=== 0.1.1 / 2009-02-23
* Added a git style sub-command (ronin-dorks) which starts the
Ronin console with ronin/dorks pre-loaded.
* Added Dorks.all_strings_inurl.
* Added Dorks.index_of.
* Added Dorks.index_with_file.
* Added Dorks.index_with_sql.
* Added Dorks.sharepoint.
* Require GScraper >= 0.2.2.
* Require Ronin >= 0.2.1.
* Require Ronin Web >= 0.1.1.
* Renamed Dorks.mysql_dump to Dorks.sql_dump.
* Renamed Dorks.mysql_dump_admin to Dorks.sql_admin_dump.
* Fixed many small bugs.
* Updated README.txt.
* Added RSpec tests.
=== 0.1.0 / 2008-08-21
* Initial release.
* Provides convenience methods for many common Google (tm) Dorks:
* Search for URLs containing a specified string:
* Search for URLs containing a specified pattern:
* Search for Indexes of unprotected cgi-bin directories.
* Search for unprotected MySQL dump files.
* Search for unprotected MySQL dump files containing the password hash
* Search for Certificate Practice Statement documents.
* Search for Network Vulnerability Assessemnt reports.
* Search for order receipts.
* Search for robots.txt files.
* Search for unprotected PHP MyAdmin panels.
* Search for emails.xls files.
* Search for finances.xls files.