require 'pathname' require Pathname(__FILE__).dirname + '../spec_helper' require 'resourceful/resource' describe Resourceful::Resource do before do @auth_manager = mock('auth_manager', :add_credentials => nil) @cache_manager = mock('cache_manager', :lookup => nil, :store => nil, :invalidate => nil) @logger = mock('logger', :debug => nil, :info => nil) @accessor = mock('accessor', :auth_manager => @auth_manager, :cache_manager => @cache_manager, :logger => @logger) @uri = '' @resource =, @uri) @response = mock('response', :code => 200, :is_redirect? => false, :is_not_authorized? => false, :is_success? => true, :is_not_modified? => false) @request = mock('request', :response => @response, :should_be_redirected? => true, :uri => @uri) Resourceful::Request.stub!(:new).and_return(@request) end describe 'init' do it 'should be instantiatable' do @resource.should be_instance_of(Resourceful::Resource) end it 'should take an http_accessor' do @resource.accessor.should == @accessor end it 'should take a uri' do @resource.uri.should == @uri end end describe '#effective_uri' do it 'should be the latest uri' do @resource.effective_uri.should == @uri end it 'should be aliased as #uri' do @resource.uri.should == @resource.effective_uri end end describe '#do_read_request' do def make_request @resource.do_read_request(:some_method) end it 'should make a new request object from the method' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new).with(:some_method, @resource, nil, {}).and_return(@request) make_request end it 'should set the header of the request from the header arg' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new).with(:some_method, @resource, nil, :foo => :bar).and_return(@request) @resource.do_read_request(:some_method, :foo => :bar) end describe 'non-success responses' do before do @uri = '' @resource =, @uri) @redirected_uri = '' @redirect_response = mock('redirect_response', :header => {'Location' => [@redirected_uri]}, :is_redirect? => false, :is_success? => false, :is_not_authorized? => false, :is_not_modified? => false, :code => 404) @request.stub!(:response).and_return(@redirect_response, @response) @request.stub!(:method).and_return(:get) @request.stub!(:uri).and_return('') end it 'should raise UnsuccessfulHttpRequestError' do lambda { @resource.do_read_request(:get) }.should raise_error(Resourceful::UnsuccessfulHttpRequestError) end it 'should give a reasonable error message' do lambda { @resource.do_read_request(:get) }.should raise_error("get request to failed with code 404") end end describe 'with redirection' do before do @uri = '' @resource =, @uri) @redirected_uri = '' @redirect_response = mock('redirect_response', :header => {'Location' => [@redirected_uri]}, :is_redirect? => true, :is_permanent_redirect? => true, :is_not_modified? => false) @request.stub!(:response).and_return(@redirect_response, @response) end it 'should check if the response was a redirect' do @redirect_response.should_receive(:is_redirect?).and_return(true) make_request end it 'should check if the request should be redirected' do @request.should_receive(:should_be_redirected?).and_return(true) make_request end describe 'permanent redirect' do before do @redirect_response.stub!(:is_permanent_redirect?).and_return(true) end it 'should check if the response was a permanent redirect' do @redirect_response.should_receive(:is_permanent_redirect?).and_return(true) make_request end it 'should add the new location as the effective uri' do make_request @resource.effective_uri.should == @redirected_uri end it 'should remake the request with the new uri' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new).twice.and_return(@request) @request.should_receive(:response).twice.and_return(@redirect_response, @response) make_request end end describe 'temporary redirect' do before do @redirect_response.stub!(:is_permanent_redirect?).and_return(false) end it 'should check if the response was not a permanent redirect' do @redirect_response.should_receive(:is_permanent_redirect?).and_return(false) make_request end it 'should not add the new location as the effective uri' do make_request @resource.effective_uri.should == @uri end it 'should make a new resource from the new location' do new_resource = mock('resource', :do_read_request => @response) Resourceful::Resource.should_receive(:new).with(@accessor, @redirected_uri).and_return(new_resource) make_request end end end # read with redirection describe 'with authorization' do before do @authmgr = mock('auth_manager') @authmgr.stub!(:add_credentials) @authmgr.stub!(:associate_auth_info).and_return(true) @accessor.stub!(:auth_manager).and_return(@authmgr) end it 'should attempt to add credentials to the request' do @authmgr.should_receive(:add_credentials).with(@request) make_request end it 'should check if the response was not authorized' do @response.should_receive(:is_not_authorized?).and_return(false) make_request end it 'should associate the auth info in the response if it was not authorized' do @authmgr.should_receive(:associate_auth_info).with(@response).and_return(true) @response.stub!(:is_not_authorized?).and_return(true) make_request end it 'should re-make the request only once if it was not authorized the first time' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new).with(:some_method, @resource, nil, {}).twice.and_return(@request) @response.stub!(:is_not_authorized?).and_return(true) make_request end end describe 'with caching' do before do @cached_response = mock('cached response', :is_redirect? => false, :is_not_authorized? => false, :is_success? => true, :stale? => false) @cache_manager.stub!(:lookup).and_return(@cached_response) end it 'should lookup the request in the cache' do @cache_manager.should_receive(:lookup).with(@request) make_request end it 'should check if the cached response is stale' do @cached_response.should_receive(:stale?).and_return(false) make_request end describe 'in cache' do end describe 'in cache but stale' do end describe 'not in cache' do end end end describe '#do_write_request' do def make_request @resource.do_write_request(:some_method, "data", {}) end it 'should make a new request object from the method' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new).with(:some_method, @resource, "data", anything).and_return(@request) @resource.do_write_request(:some_method, "data") end describe 'non-success responses' do before do @uri = '' @resource =, @uri) @redirected_uri = '' @redirect_response = mock('redirect_response', :header => {'Location' => [@redirected_uri]}, :is_redirect? => false, :is_success? => false, :is_not_authorized? => false, :code => 404) @request.stub!(:response).and_return(@redirect_response, @response) @request.stub!(:method).and_return(:post) @request.stub!(:uri).and_return('') end it 'should raise UnsuccessfulHttpRequestError' do lambda { @resource.do_write_request(:post, "data", anything) }.should raise_error(Resourceful::UnsuccessfulHttpRequestError) end it 'should give a reasonable error message' do lambda { @resource.do_write_request(:post, "data", anything) }.should raise_error("post request to failed with code 404") end end describe 'with redirection' do before do @uri = '' @resource =, @uri) @redirected_uri = '' @redirect_response = mock('redirect_response', :header => {'Location' => [@redirected_uri]}, :is_redirect? => true, :is_permanent_redirect? => true) @request.stub!(:response).and_return(@redirect_response, @response) end it 'should check if the response was a redirect' do @redirect_response.should_receive(:is_redirect?).and_return(true) make_request end it 'should check if the request should be redirected' do @request.should_receive(:should_be_redirected?).and_return(true) make_request end describe 'permanent redirect' do before do @redirect_response.stub!(:is_permanent_redirect?).and_return(true) end it 'should check if the response was a permanent redirect' do @redirect_response.should_receive(:is_permanent_redirect?).and_return(true) make_request end it 'should add the new location as the effective uri' do make_request @resource.effective_uri.should == @redirected_uri end it 'should remake the request with the new uri' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new).twice.and_return(@request) @request.should_receive(:response).twice.and_return(@redirect_response, @response) make_request end end describe 'temporary redirect' do before do @redirect_response.stub!(:is_permanent_redirect?).and_return(false) @redirect_response.stub!(:code).and_return(302) end it 'should check if the response was not a permanent redirect' do @redirect_response.should_receive(:is_permanent_redirect?).and_return(false) make_request end it 'should not add the new location as the effective uri' do make_request @resource.effective_uri.should == @uri end it 'should make a new resource from the new location' do new_resource = mock('resource', :do_write_request => @response) Resourceful::Resource.should_receive(:new).with(@accessor, @redirected_uri).and_return(new_resource) make_request end describe '302 Found' do before do @new_resource = mock('resource') Resourceful::Resource.should_receive(:new).with(@accessor, @redirected_uri).and_return(@new_resource) @redirect_response.stub!(:code).and_return(303) end it 'should redirect to the new location with a GET request, regardless of the original method' do @new_resource.should_receive(:do_read_request).with(:get, {}).and_return(@response) make_request end end end end # write with redirection describe 'with authorization' do before do @authmgr = mock('auth_manager') @authmgr.stub!(:add_credentials) @authmgr.stub!(:associate_auth_info).and_return(true) @accessor.stub!(:auth_manager).and_return(@authmgr) end it 'should attempt to add credentials to the request' do @authmgr.should_receive(:add_credentials).with(@request) make_request end it 'should check if the response was not authorized' do @response.should_receive(:is_not_authorized?).and_return(false) make_request end it 'should associate the auth info in the response if it was not authorized' do @authmgr.should_receive(:associate_auth_info).with(@response).and_return(true) @response.stub!(:is_not_authorized?).and_return(true) make_request end it 'should re-make the request only once if it was not authorized the first time' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new).with(:some_method, @resource, "data", {}).twice.and_return(@request) @response.stub!(:is_not_authorized?).and_return(true) make_request end end end describe 'callback registration' do before do @callback = mock('callback') @callback.stub!(:call).and_return(true) @resource.on_redirect { } end it 'should store the callback when called with a block' do @resource.on_redirect { true } callback = @resource.instance_variable_get(:@on_redirect) callback.should be_kind_of(Proc) end it 'should return the callback when called without a block' do callback = lambda { "foo" } @resource.on_redirect(&callback) @resource.on_redirect.should == callback end end describe '#get' do it 'should be a method' do @resource.should respond_to(:get) end it 'should pass :get to the #do_read_request method' do @resource.should_receive(:do_read_request).with(:get, {}).and_return(@response) @resource.get end it 'should return the response of making the request' do @resource.get.should == @response end end describe "#delete" do it 'should be a method' do @resource.should respond_to(:delete) end it 'should return the response of making the request' do @resource.delete.should == @response end end describe "#post(body_data, :content_type => content-type)" do before do @resource =, 'http://foo.invalid/') @response = mock('response', :is_redirect? => false, :is_success? => true, :is_not_authorized? => false, :code => 200) @request = mock('request', :response => @response) Resourceful::Request.stub!(:new).and_return(@request) end it "should get the response from the request" do @request.should_receive(:response).and_return(@response)"a body", :content_type => 'text/plain') end it 'should put the content type in the header' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new). with(anything, anything, anything, hash_including(:content_type =>'text/plain')). and_return(@request)"a body", :content_type => 'text/plain') end it 'should create a post request' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new). with(:post, anything, anything, anything). and_return(@request)"a body", :content_type => 'text/plain') end it 'should pass body to the request object' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new). with(anything, anything, "a body", anything). and_return(@request)"a body", :content_type => 'text/plain') end it 'should pass self to the request object' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new). with(anything, @resource, anything, anything). and_return(@request)"a body", :content_type => 'text/plain') end end describe "#put(body_data, :content_type => content_type)" do before do @resource =, 'http://foo.invalid/') @response = mock('response', :is_redirect? => false, :is_success? => true, :is_not_authorized? => false, :code => 200) @request = mock('request', :response => @response) Resourceful::Request.stub!(:new).and_return(@request) end it "should get the response from the request" do @request.should_receive(:response).and_return(@response) @resource.put("a body", :content_type => 'text/plain') end it 'should put the content type in the header' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new). with(anything, anything, anything, hash_including(:content_type =>'text/plain')). and_return(@request) @resource.put("a body", :content_type => 'text/plain') end it 'should create a put request' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new). with(:put, anything, anything, anything). and_return(@request) @resource.put("a body", :content_type => 'text/plain') end it 'should pass body to the request object' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new). with(anything, anything, "a body", anything). and_return(@request) @resource.put("a body", :content_type => 'text/plain') end it 'should pass self to the request object' do Resourceful::Request.should_receive(:new). with(anything, @resource, anything, anything). and_return(@request) @resource.put("a body", :content_type => 'text/plain') end end end