/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_CORE_OPTION_PARSER_H_ #define _PASSENGER_CORE_OPTION_PARSER_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Passenger { using namespace std; inline void coreUsage() { // ....|---------------Keep output within standard terminal width (80 chars)------------| printf("Usage: " AGENT_EXE " core [APP DIRECTORY]\n"); printf("Runs the " PROGRAM_NAME " core.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("The core starts in single-app mode, unless --multi-app is specified. When\n"); printf("in single-app mode, it serves the app at the current working directory, or the\n"); printf("app specified by APP DIRECTORY.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Required options:\n"); printf(" --passenger-root PATH The location to the " PROGRAM_NAME " source\n"); printf(" directory\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Socket options (optional):\n"); printf(" -l, --listen ADDRESS Listen on the given address. The address must be\n"); printf(" formatted as tcp://IP:PORT for TCP sockets, or\n"); printf(" unix:PATH for Unix domain sockets. You can specify\n"); printf(" this option multiple times (up to %u times) to\n", SERVER_KIT_MAX_SERVER_ENDPOINTS); printf(" listen on multiple addresses. Default:\n"); printf(" " DEFAULT_HTTP_SERVER_LISTEN_ADDRESS "\n"); printf(" --api-listen ADDRESS Listen on the given address for API commands.\n"); printf(" The same syntax and limitations as with --listen\n"); printf(" are applicable\n"); printf(" --socket-backlog Override size of the socket backlog.\n"); printf(" Default: %d\n", DEFAULT_SOCKET_BACKLOG); printf("\n"); printf("Daemon options (optional):\n"); printf(" --pid-file PATH Store the core's PID in the given file. The file\n"); printf(" is deleted on exit\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Security options (optional):\n"); printf(" --multi-app-password-file PATH\n"); printf(" Password-protect access to the core's HTTP server\n"); printf(" (multi-app mode only)\n"); printf(" --authorize [LEVEL]:USERNAME:PASSWORDFILE\n"); printf(" Enables authentication on the API server, through\n"); printf(" the given API account. LEVEL indicates the\n"); printf(" privilege level (see below). PASSWORDFILE must\n"); printf(" point to a file containing the password\n"); printf(" --no-user-switching Disables user switching support\n"); printf(" --default-user NAME Default user to start apps as, when user\n"); printf(" switching is enabled. Default: " DEFAULT_WEB_APP_USER "\n"); printf(" --default-group NAME Default group to start apps as, when user\n"); printf(" switching is disabled. Default: the default\n"); printf(" user's primary group\n"); printf(" --disable-security-update-check\n"); printf(" Disable the periodic check and notice about\n"); printf(" important security updates\n"); printf(" --security-update-check-proxy PROXY\n"); printf(" Use HTTP/SOCKS proxy for the security update check:\n"); printf(" scheme://user:password@proxy_host:proxy_port\n"); printf(" --disable-anonymous-telemetry\n"); printf(" Disable anonymous telemetry collection\n"); printf(" --anonymous-telemetry-proxy PROXY\n"); printf(" Use HTTP/SOCKS proxy for anonymous telemetry sending:\n"); printf(" scheme://user:password@proxy_host:proxy_port\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Application serving options (optional):\n"); printf(" -e, --environment NAME Default framework environment name to use.\n"); printf(" Default: " DEFAULT_APP_ENV "\n"); printf(" --app-type TYPE The type of application you want to serve\n"); printf(" (single-app mode only)\n"); printf(" --startup-file PATH The path of the app's startup file, relative to\n"); printf(" the app root directory (single-app mode only)\n"); printf(" --app-start-command COMMAND\n"); printf(" The command string with which to start the app\n"); printf(" (single-app mode only)\n"); printf(" --spawn-method NAME Spawn method to use. Can either be 'smart' or\n"); printf(" 'direct'. Default: %s\n", DEFAULT_SPAWN_METHOD); printf(" --load-shell-envvars Load shell startup files before loading application\n"); printf(" --concurrency-model The concurrency model to use for the app, either\n"); printf(" 'process' or 'thread' (Enterprise only).\n"); printf(" Default: " DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_MODEL "\n"); printf(" --app-thread-count The number of application threads to use when using\n"); printf(" the 'thread' concurrency model (Enterprise only).\n"); printf(" Default: %d\n", DEFAULT_APP_THREAD_COUNT); printf("\n"); printf(" --multi-app Enable multi-app mode\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" --force-friendly-error-pages\n"); printf(" Force friendly error pages to be always on\n"); printf(" --disable-friendly-error-pages\n"); printf(" Force friendly error pages to be always off\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" --ruby PATH Default Ruby interpreter to use.\n"); printf(" --nodejs PATH Default NodeJs interpreter to use.\n"); printf(" --python PATH Default Python interpreter to use.\n"); printf(" --meteor-app-settings PATH\n"); printf(" File with settings for a Meteor (non-bundled) app.\n"); printf(" (passed to Meteor using --settings)\n"); printf(" --app-file-descriptor-ulimit NUMBER\n"); printf(" Set custom file descriptor ulimit for the app\n"); printf(" --debugger Enable Ruby debugger support (Enterprise only)\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" --rolling-restarts Enable rolling restarts (Enterprise only)\n"); printf(" --resist-deployment-errors\n"); printf(" Enable deployment error resistance (Enterprise only)\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Process management options (optional):\n"); printf(" --max-pool-size N Maximum number of application processes.\n"); printf(" Default: %d\n", DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE); printf(" --pool-idle-time SECS\n"); printf(" Maximum number of seconds an application process\n"); printf(" may be idle. Default: %d\n", DEFAULT_POOL_IDLE_TIME); printf(" --max-preloader-idle-time SECS\n"); printf(" Maximum time that preloader processes may be\n"); printf(" be idle. A value of 0 means that preloader\n"); printf(" processes never timeout. Default: %d\n", DEFAULT_MAX_PRELOADER_IDLE_TIME); printf(" --force-max-concurrent-requests-per-process NUMBER\n"); printf(" Force " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " to believe that an application\n"); printf(" process can handle the given number of concurrent\n"); printf(" requests per process\n"); printf(" --min-instances N Minimum number of application processes. Default: 1\n"); printf(" --memory-limit MB Restart application processes that go over the\n"); printf(" given memory limit (Enterprise only)\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Request handling options (optional):\n"); printf(" --max-requests Restart application processes that have handled\n"); printf(" the specified maximum number of requests\n"); printf(" --max-request-time Abort requests that take too much time (Enterprise\n"); printf(" only)\n"); printf(" --max-request-queue-size NUMBER\n"); printf(" Specify request queue size. Default: %d\n", DEFAULT_MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE); printf(" --sticky-sessions Enable sticky sessions\n"); printf(" --sticky-sessions-cookie-name NAME\n"); printf(" Cookie name to use for sticky sessions.\n"); printf(" Default: " DEFAULT_STICKY_SESSIONS_COOKIE_NAME "\n"); printf(" --vary-turbocache-by-cookie NAME\n"); printf(" Vary the turbocache by the cookie of the given name\n"); printf(" --disable-turbocaching\n"); printf(" Disable turbocaching\n"); printf(" --no-abort-websockets-on-process-shutdown\n"); printf(" Do not abort WebSocket connections on process\n"); printf(" shutdown or restart\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Other options (optional):\n"); printf(" --log-file PATH Log to the given file.\n"); printf(" --log-level LEVEL Logging level. Default: %d\n", DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL); printf(" --fd-log-file PATH Log file descriptor activity to the given file.\n"); printf(" --stat-throttle-rate SECONDS\n"); printf(" Throttle filesystem restart.txt checks to at most\n"); printf(" once per given seconds. Default: %d\n", DEFAULT_STAT_THROTTLE_RATE); printf(" --no-show-version-in-header\n"); printf(" Do not show " PROGRAM_NAME " version number in\n"); printf(" HTTP headers.\n"); printf(" --data-buffer-dir PATH\n"); printf(" Directory to store data buffers in. Default:\n"); printf(" %s\n", getSystemTempDir()); printf(" --no-graceful-exit When exiting, exit immediately instead of waiting\n"); printf(" for all connections to terminate\n"); printf(" --benchmark MODE Enable benchmark mode. Available modes:\n"); printf(" after_accept,before_checkout,after_checkout,\n"); printf(" response_begin\n"); printf(" --disable-selfchecks Disable various self-checks. This improves\n"); printf(" performance, but might delay finding bugs in\n"); printf(" " PROGRAM_NAME "\n"); printf(" --threads NUMBER Number of threads to use for request handling.\n"); printf(" Default: number of CPU cores (%d)\n", boost::thread::hardware_concurrency()); printf(" --cpu-affine Enable per-thread CPU affinity (Linux only)\n"); printf(" --core-file-descriptor-ulimit NUMBER\n"); printf(" Set custom file descriptor ulimit for the core\n"); printf(" --admin-panel-url URL\n"); printf(" Connect to an admin panel through this service\n"); printf(" connector URL\n"); printf(" --ctl NAME=VALUE Set low-level config option directly\n"); printf(" -h, --help Show this help\n"); printf("\n"); printf("API account privilege levels (ordered from most to least privileges):\n"); printf(" readonly Read-only access\n"); printf(" full Full access (default)\n"); } inline bool parseCoreOption(int argc, const char *argv[], int &i, Json::Value &updates) { OptionParser p(coreUsage); if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--passenger-root")) { updates["passenger_root"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], 'l', "--listen")) { if (getSocketAddressType(argv[i + 1]) != SAT_UNKNOWN) { Json::Value &addresses = updates["controller_addresses"]; if (addresses.size() == SERVER_KIT_MAX_SERVER_ENDPOINTS) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you may specify up to %u --listen addresses.\n", SERVER_KIT_MAX_SERVER_ENDPOINTS); exit(1); } addresses.append(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid address format for --listen. The address " "must be formatted as tcp://IP:PORT for TCP sockets, or unix:PATH " "for Unix domain sockets.\n"); exit(1); } } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--api-listen")) { if (getSocketAddressType(argv[i + 1]) != SAT_UNKNOWN) { Json::Value &addresses = updates["api_server_addresses"]; if (addresses.size() == SERVER_KIT_MAX_SERVER_ENDPOINTS) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you may specify up to %u --api-listen addresses.\n", SERVER_KIT_MAX_SERVER_ENDPOINTS); exit(1); } addresses.append(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid address format for --api-listen. The address " "must be formatted as tcp://IP:PORT for TCP sockets, or unix:PATH " "for Unix domain sockets.\n"); exit(1); } } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--pid-file")) { updates["pid_file"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--authorize")) { vector args; split(argv[i + 1], ':', args); if (args.size() < 2 || args.size() > 3) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid format for --authorize. The syntax " "is \"[LEVEL:]USERNAME:PASSWORDFILE\".\n"); exit(1); } updates["api_server_authorizations"].append(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--socket-backlog")) { updates["controller_socket_backlog"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--no-user-switching")) { updates["user_switching"] = false; i++; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--default-user")) { updates["default_user"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--default-group")) { updates["default_group"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--disable-security-update-check")) { updates["security_update_checker_disabled"] = true; i++; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--security-update-check-proxy")) { updates["security_update_checker_proxy_url"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--disable-anonymous-telemetry")) { updates["telemetry_collector_disabled"] = true; i++; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--anonymous-telemetry-proxy")) { updates["telemetry_collector_proxy_url"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--max-pool-size")) { updates["max_pool_size"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--pool-idle-time")) { updates["pool_idle_time"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--max-preloader-idle-time")) { updates["default_max_preloader_idle_time"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--force-max-concurrent-requests-per-process")) { updates["default_force_max_concurrent_requests_per_process"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--min-instances")) { updates["default_min_instances"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], 'e', "--environment")) { updates["default_environment"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--app-type")) { updates["single_app_mode_app_type"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--startup-file")) { updates["single_app_mode_startup_file"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--app-start-command")) { updates["single_app_mode_app_start_command"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--spawn-method")) { updates["default_spawn_method"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--load-shell-envvars")) { updates["default_load_shell_envvars"] = true; i++; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--multi-app")) { updates["multi_app"] = true; i++; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--force-friendly-error-pages")) { updates["default_friendly_error_pages"] = true; i++; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--disable-friendly-error-pages")) { updates["default_friendly_error_pages"] = false; i++; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--max-requests")) { updates["default_max_requests"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--max-request-queue-size")) { updates["default_max_request_queue_size"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--sticky-sessions")) { updates["default_sticky_sessions"] = true; i++; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--sticky-sessions-cookie-name")) { updates["default_sticky_sessions_cookie_name"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--vary-turbocache-by-cookie")) { updates["vary_turbocache_by_cookie"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--disable-turbocaching")) { updates["turbocaching"] = false; i++; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--no-abort-websockets-on-process-shutdown")) { updates["default_abort_websockets_on_process_shutdown"] = false; i++; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--ruby")) { updates["default_ruby"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--nodejs")) { updates["default_nodejs"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--python")) { updates["default_python"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--meteor-app-settings")) { updates["default_meteor_app_settings"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--app-file-descriptor-ulimit")) { updates["default_app_file_descriptor_ulimit"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--log-level")) { updates["log_level"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--log-file")) { updates["log_target"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--fd-log-file")) { updates["file_descriptor_log_target"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--stat-throttle-rate")) { updates["stat_throttle_rate"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--no-show-version-in-header")) { updates["show_version_in_header"] = false; i++; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--data-buffer-dir")) { updates["controller_file_buffered_channel_buffer_dir"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--no-graceful-exit")) { updates["graceful_exit"] = false; i++; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--benchmark")) { updates["benchmark_mode"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--disable-selfchecks")) { updates["pool_selfchecks"] = false; i++; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--threads")) { updates["controller_threads"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isFlag(argv[i], '\0', "--cpu-affine")) { updates["controller_cpu_affine"] = true; i++; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--core-file-descriptor-ulimit")) { updates["file_descriptor_ulimit"] = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--admin-panel-url")) { updates["admin_panel_url"] = argv[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (p.isValueFlag(argc, i, argv[i], '\0', "--ctl")) { const char *sep = strchr(argv[i + 1], '='); if (sep == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid --ctl format: %s\n", argv[i + 1]); exit(1); } string name(argv[i + 1], sep - argv[i + 1]); string value(sep + 1); updates[name] = autocastValueToJson(value); i += 2; } else if (!startsWith(argv[i], "-")) { if (!updates.isMember("single_app_mode_app_root")) { updates["single_app_mode_app_root"] = argv[i]; i++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you may not pass multiple application directories. " "Please type '%s core --help' for usage.\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } } else { return false; } return true; } } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_CORE_OPTION_PARSER_H_ */