require 'spec_helper' describe Invitation do it { should validate_presence_of(:account_id) } it { should validate_presence_of(:email) } it { should belong_to(:account) } it { should have_and_belong_to_many(:projects) } it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:account_id) } it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:used) } %w(new_user_name new_user_email new_user_password new_user_password_confirmation existing_user_password).each do |attribute| it "allows assignment of #{attribute}" do should respond_to(attribute) should respond_to(:"#{attribute}=") end end end describe Invitation, "saved" do let(:mail) { stub('invitation', :deliver => true) } subject { Factory(:invitation) } let(:email) { } let(:code) { 'abchex123' } before do SecureRandom.stubs(:hex => code) InvitationMailer.stubs(:invitation => mail) subject end it "sends an invitation email" do InvitationMailer.should have_received(:invitation).with(subject) mail.should have_received(:deliver) end it "delegates account name" do subject.account_name.should == end it "defauls new user email to invited email" do subject.new_user_email.should == end it "defauls existing user email to invited email" do subject.existing_user_email.should == end it "generates a code" do SecureRandom.should have_received(:hex).with(8) subject.code.should == code end it "uses the code in the url" do subject.to_param.should == code end end describe Invitation, "valid accept for a new user" do let(:account) { Factory(:account) } let(:projects) { [Factory(:project, :account => account)] } let(:password) { 'secret' } let(:name) { 'Rocket' } subject { Factory(:invitation, :account => account, :projects => projects) } let!(:result) do subject.accept(:new_user_password => password, :new_user_password_confirmation => password, :new_user_name => name) end let(:user) { subject.user } it "returns true" do result.should be_true end it "creates a saved, confirmed user" do user.should_not be_nil user.should be_persisted == name end it "adds the user to the account" do account.users.should include(user) end it "adds the user to each of the invitation's projects" do projects.each do |project| user.should be_member_of(project) end end it "marks the invitation as used" do subject.reload.should be_used end end describe Invitation, "invalid accept for a new user" do subject { Factory(:invitation) } let!(:result) { subject.accept({}) } let(:user) { subject.user } let(:account) { subject.account } it "returns false" do result.should be_false end it "doesn't create a user" do user.should be_new_record end it "adds error messages" do subject.errors[:new_user_password].should be_present end it "doesn't mark the invitation as used" do subject.reload.should_not be_used end end describe Invitation, "valid accept for an existing user" do let(:password) { 'secret' } let(:user) { Factory(:user, :password => password, :password_confirmation => password) } subject { Factory(:invitation, :email => } let(:account) { subject.account } let!(:result) do subject.accept(:existing_user_password => password) end it "returns true" do result.should be_true end it "adds the user to the account" do account.users.should include(user) end it "marks the invitation as used" do subject.reload.should be_used end end describe Invitation, "accepting with an invalid password" do let(:user) { Factory(:user) } subject { Factory(:invitation, :email => } let(:account) { subject.account } let!(:result) { subject.accept(:existing_user_password => 'wrong') } it "adds error messages" do subject.errors[:existing_user_password].should be_present end it "doesn't add the user to the account" do subject.account.users.should_not include(subject.user) end it "returns false" do result.should be_false end end describe Invitation, "saved" do let(:mail) { stub('invitation', :deliver => true) } subject { Factory(:invitation) } let(:email) { } let(:code) { 'abchex123' } before do SecureRandom.stubs(:hex => code) InvitationMailer.stubs(:invitation => mail) subject end it "sends an invitation email" do InvitationMailer.should have_received(:invitation).with(subject) mail.should have_received(:deliver) end it "delegates account name" do subject.account_name.should == end it "defauls new user email to invited email" do subject.new_user_email.should == end it "defauls existing user email to invited email" do subject.existing_user_email.should == end it "generates a code" do SecureRandom.should have_received(:hex).with(8) subject.code.should == code end it "uses the code in the url" do subject.to_param.should == code end end describe Invitation, "valid accept for a new user" do let(:account) { Factory(:account) } let(:projects) { [Factory(:project, :account => account)] } let(:password) { 'secret' } let(:name) { 'Rocket' } subject { Factory(:invitation, :account => account, :projects => projects) } let!(:result) do subject.accept(:new_user_password => password, :new_user_password_confirmation => password, :new_user_name => name) end let(:user) { subject.user } it "returns true" do result.should be_true end it "creates a saved, confirmed user" do user.should_not be_nil user.should be_persisted == name end it "adds the user to the account" do account.users.should include(user) end it "adds the user to each of the invitation's projects" do projects.each do |project| user.should be_member_of(project) end end it "marks the invitation as used" do subject.reload.should be_used end end describe Invitation, "invalid accept for a new user" do subject { Factory(:invitation) } let!(:result) { subject.accept({}) } let(:user) { subject.user } let(:account) { subject.account } it "returns false" do result.should be_false end it "doesn't create a user" do user.should be_new_record end it "adds error messages" do subject.errors[:new_user_password].should be_present end it "doesn't mark the invitation as used" do subject.reload.should_not be_used end end describe Invitation, "accepting with an unknown email" do subject { Factory(:invitation, :email => 'unknown') } let(:account) { subject.account } let!(:result) { subject.accept(:existing_user_password => 'secret') } it "adds error messages" do subject.errors[:existing_user_email].should be_present end it "returns false" do result.should be_false end end describe Invitation, "accepting an admin invite" do let(:password) { 'secret' } let(:user) { Factory(:user, :password => password, :password_confirmation => password) } subject { Factory(:invitation, :email =>, :admin => true) } let(:account) { subject.account } let!(:result) do subject.accept(:existing_user_password => password) end it "adds the user as an admin" do user.should be_admin_of(account) end end