require 'assert' require 'qs/client' require 'hella-redis' require 'qs' require 'qs/job' require 'qs/queue' module Qs::Client class UnitTests < Assert::Context desc "Qs::Client" setup do @current_test_mode = ENV['QS_TEST_MODE'] ENV['QS_TEST_MODE'] = 'yes' Qs.init @redis_connect_hash = Qs.redis_connect_hash @queue ={ name Factory.string } @job_name = Factory.string @job_params = { Factory.string => Factory.string } end teardown do Qs.reset! ENV['QS_TEST_MODE'] = @current_test_mode end subject{ Qs::Client } should have_imeths :new should "return a qs client using `new`" do ENV.delete('QS_TEST_MODE') client = assert_instance_of Qs::QsClient, client end should "return a test client using `new` in test mode" do client = assert_instance_of Qs::TestClient, client end end class MixinTests < UnitTests setup do @client = end subject{ @client } should have_readers :redis_connect_hash, :redis should have_imeths :enqueue, :publish, :publish_as, :push should have_imeths :block_dequeue should have_imeths :append, :prepend should have_imeths :clear should have_imeths :sync_subscriptions, :clear_subscriptions should have_imeths :event_subscribers should "know its redis config" do assert_equal @redis_connect_hash, subject.redis_connect_hash end should "not have a redis connection" do assert_nil subject.redis end should "build a job, enqueue it and return it using `enqueue`" do result = subject.enqueue(@queue, @job_name, @job_params) call = subject.enqueue_calls.last assert_equal @queue, call.queue assert_equal @job_name, assert_equal @job_params, call.job.params assert_equal call.job, result end should "enqueue a dispatch job and return its event using `publish`" do event_channel = Factory.string event_name = Factory.string event_params = @job_params result = subject.publish(event_channel, event_name, event_params) call = subject.enqueue_calls.last assert_equal Qs.dispatcher_queue, call.queue dispatch_job = Factory.dispatch_job({ :event_channel => event_channel, :event_name => event_name, :event_params => event_params }) assert_equal, assert_equal dispatch_job.params, call.job.params assert_equal call.job.event, result end should "enqueue a dispatch job with a custom publisher using `publish_as`" do publisher = Factory.string channel = Factory.string name = Factory.string params = @job_params result = subject.publish_as(publisher, channel, name, params) call = subject.enqueue_calls.last assert_equal Qs.dispatcher_queue, call.queue dispatch_job = Factory.dispatch_job({ :event_channel => channel, :event_name => name, :event_params => params, :event_publisher => publisher }) assert_equal, assert_equal dispatch_job.params, call.job.params assert_equal call.job.event, result end should "raise a not implemented error using `push`" do assert_raises(NotImplementedError) do subject.push(Factory.string, Factory.string) end end end class RedisCallTests < MixinTests setup do mock_redis = HellaRedis.mock(@client.redis_connect_hash) Assert.stub(@client, :redis){ mock_redis } @queue_redis_key = Factory.string @encoded_payload = Factory.string end should "block pop from the front of a list using `block_dequeue`" do args = Factory.integer(3){ Factory.string } + [Factory.integer] subject.block_dequeue(*args) call = subject.redis.calls.last assert_equal :brpop, call.command assert_equal args, call.args end should "add a encoded payload to the end of a list using `append`" do subject.append(@queue_redis_key, @encoded_payload) call = subject.redis.calls.last assert_equal :lpush, call.command assert_equal @queue_redis_key, call.args.first assert_equal @encoded_payload, call.args.last end should "add a encoded payload to the front of a list using `prepend`" do subject.prepend(@queue_redis_key, @encoded_payload) call = subject.redis.calls.last assert_equal :rpush, call.command assert_equal @queue_redis_key, call.args.first assert_equal @encoded_payload, call.args.last end should "del a list using `clear`" do subject.clear(@queue_redis_key) call = subject.redis.calls.last assert_equal :del, call.command assert_equal [@queue_redis_key], call.args end should "ping redis using `ping`" do call = subject.redis.calls.last assert_equal :ping, call.command end should "return the events subscriber set using `event_subscribers`" do smembers_key = nil smembers = Factory.integer(3){ Factory.string } Assert.stub(subject.redis.connection_spy, :smembers) do |key| smembers_key = key smembers end event = Factory.event result = subject.event_subscribers(event) assert_equal event.subscribers_redis_key, smembers_key assert_equal smembers, result end end class SubscriptionsSetupTests < RedisCallTests setup do @event_subs_keys = Factory.integer(3){ Factory.string } @keys_pattern = nil Assert.stub(subject.redis.connection_spy, :keys) do |pattern| @keys_pattern = pattern @event_subs_keys end end end class SyncSubscriptionsTests < SubscriptionsSetupTests desc "sync_subscriptions" setup do Factory.integer(3){ @queue.event_route_names << Factory.string } subject.sync_subscriptions(@queue) end should "run in a pipelined transaction" do calls = subject.redis.calls[0, 2] assert_equal [:pipelined, :multi], end should "find all event subscribers keys" do assert_equal'*'), @keys_pattern end should "remove the queue from all events subscribers first" do calls = subject.redis.calls[2, @event_subs_keys.size] assert_equal @event_subs_keys.size, calls.size assert_equal [:srem], exp ={ |key| [key,] } assert_equal exp, end should "remove and add the queue from events subscribers" do start_at = 2 + @event_subs_keys.size calls = subject.redis.calls[start_at..-1] exp = @queue.event_route_names.size assert_equal exp, calls.size assert_equal [:sadd], exp = do |name| [,] end assert_equal exp, end end class ClearSubscriptionsTests < SubscriptionsSetupTests desc "clear_subscriptions" setup do subject.clear_subscriptions(@queue) end should "run in a pipelined transaction" do calls = subject.redis.calls[0, 2] assert_equal [:pipelined, :multi], end should "find all event subscribers keys" do assert_equal'*'), @keys_pattern end should "remove the queue from all events subscribers" do calls = subject.redis.calls[2..-1] assert_equal @event_subs_keys.size, calls.size assert_equal [:srem], exp ={ |key| [key,] } assert_equal exp, end end class QsClientTests < UnitTests desc "QsClient" setup do @client_class = Qs::QsClient end subject{ @client_class } should "be a qs client" do assert_includes Qs::Client, subject end end class QsClientInitTests < QsClientTests desc "when init" setup do @mock_redis = HellaRedis.mock(@redis_connect_hash) @hr_real_called_with = nil Assert.stub(HellaRedis, :real) do |*args| @hr_real_called_with = args @mock_redis end @client = end subject{ @client } should "build a redis connection" do exp = [subject.redis_connect_hash] assert_equal exp, @hr_real_called_with assert_equal @mock_redis, subject.redis end should "add jobs to the queues redis list using `enqueue`" do subject.enqueue(@queue, @job_name, @job_params) call = subject.redis.calls.last assert_equal :lpush, call.command assert_equal @queue.redis_key, call.args.first job = Qs::Payload.deserialize(call.args.last) assert_equal @job_name, assert_equal @job_params, job.params end should "add a payload hash to the queues redis list using `push`" do payload_hash = { Factory.string => Factory.string } subject.push(, payload_hash) call = subject.redis.calls.last assert_equal :lpush, call.command assert_equal @queue.redis_key, call.args.first assert_equal Qs.encode(payload_hash), call.args.last end end class TestClientTests < UnitTests desc "TestClient" setup do @client_class = Qs::TestClient end subject{ @client_class } should "be a qs client" do assert_includes Qs::Client, subject end end class TestClientInitTests < TestClientTests desc "when init" setup do @encoded_hash = nil Assert.stub(Qs, :encode){ |hash| @encoded_hash = hash } @serialized_job = nil Assert.stub(Qs::Payload, :serialize){ |job| @serialized_job = job } @mock_redis = HellaRedis.mock(@redis_connect_hash) @hr_mock_called_with = nil Assert.stub(HellaRedis, :mock) do |*args| @hr_mock_called_with = args @mock_redis end @client = end subject{ @client } should have_readers :pushed_items should have_imeths :reset! should "build a redis mock connection" do exp = [subject.redis_connect_hash] assert_equal exp, @hr_mock_called_with assert_equal @mock_redis, subject.redis end should "default its pushed items" do assert_equal [], subject.pushed_items end should "track all the jobs it enqueues on the queue" do assert_empty @queue.enqueued_jobs result = subject.enqueue(@queue, @job_name, @job_params) job = @queue.enqueued_jobs.last assert_equal @job_name, assert_equal @job_params, job.params assert_equal job, result end should "serialize the job when enqueueing" do subject.enqueue(@queue, @job_name, @job_params) job = @queue.enqueued_jobs.last assert_equal job, @serialized_job end should "track all the payload hashes pushed onto a queue" do payload_hash = { Factory.string => Factory.string } subject.push(, payload_hash) pushed_item = subject.pushed_items.last assert_instance_of Qs::TestClient::PushedItem, pushed_item assert_equal, pushed_item.queue_name assert_equal payload_hash, pushed_item.payload_hash end should "encode the payload hashes when pushing them onto a queue" do payload_hash = { Factory.string => Factory.string } subject.push(, payload_hash) pushed_item = subject.pushed_items.last assert_equal pushed_item.payload_hash, @encoded_hash end should "clear its pushed items when reset" do payload_hash = { Factory.string => Factory.string } subject.push(, payload_hash) assert_not_empty subject.pushed_items subject.reset! assert_empty subject.pushed_items end end class FakeClient include Qs::Client attr_reader :enqueue_calls def enqueue!(queue, job) @enqueue_calls ||= [], job).tap{ |c| @enqueue_calls << c } end EnqueueCall =, :job) end end