module DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::User extend ActiveSupport::Concern def self.tokens_match?(token_hash, token) @token_equality_cache ||= {} key = "#{token_hash}/#{token}" result = @token_equality_cache[key] ||= ( == token) if @token_equality_cache.size > 10000 @token_equality_cache = {} end result end included do # Hack to check if devise is already enabled unless self.method_defined?(:devise_modules) devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :trackable, :validatable, :confirmable else self.devise_modules.delete(:omniauthable) end unless tokens_has_json_column_type? serialize :tokens, JSON end validates :email, presence: true, email: true, if: { |u| u.provider == 'email' } validates_presence_of :uid, if: { |u| u.provider != 'email' } # only validate unique emails among email registration users validate :unique_email_user, on: :create # can't set default on text fields in mysql, simulate here instead. after_save :set_empty_token_hash after_initialize :set_empty_token_hash # keep uid in sync with email before_save :sync_uid before_create :sync_uid # get rid of dead tokens before_save :destroy_expired_tokens # don't use default devise email validation def email_required? false end def email_changed? false end # override devise method to include additional info as opts hash def send_confirmation_instructions(opts=nil) unless @raw_confirmation_token generate_confirmation_token! end opts ||= {} # fall back to "default" config name opts[:client_config] ||= "default" if pending_reconfirmation? opts[:to] = unconfirmed_email end send_devise_notification(:confirmation_instructions, @raw_confirmation_token, opts) end # override devise method to include additional info as opts hash def send_reset_password_instructions(opts=nil) token = set_reset_password_token opts ||= {} # fall back to "default" config name opts[:client_config] ||= "default" send_devise_notification(:reset_password_instructions, token, opts) token end end module ClassMethods protected def tokens_has_json_column_type? table_exists? && self.columns_hash['tokens'] && self.columns_hash['tokens'][:json, :jsonb]) end end def valid_token?(token, client_id='default') client_id ||= 'default' return false unless self.tokens[client_id] return true if token_is_current?(token, client_id) return true if token_can_be_reused?(token, client_id) # return false if none of the above conditions are met return false end # this must be done from the controller so that additional params # can be passed on from the client def send_confirmation_notification? false end def token_is_current?(token, client_id) # ghetto HashWithIndifferentAccess expiry = self.tokens[client_id]['expiry'] || self.tokens[client_id][:expiry] token_hash = self.tokens[client_id]['token'] || self.tokens[client_id][:token] return true if ( # ensure that expiry and token are set expiry and token and # ensure that the token has not yet expired DateTime.strptime(expiry.to_s, '%s') > and # ensure that the token is valid DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::User.tokens_match?(token_hash, token) ) end # allow batch requests to use the previous token def token_can_be_reused?(token, client_id) # ghetto HashWithIndifferentAccess updated_at = self.tokens[client_id]['updated_at'] || self.tokens[client_id][:updated_at] last_token = self.tokens[client_id]['last_token'] || self.tokens[client_id][:last_token] return true if ( # ensure that the last token and its creation time exist updated_at and last_token and # ensure that previous token falls within the batch buffer throttle time of the last request Time.parse(updated_at) > - DeviseTokenAuth.batch_request_buffer_throttle and # ensure that the token is valid == token ) end # update user's auth token (should happen on each request) def create_new_auth_token(client_id=nil) client_id ||= SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false) last_token ||= nil token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false) token_hash = BCrypt::Password.create(token) expiry = ( + DeviseTokenAuth.token_lifespan).to_i if self.tokens[client_id] and self.tokens[client_id]['token'] last_token = self.tokens[client_id]['token'] end self.tokens[client_id] = { token: token_hash, expiry: expiry, last_token: last_token, updated_at: }! return build_auth_header(token, client_id) end def build_auth_header(token, client_id='default') client_id ||= 'default' # client may use expiry to prevent validation request if expired # must be cast as string or headers will break expiry = self.tokens[client_id]['expiry'] || self.tokens[client_id][:expiry] return { "access-token" => token, "token-type" => "Bearer", "client" => client_id, "expiry" => expiry.to_s, "uid" => self.uid } end def build_auth_url(base_url, args) args[:uid] = self.uid args[:expiry] = self.tokens[args[:client_id]]['expiry'] generate_url(base_url, args) end def extend_batch_buffer(token, client_id) self.tokens[client_id]['updated_at'] =! return build_auth_header(token, client_id) end def confirmed? self.devise_modules.exclude?(:confirmable) || super end def token_validation_response self.as_json(except: [ :tokens, :created_at, :updated_at ]) end protected def generate_url(url, params = {}) uri = URI(url) res = "#{uri.scheme}://#{}" res += ":#{uri.port}" if (uri.port and uri.port != 80 and uri.port != 443) res += "#{uri.path}" if uri.path res += "?#{params.to_query}" res += "##{uri.fragment}" if uri.fragment return res end # only validate unique email among users that registered by email def unique_email_user if provider == 'email' and self.class.where(provider: 'email', email: email).count > 0 errors.add(:email, :already_in_use, default: "address is already in use") end end def set_empty_token_hash self.tokens ||= {} if has_attribute?(:tokens) end def sync_uid self.uid = email if provider == 'email' end def destroy_expired_tokens if self.tokens self.tokens.delete_if do |cid, v| expiry = v[:expiry] || v["expiry"] DateTime.strptime(expiry.to_s, '%s') < end end end end