require "thor" require "pathname" require "almanack/version" module Almanack class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions SKIP_THEMES = %w( starter ) map "--version" => :version def self.available_themes dirs = Pathname(__dir__).join("themes") do |path| path.basename.to_s unless SKIP_THEMES.include?(path.basename.to_s) end.compact end desc "version", "Show Almanack version" def version say "Almanack version #{VERSION} (#{CODENAME})" end desc "start", "Start an Almanack server" option :config, aliases: "-c", desc: "Path to config file" def start exec "bundle exec rackup #{options[:config]}" end desc "new PATH", "Create a new Almanack project" option :theme, default: 'legacy', desc: "Which theme to use (available: #{available_themes.join(', ')})" option :git, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: "Whether to initialize an empty git repo" def new(path) @path = Pathname(path).cleanpath directory "templates/new", path if options[:git] template('templates/gitignore', @path.join(".gitignore")) end inside @path do say_status :installing, "bundler dependencies" system "bundle install --quiet" if options[:git] say_status :git, "initializing repository" git "init" end say say "==> Run your new calendar!" say say " cd #{@path}" say " almanack start" say end end desc "theme NAME", "Create a new theme" def theme(name) directory "lib/almanack/themes/starter", "themes/#{name}" config_file = Pathname("") if config_file.exist? say_status :update, "" set_theme_pattern = /\.theme\s*=\s*['"].*?['"]/ replacement =, ".theme = '#{name}'")'w') { |file| file.puts replacement } end end desc "deploy [NAME]", "Deploy your site to Heroku (requires Heroku toolbelt)" def deploy(name = nil) remotes = `git remote -v` heroku_remote = remotes.lines.find do |remote| remote.split(' ').first == "heroku" end if !heroku_remote say "No Heroku remote detected." create_heroku_app(name) end current_branch = git("rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD") say "Deploying #{current_branch}..." run "git push heroku #{current_branch}:master --force" end no_tasks do def create_heroku_app(name) heroku_command = `which heroku`.strip if heroku_command.empty? say "Heroku Toolbelt not detected. Please install from:" say "" abort end say_status :heroku, "creating app..." run "#{heroku_command} create #{name}" end def theme_name options[:theme] end def almanack_homepage Almanack::HOMEPAGE end def almanack_issues Almanack::ISSUES end def title basename = @path.to_s.split('/', 2).last.split('.', 2).first sanitized = basename.gsub('-', ' ') sanitized.split(/\s+/).map(&:capitalize).join(' ') end def git(command) output = `git #{command}` abort "Git failed: #{output}" if $?.exitstatus != 0 output.strip end def available_themes self.class.available_themes end end def self.exit_on_failure? true end def self.source_root Pathname(__dir__).parent.parent end end end