/* RSence * Copyright 2007 Riassence Inc. * http://riassence.com/ * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this software package. If not, contact licensing@riassence.com */ /*** = Description ** A class for asynchronously fetching Javascript libraries from the server. ** ** Loads and evalueates the code returned as a string from the server. ** Use the jsLoader instance to get packaged Javascript libraries from the ** standard package url. ***/ //var//RSence.Foundation COMM.JSLoader = HClass.extend({ /** = Description * Construct with the base url. * * The this is the base url used by the +load+ method. * **/ constructor: function(_uri){ var _this = this; _this._loadedJS = []; _this.uri = _uri; _this._okayed = false; }, // Error catcher for failed requests. _fail: function(_this,_resp){ console.log("failed to load js: "+_resp.url); }, /** = Description * Loads a js package using the name. * * The base url given in the constructor is used as the prefix. * Omit the '.js' suffix, because it's appended automatically. * * = Parameters * +_jsName+:: The name of the js file to load (without the .js suffix) * * = Usage: * Uses the main instance set to the base path of the server's * js package url. Loads a package containing list components. * jsLoader.load('lists'); * **/ load: function(_jsName){ var _this = this, _isFullUrl = _jsName.slice(0,7) === 'http://' || _jsName.slice(0,8) === 'https://', _url = _isFullUrl?_jsName:_this.uri+_jsName+'.js'; if((_this._loadedJS.indexOf(_url)!==-1)) { return; } COMM.Queue.pause(); _this._loadedJS.push(_url); if(BROWSER_TYPE.symbian && _isFullUrl){ alert('Sorry, this browser does not support loading external scripts!'); return; } else if(BROWSER_TYPE.symbian){ _this._req = COMM.request( _url, { onSuccess: function(_resp){ _this._req = null; COMM.Queue.unshiftEval(_resp.X.responseText); COMM.Queue.resume(); }, onFailure: _this._fail, method: 'GET', async: true } ); return; } var _script = document.createElement('script'); if(BROWSER_TYPE.ie){ _script.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(this.readyState === 'loaded' || this.readyState === 'complete'){ COMM.Queue.resume(); _script.onload = _script.readystatechange = null; } }; } else { _script.onload = function(){ COMM.Queue.resume(); }; } _script.src = _url; _script.type = 'text/javascript'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_script); } }); // Makes the standard jsLoader instance based on the client base url // of the server when the page is loaded. LOAD( function(){ COMM.jsLoader = COMM.JSLoader.nu( COMM.ClientPrefix + '/js/' ); // backwards compatibility aliases: jsLoader = COMM.jsLoader; } );