require 'date' module Barometer # # Forecast Measurement # a data class for forecasted weather conditions # # This is basically a data holding class for the forecasted weather # conditions. # class Data::ForecastMeasurement attr_reader :date, :icon, :condition attr_reader :low, :high, :pop, :wind, :humidity, :sun, :night # accessors (with input checking) # def date=(date) raise ArgumentError unless date.is_a?(Date) @date = date end def icon=(icon) raise ArgumentError unless icon.is_a?(String) @icon = icon end def condition=(condition) raise ArgumentError unless condition.is_a?(String) @condition = condition end def high=(high) raise ArgumentError unless high.is_a?(Data::Temperature) @high = high end def low=(low) raise ArgumentError unless low.is_a?(Data::Temperature) @low = low end def pop=(pop) raise ArgumentError unless pop.is_a?(Fixnum) @pop = pop end def wind=(wind) raise ArgumentError unless wind.is_a?(Data::Speed) @wind = wind end def humidity=(humidity) raise ArgumentError unless humidity.is_a?(Fixnum) @humidity = humidity end def sun=(sun) raise ArgumentError unless sun.is_a?(Data::Sun) @sun = sun end def night=(night) raise ArgumentError unless night.is_a?(Data::NightMeasurement) @night = night end # # helpers # # creates "?" helpers for all attributes (which maps to nil?) # def method_missing(method,*args) # if the method ends in ?, then strip it off and see if we # respond to the method without the ? if (call_method = method.to_s.chomp!("?")) && respond_to?(call_method) return send(call_method).nil? ? false : true else super(method,*args) end end end end