module Formtastic module Inputs # A CheckBoxes input is used to render a series of checkboxes. This is an alternative input choice # for `has_many` or `has_and_belongs_to_many` associations like a `Post` belonging to many # `categories` (by default, a {SelectInput `:select`} input is used, allowing multiple selections). # # Within the standard `
  • ` wrapper, the output is a `
    ` with a `` to # represent the "label" for the input, and an `
      ` containing `
    1. `s for each choice in # the association. Each `
    2. ` choice contains a hidden `` tag for the "unchecked" # value (like Rails), and a `
    3. #
      # #
      1. # # #
      2. #
      3. # # #
      4. #
    4. # # @example `:collection` can be used to customize the choices # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => @categories %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => Category.all %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => Category.some_named_scope %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => Category.pluck(:label, :id) %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => [Category.find_by_name("Ruby"), Category.find_by_name("Rails")] %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => ["Ruby", "Rails"] %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => [["Ruby", "ruby"], ["Rails", "rails"]] %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => [["Ruby", "1"], ["Rails", "2"]] %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => [["Ruby", 1], ["Rails", 2]] %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => [["Ruby", 1, {'data-attr' => 'attr-value'}]] %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => 1..5 %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => [:ruby, :rails] %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => [["Ruby", :ruby], ["Rails", :rails]] %> # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection =>[:ruby, :rails]) %> # # @example `:hidden_fields` can be used to skip Rails' rendering of a hidden field before every checkbox # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :hidden_fields => false %> # # @example `:disabled` can be used to disable any checkboxes with a value found in the given Array # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => ["a", "b"], :disabled => ["a"] %> # # @example `:value_as_class` can be used to add a class to the `
    5. ` wrapped around each choice using the checkbox value for custom styling of each choice # <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :value_as_class => true %> # # @see Formtastic::Helpers::InputsHelper#input InputsHelper#input for full documentation of all possible options. # @see Formtastic::Inputs::BooleanInput BooleanInput for a single checkbox for boolean (checked = true) inputs # # @todo Do/can we support the per-item HTML options like RadioInput? class CheckBoxesInput include Base include Base::Collections include Base::Choices def initialize(*args) super raise Formtastic::UnsupportedEnumCollection if collection_from_enum? end def to_html input_wrapping do choices_wrapping do legend_html << hidden_field_for_all << choices_group_wrapping do { |choice| choice_wrapping(choice_wrapping_html_options(choice)) do choice_html(choice) end }.join("\n").html_safe end end end end def choice_html(choice) template.content_tag( :label, checkbox_input(choice) + choice_label(choice), label_html_options.merge(:for => choice_input_dom_id(choice), :class => nil) ) end def hidden_field_for_all if hidden_fields_for_every? '' else options = {} options[:class] = [method.to_s.singularize, 'default'].join('_') if value_as_class? options[:id] = [object_name, method, 'none'].join('_') template.hidden_field_tag(input_name, '', options) end end def hidden_fields_for_every? options[:hidden_fields] end def check_box_with_hidden_input(choice) value = choice_value(choice) builder.check_box( association_primary_key || method, extra_html_options(choice).merge(:id => choice_input_dom_id(choice), :name => input_name, :disabled => disabled?(value), :required => false), value, unchecked_value ) end def check_box_without_hidden_input(choice) value = choice_value(choice) template.check_box_tag( input_name, value, checked?(value), extra_html_options(choice).merge(:id => choice_input_dom_id(choice), :disabled => disabled?(value), :required => false) ) end def extra_html_options(choice) input_html_options.merge(custom_choice_html_options(choice)) end def checked?(value) selected_values.include?(value) end def disabled?(value) disabled_values.include?(value) end def selected_values @selected_values ||= make_selected_values end def disabled_values vals = options[:disabled] || [] vals = [vals] unless vals.is_a?(Array) vals end def unchecked_value options[:unchecked_value] || '' end def input_name if builder.options.key?(:index) "#{object_name}[#{builder.options[:index]}][#{association_primary_key || method}][]" else "#{object_name}[#{association_primary_key || method}][]" end end protected def checkbox_input(choice) if hidden_fields_for_every? check_box_with_hidden_input(choice) else check_box_without_hidden_input(choice) end end def make_selected_values if object.respond_to?(method) selected_items = object.send(method) # Construct an array from the return value, regardless of the return type selected_items = [*selected_items].compact.flatten selected = [] do |selected_item| selected_item_id = if selected_item.respond_to? :id item = send_or_call_or_object(value_method, selected_item) || selected_item_id end.compact else [] end end end end end