// (c) 2010 Jeff Mesnil -- http://jmesnil.net/ // stilts-stomp-client.js 0.1.27 (function(window) { var Stomp = {}; Stomp.Headers = { HOST : 'host', CONTENT_LENGTH : 'content-length', CONTENT_TYPE : 'content-type', ACCEPT_VERSION : 'accept-version', VERSION : 'version' }; Stomp.Versions = { VERSION_1_0 : "1.0", VERSION_1_1 : "1.1", supportedVersions : function() { return "1.0,1.1"; } }; Stomp.frame = function(command, headers, body) { return { command : command, headers : headers, body : body, toString : function() { var out = command + '\n'; if (headers) { for (header in headers) { if (headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) { out = out + header + ':' + headers[header] + '\n'; } } } if (body) { out = out + 'content-length:' + body.length + '\n'; } out = out + '\n'; if (body) { out = out + body; } return out; } } }; trim = function(str) { return ("" + str).replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, ''); }; Stomp.unmarshal = function(data) { debug( "unmarshal: " + data ); var divider = data.search(/\n\n/); var headerLines = data.substring(0, divider).split('\n'); var command = headerLines.shift(), headers = {}, body = ''; debug( headerLines ); // Parse headers var line = idx = null; for ( var i = 0; i < headerLines.length; i++) { line = '' + headerLines[i]; idx = line.indexOf(':'); headers[trim(line.substring(0, idx))] = trim(line .substring(idx + 1)); } try { if (headers[Stomp.Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH]) { var len = parseInt( headers[Stomp.Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH] ); var start = divider + 2; body = (''+ data).substring(start, start+len); } else { // Parse body, stopping at the first \0 found. var chr = null; for ( var i = divider + 2; i < data.length; i++) { chr = data.charAt(i); if (chr === '\0') { break; } body += chr; } } return Stomp.frame(command, headers, body); } catch (err) { debug( err ); return Stomp.frame('ERROR', headers, "Error parsing frame: " + err.description); } }; Stomp.marshal = function(command, headers, body) { return Stomp.frame(command, headers, body).toString() + '\0'; }; Stomp.client = function(url) { var that, ws, login, passcode; var counter = 0; // used to index subscribers // subscription callbacks indexed by subscriber's ID var subscriptions = {}; debug = function(str) { if (that.debug) { that.debug(str); } }; onmessage = function(evt) { debug('<<< ' + evt.data); var frame = Stomp.unmarshal(evt.data); if (frame.command == "CONNECTED") { var version = frame.headers[Stomp.Headers.VERSION]; that.version = version; if (that.connectCallback) { that.connectCallback(frame); } } else if (frame.command == "MESSAGE") { var subscription_id = '' + frame.headers.subscription; var onreceive = subscriptions['' + frame.headers.subscription]; if (onreceive) { onreceive(frame); } } else if (frame.command == "RECEIPT" && that.onreceipt) { that.onreceipt(frame); } else if (frame.command == "ERROR" && that.onerror) { that.onerror(frame); } }; transmit = function(command, headers, body) { var out = Stomp.marshal(command, headers, body); debug(">>> " + out); ws.send(out); }; that = {}; that.connect = function(login_, passcode_, connectCallback, errorCallback) { debug("Opening Web Socket..."); var wsClass = null; if ( typeof WebSocket != 'undefined' ) { wsClass = WebSocket; } else if ( typeof MozWebSocket != 'undefined' ) { wsClass = MozWebSocket; } ws = new wsClass(url); ws.onmessage = onmessage; ws.onclose = function() { var msg = "Whoops! Lost connection to " + url; debug(msg); if (errorCallback) { errorCallback(msg); } }; ws.onopen = function() { debug('Web Socket Opened...'); var headers = { login : login, passcode : passcode }; headers[Stomp.Headers.ACCEPT_VERSION] = Stomp.Versions.supportedVersions(); transmit("CONNECT", headers); }; login = login_; passcode = passcode_; that.connectCallback = connectCallback; }; that.disconnect = function(disconnectCallback) { transmit("DISCONNECT"); ws.close(); if (disconnectCallback) { disconnectCallback(); } }; that.waitForDisconnect = function() { ws.waitForClosedState(); }; that.send = function(destination, headers, body) { var headers = headers || {}; headers.destination = destination; transmit("SEND", headers, body); }; that.subscribe = function(destination, callback, headers) { var headers = headers || {}; var subscription_id = "sub-" + counter++; headers.destination = destination; headers.id = subscription_id; debug( "SUBSCRIBE---> " + subscription_id + " == " + callback ); subscriptions['' + subscription_id] = callback; debug( subscriptions['' + subscription_id] ); transmit("SUBSCRIBE", headers); return subscription_id; }; that.unsubscribe = function(id, headers) { var headers = headers || {}; headers.id = id; delete subscriptions[id]; transmit("UNSUBSCRIBE", headers); }; that.begin = function(transaction, headers) { var headers = headers || {}; headers.transaction = transaction; transmit("BEGIN", headers); }; that.commit = function(transaction, headers) { var headers = headers || {}; headers.transaction = transaction; transmit("COMMIT", headers); }; that.abort = function(transaction, headers) { var headers = headers || {}; headers.transaction = transaction; transmit("ABORT", headers); }; that.ack = function(message_id, headers) { var headers = headers || {}; headers["message-id"] = message_id; transmit("ACK", headers); }; that.nack = function(message_id, headers) { // TODO: Add nack functionality. } return that; }; window.Stomp = Stomp; })(window);