## # Add search functionality (via Google Custom Search). Protocol reference at: # http://www.google.com/coop/docs/cse/resultsxml.html # module GoogleCustomSearchApi extend self ## # Search the site. # # opts # see list here for valid options http://code.google.com/apis/customsearch/v1/using_rest.html#query-params def search(query, opts = {}) # Get and parse results. url = url(query, opts) puts url return nil unless results = fetch(url) results["items"] ||= [] ResponseData.new(results) end def search_and_return_all_results(query, opts = {}) res = [] opts[:start] ||= 1 begin results = GoogleCustomSearchApi.search("poker",opts) res << results if results.queries.keys.include?("nextPage") opts[:start] = results.queries.nextPage.first.startIndex else opts[:start] = nil end end while opts[:start].nil? == false return res end # Convenience wrapper for the response Hash. # Converts keys to Strings. Crawls through all # member data and converts any other Hashes it # finds. Provides access to values through # method calls, which will convert underscored # to camel case. # # Usage: # # rd = ResponseData.new("AlphaBeta" => 1, "Results" => {"Gamma" => 2, "delta" => [3, 4]}) # puts rd.alpha_beta # => 1 # puts rd.alpha_beta.results.gamma # => 2 # puts rd.alpha_beta.results.delta # => [3, 4] # class ResponseData < Hash private def initialize(data={}) data.each_pair {|k,v| self[k.to_s] = deep_parse(v) } end def deep_parse(data) case data when Hash self.class.new(data) when Array data.map {|v| deep_parse(v) } else data end end def method_missing(*args) name = args[0].to_s return self[name] if has_key? name camelname = name.split('_').map {|w| "#{w[0,1].upcase}#{w[1..-1]}" }.join("") if has_key? camelname self[camelname] else super *args end end end private # ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Build search request URL. # # see list here for valid options http://code.google.com/apis/customsearch/v1/using_rest.html#query-params def url(query, opts = {}) opts[:q] = query opts[:alt] ||= "json" uri = Addressable::URI.new uri.query_values = opts begin params.merge!(GOOGLE_SEARCH_PARAMS) rescue NameError end "https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=#{GOOGLE_API_KEY}&cx=#{GOOGLE_SEARCH_CX}&#{uri.query}" end ## # Query Google, and make sure it responds. # def fetch(url) return HTTParty.get(url) end end