# kramdown-service gem - kramdown HTTP JSON API service (convert markdown to HTML or LaTeX) * home :: [github.com/writekit/kramdown-service](https://github.com/writekit/kramdown-service) * bugs :: [github.com/writekit/kramdown-service/issues](https://github.com/writekit/kramdown-service/issues) * gem :: [rubygems.org/gems/kramdown-service](https://rubygems.org/gems/kramdown-service) * rdoc :: [rubydoc.info/gems/kramdown-service](http://rubydoc.info/gems/kramdown-service) ## Live Version Try the `markdown` HTTP (JSON) API running on Heroku [`trykramdown.herokuapp.com`](http://trykramdown.herokuapp.com). Note: If you see an Application Error on Heroku. Sorry. It means "**Free app running time quota exhausted**". Please, check back in a day (or use `$ kramup` to run the service on your local machine). Thanks. ## Start Your Own Local Version / Service To start your own local version on your own machine use the bundled command line tool called `kramup`. Step 0 - Install the gem e.g. $ gem install kramdown-service Step 1 - Start the server / service e.g. $ kramup Step 2 - Open up the editor page in your browser e.g. use `http://localhost:4567`. That's it. ## Usage - Web Service / HTTP (JSON) API - `GET /markdown` Example 1 - Converting to Hypertext (HTML): GET /markdown?text=Hello+World!
Hello World!
Example 2 - Converting to LaTeX: GET /markdown?text=Hello+World!&to=latex Hello World! ## License The `kramdown-service` scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever. ## Questions? Comments? Send them along to the [wwwmake forum/mailing list](http://groups.google.com/group/wwwmake). Thanks!