--- en: activemodel: attributes: answer: body: Answer choices: Choices selected_choices: Selected choices question: max_choices: Maximum number of choices question_type: Type questionnaire_question: mandatory: Mandatory max_characters: Character limit (leave to 0 if no limit) errors: models: answer: attributes: add_documents: needs_to_be_reattached: Needs to be reattached body: too_long: is too long choices: missing: are not complete too_many: are too many questionnaire: request_invalid: There's been an error handling the request. Please try again decidim: forms: admin: models: components: description: Description tos: Terms of service questionnaires: actions: back: Back to questions show: Show responses answer_option: answer_option: Answer option free_text: Free text remove: Remove statement: Statement answers: actions: back: Back to responses export: Export show: Show answers empty: No answers yet export: answer: title: 'Response #%{number}' export_response: title: survey_user_answers_%{token} index: title: "%{total} total responses" show: title: 'Answer #%{number}' display_condition: answer_option: Answer option condition_question: Question condition_type: Condition condition_types: answered: Answered equal: Equal match: Includes text not_answered: Not answered not_equal: Not equal condition_value: Included text display_condition: Display condition mandatory: This condition needs to be satisfied always regardless the status of other conditions remove: Remove save_warning: Remember to save the form before configuring display conditions select_answer_option: Select answer option select_condition_question: Select a question select_condition_type: Select a condition type edit: save: Save title: Edit questionnaire form: add_question: Add question add_separator: Add separator add_title_and_description: Add title and description already_answered_warning: The form is already answered by some users so you cannot modify its questions. collapse: Collapse all questions expand: Expand all questions preview: Preview title: Edit form for %{questionnaire_for} unpublished_warning: The form is not published. You may modify its questions, but doing so will delete current answers. matrix_row: matrix_row: Row remove: Remove statement: Statement question: add_answer_option: Add answer option add_display_condition: Add display condition add_display_condition_info: Save the form to configure display conditions add_matrix_row: Add row any: Any collapse: Collapse description: Description down: Down expand: Expand question: Question remove: Remove statement: Statement up: Up separator: down: Down remove: Remove separator: Separator up: Up title_and_description: collapse: Collapse description: Description down: Down expand: Expand remove: Remove title: Title title_and_description: Title and description up: Up update: invalid: There was a problem saving the form. success: Form successfully saved. errors: answer: body: Body can't be blank files: extension_allowlist: 'Accepted formats:' images: dimensions: "%{width} x %{height} px" dimensions_info: 'This image will be:' processors: resize_and_pad: Resized and padded to resize_to_fit: Resized to fit question_types: files: Files long_answer: Long answer matrix_multiple: Matrix (Multiple option) matrix_single: Matrix (Single option) multiple_option: Multiple option short_answer: Short answer single_option: Single option sorting: Sorting title_and_description: Title and description questionnaires: answer: invalid: There was a problem answering the form. max_choices_alert: There are too many choices selected success: Form successfully answered. question: max_choices: 'Max choices: %{n}' show: answer_questionnaire: anonymous_user_message: <a href="%{sign_in_link}">Sign in with your account</a> or <a href="%{sign_up_link}">sign up</a> to answer the form. title: Answer the form current_step: Step %{step} of_total_steps: of %{total_steps} questionnaire_answered: body: You have already answered this form. title: Already answered questionnaire_closed: body: The form is closed and cannot be answered. title: Form closed questionnaire_for_private_users: body: The form is available only for private users title: Form closed questionnaire_js_disabled: body: Some of this form's features will be disabled. To improve your experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser. title: JavaScript is disabled questionnaire_not_published: body: This form is not published yet. tos_agreement: By participating you accept its Terms of Service step_navigation: show: are_you_sure: This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to edit your answers. Are you sure? back: Back continue: Continue submit: Submit user_answers_serializer: body: Answer completion: Completion created_at: Answered on id: Answer ID ip_hash: IP Hash question: Question registered: Registered session_token: User identifier unregistered: Unregistered user_status: User status