_id, :nodes end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD COLUMN node_id integer REFERENCES nodes"] end specify "should support add_index" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_index :name end @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE INDEX cats_name_index ON cats (name)"] end specify "should support add_primary_key" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do add_primary_key :id end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ADD COLUMN id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"] end specify "should support drop_column" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do drop_column :score end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats DROP COLUMN score"] end specify "should support drop_constraint" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do drop_constraint :valid_score end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats DROP CONSTRAINT valid_score"] end specify "should support drop_index" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do drop_index :name end @db.sqls.should == ["DROP INDEX cats_name_index"] end specify "should support rename_column" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do rename_column :name, :old_name end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats RENAME COLUMN name TO old_name"] end specify "should support set_column_default" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do set_column_default :score, 3 end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ALTER COLUMN score SET DEFAULT 3"] end specify "should support set_column_type" do @db.alter_table(:cats) do set_column_type :score, :real end @db.sqls.should == ["ALTER TABLE cats ALTER COLUMN score TYPE real"] end end