# ProxyTester - testing with rspec for http and socks proxies The `proxy_tester` helps you maintaining your proxy infrastructure by writing tests which can be run automatically. It uses `rspec` in the background to make that thing possible and adds some helper methods to make testing proxies easier. Today `proxy_tester` supports "HTTP"- and "SOCKS5"-Proxies. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'proxy_tester' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install proxy_tester ## Usage ### Quick start **Initialize proxy tester** This will create all files and directories needed to run proxy tester. Thanks to `--pre-seed` it will also add some example files to your test infrastructure, e.g. `spec_helper`, `example_spec.rb`. ```bash % proxy_tester init --pre-seed ``` **Modify example spec** 1. Add your proxy, e.g. `localhost:3128` to the spec 2. Add a user + password to `users.csv` and to the `example_spec.rb` if your proxy needs authentication **Run tests** ```bash % proxy_tester test rspec ``` **Getting in touch with the screenshots taken during test** ```bash # Please choose your preferred viewer, e.g. feh and the correct date/time for your test % feh ~/.local/share/proxy_tester/reports.d/2014-03-19_17:22:00/*.png ``` ### Getting started (WIP) **Getting help** ```bash % proxy_tester help % proxy_tester help ``` **Prepare a configuration file for proxy_tester** For more details please see the chapter [Writing Configuration File](#write_config) for that. **Initialize proxy tester** This will create all files and directories needed to run proxy tester. ```bash % proxy_tester init ``` By default it creates the following directories/files: * `$HOME/.local/share/proxy_tester` * `$HOME/.local/share/proxy_tester/reports.d` * `$HOME/.config/proxy_tester` * `$HOME/.config/proxy_tester/testcases.d` * `$HOME/.config/proxy_tester/config.yaml` * `$HOME/.config/proxy_tester/users.csv` `proxy_tester` supports different options for init ```bash % proxy_tester help init # Usage: # proxy_tester init # # Options: # [--force] # Overwrite existing files? # [--pre-seed] # Add examples to test cases directory # [--test-cases-directory=TEST_CASES_DIRECTORY] # Directory with test cases # [--user-file=USER_FILE] # Path to user file # [--create-config-file] # Create config file # # Default: true # [--create-user-file] # Create user file # # Default: true # [--create-test-cases-directory] # Create directory to store test cases # # Default: true # [--config-file=CONFIG_FILE] # Config file # [--log-level=LOG_LEVEL] # Log level for ui logging # [--debug-mode] # Run application in debug mode ``` **Adding users to users.csv** If your proxy needs user authentication you can use the `use_user`-method together with the `users.csv`. Make sure you keep the users.csv safe (and out of a central vcs) because the passwords need to be stored in plain text. ```csv "name","password","description" "user1","password1","test user abc" "user2","password2","test user efg" ``` In your spec you can refer to the users by using the following code snippet. There is no need to write the password into the spec file. `proxy_helper` will look it up. ```ruby it 'blocks www.example.org' do use_proxy 'localhost:3128' use_user 'user1' use_timeout(100) do visit 'http://www.example.org' end expect(page).to have_content('Access forbidden') expect(page.status_code).to eq 403 end ``` **Writing specs** For more details please see the chapter [Writing Specs](#writing_specs) for that. **Run the tests** Run the tests on commandline ```bash % proxy_tester test ``` It supports several different options: ```bash % proxy_tester help test # Usage: # proxy_tester test # # Options: # [--test-cases-directory=TEST_CASES_DIRECTORY] # Directory with test cases # [--tags=one two three] # Filter tests based on tags # [--config-file=CONFIG_FILE] # Config file # [--log-level=LOG_LEVEL] # Log level for ui logging # [--debug-mode] # Run application in debug mode # ``` If you want to limit the tests which should be run by `proxy_tester` you can use the `--tags`-switch. Make sure you've flagged your examples correctly - see [rspec documentation](https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-core/v/2-4/docs/command-line/tag-option) for more about this topic. ## Writing Specs ### Introduction **Recommended structure for testcases** For my specs I use the following structure. Additionally I use `git` for version control. ``` testcase.d infrastructure1 infrastructure1_abc_spec.rb infrastructure1_def_spec.rb spec_helper.rb support rspec.rb shared_examples-base.rb [...] ``` **The spec file(s)** I took screenshots for all my tests in an `after`-hook to be able to provide reports after testing. For each environment, e.g. `production`, `staging`, I create a diffent context adding a flag, e.g `:production`, for easier filterung. For each proxy I add a context and set the subject to the proxy hostname/ip address + port. The `it_behaves_like`-method is special because it references a shared example. More on this can be found later. Name: `infrastructure1_abc_spec.rb` ```ruby # encoding: utf-8 describe 'Infrastructure XY' do after :each do take_screenshot end before :each do use_user 'user1' end context 'Production', :production do context 'proxy1' do subject { 'proxy1.localdomain:8080' } it_behaves_like 'a base proxy' end context 'proxy2' do subject { 'proxy2.localdomain:8080' } it_behaves_like 'a base proxy' end end context 'Staging', :staging do context 'proxy1-int' do subject { 'proxy1-int.localdomain:8080' } it_behaves_like 'a base proxy' end context 'proxy2-int' do subject { 'proxy2-int.localdomain:8080' } it_behaves_like 'a base proxy' end end end ``` **The spec helper file** In my spec helper file I load all files found in support to make shared examples and other files available. Name: `spec_helper.rb` ```ruby # encoding: utf-8 # Loading support files Dir.glob(::File.expand_path('../support/*.rb', __FILE__)).each { |f| require_relative f } begin require 'bundler' Bundler.require :default rescue $stderr.puts 'Please install ruby gem "bundler" before using this spec_helper.rb in your proxy_tester-spec files.' exit(-1) end # *open-uri* # Easier use of urls in scripts # Please see "http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.1.1/libdoc/open-uri/rdoc/OpenURI.html" for further information require 'open-uri' ``` **The spec configuration** I want `rspec` to run only those examples which are flagged with `:focus`. If there is no example with a flag `:focus`. It should run all examples. I use the `:focus`-flag while developing a test or debugging existing tests. Name: `rspec.rb` ```ruby RSpec.configure do |c| c.filter_run_including :focus => true c.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true c.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true end ``` **Shared examples: base** To `DRY` my examples up I use shared examples. Please see [rspec documentation](https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-core/docs/example-groups/shared-examples) for more detailed information. Name: `shared_examples-base.rb` ```ruby # encoding: utf-8 require_relative 'shared_examples' shared_examples 'a base proxy' do before :each do use_proxy subject end it 'works with http://www.example.org' do visit 'http://www.example.org' expect(page).to have_content('Example Domain') expect(page.status_code).to eq 200 end it 'blocks eicar virus' do visit 'http://www.eicar.org/download/eicar.com' find('div#lk_info').trigger('click') expect(page).to have_content('Access blocked') expect(page.status_code).to eq 403 end end ``` ### Helper methods This gem includes all helper methods provided by [`capybara`](https://github.com/jnicklas/capybara) and [`poltergeist`](https://github.com/jonleighton/poltergeist) plus those listed below. To see the most current list of available methods please look for `lib/proxy_tester/rspec/helper.rb`. * `runtime` This method returns the time of `proxy_tester`-run. ```ruby # time of run, YYYY-MM-DD_HH:mm:ss runtime ``` * proxy This method returns the proxy set earlier. It holds the proxy-object. ```ruby # proxy host proxy.host proxy.host = 'host' # proxy port proxy.port proxy.port = 3128 # proxy type :none, :http, :socks5 proxy.type proxy.type = :none # is blank? proxy.blank? ``` * proxy_pac This method returns the proxy pac set earlier. It holds the proxy_pac-object. ```ruby # proxy host proxy_pac.host # proxy port proxy_pac.port # client ip proxy_pac.client_ip proxy_pac.client_ip = '' # url to proxy pac proxy_pac.url proxy_pac.url = 'http://www.example.org' proxy_pac.url = 'www.example.org' # heuristic parsing via addressable # path/url to proxy pac-file proxy_pac.pac_file proxy_pac.pac_file = 'http://pac.in.domain.org/proxy.pac' proxy_pac.pac_file = '/path/to/file.pac' # is blank? => port + host = blank proxy_pac.blank? # direct? => no proxy proxy_pac.direct? ``` * cleanup_reports The gem supports a method to create a screenshot for a visited website. To keep the `reports.d`-directory clean, the last 5 report-directories are kept only. ```ruby before :all do cleanup_reports end ``` If you want to change this, set the `@__keep_report_directories` to the needed value in an `before(:all)`-hook. ```ruby before :all do # keep the last 10 report directories @__keep_report_directories = 10 cleanup_reports end ``` * take_screenshot If you want to take a screenshot of a visited website, you can use `take_screenshot`. By default all screenshots are stored in `reports.d`. ```ruby after :each do take_screenshot end ``` * view_screenshot (alias: show_screenshot) While debugging an example it might be handy to view the fetched website. This can be done using the `view_screenshot`-helper. It opens the screenshot in your preferred image viewer. ```ruby context 'proxy1' do subject { 'proxy1.localdomain:8080' } it 'works with http://www.example.org' do use_proxy subject visit 'http://www.example.org' view_screenshot expect(page).to have_content('Example Domain') expect(page.status_code).to eq 200 end end ``` * use_user_agent Set the user agent used by the driver. ```ruby context 'proxy1' do subject { 'proxy1.localdomain:8080' } it 'works with http://www.example.org' do use_proxy subject use_user_agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0' visit 'http://www.example.org' expect(page).to have_content('Example Domain') expect(page.status_code).to eq 200 end end ``` * use_user Set the user used to connect to the proxy. ```ruby it 'blocks www.example.org for user "user1"' do use_proxy subject use_user 'user1' visit 'http://www.example.org' expect(page).to have_content('Access forbidden') expect(page.status_code).to eq 403 end ``` * use_client_ip Set the client ip address used during proxy pac evaluation. ```ruby it 'blocks www.example.org' do use_proxy :pac, 'http://localhost/proxy.pac' use_client_ip '' visit 'http://www.example.org' expect(page).to have_content('Access forbidden') expect(page.status_code).to eq 403 end ``` * use_time Set the time used during proxy pac evaluation. ```ruby it 'blocks www.example.org' do use_proxy :pac, 'http://localhost/proxy.pac' use_time '2014-03-07 05:12:20' visit 'http://www.example.org' expect(page).to have_content('Access forbidden') expect(page.status_code).to eq 403 end ``` * use_proxy Set the proxy host or proxy pac used to forward the traffic. ```ruby use_proxy :host, 'localhost:3128' use_proxy 'localhost:3128' use_proxy :pac, 'http://localhost/proxy.pac' ``` * use_timeout Set the timeout in seconds for visiting a website. ```ruby it 'blocks www.example.org' do use_proxy 'localhost:3128' use_time '2014-03-07 05:12:20' use_timeout(100) do visit 'http://www.example.org' end expect(page).to have_content('Access forbidden') expect(page.status_code).to eq 403 end ``` ## Writing Configuration File The configuration file of `proxy_tester` is a simple [yaml](http://www.yaml.org)-file. Those configuration variables are overwritten if you choose a corresponding commandline-switch, e.g. `--config-file`-switch for `config_file`-option. If a configuration option is not defined in config file and not given on commandline `proxy_tester` uses default hardcoded within the application. It supports the following variables. ```yaml # configuration options with defaults # $HOME = '/home/user' :config_file: /home/user/.config/proxy_tester/config.yaml :user_file: /home/user/.config/proxy_tester/user.csv :test_cases_directory: /home/user/.config/proxy_tester/test_cases.d :examples_directory: /home/user/.config/proxy_tester/test_cases.d/examples :reports_directory: /home/user/.share/proxy_tester/reports.d ``` ## Testing Proxies Directly ### Introduction `proxy_tester` does also provides a mode where you can test a proxy directly by opening a url. ```bash % proxy_tester test url --proxy localhost:3128 http://www.example.net ``` ### Options ``` Usage: proxy_tester url --proxy=one two three Options: --proxy=one two three # System(s) under test (required) [--count=N] # Number of requests # Default: 10 [--wait=N] # Wait n seconds before kill children # Default: 60 [--user=USER] # User for authentication # Default: xgvndeg [--log-level=LOG_LEVEL] # Log level [--concurrent] # Simulate concurrent requests [--output=OUTPUT] # Write output to file ``` ### Usage **Simple** `proxy_tester` requires `--proxy`-argument with `host:port` and at least one url given. ```bash % proxy_tester test url --proxy localhost:3128 http://www.example.net ``` **Fetching multiple urls** ```bash % proxy_tester test url --proxy localhost:3128 http://example.net http://www.example.org ``` **Fetching multiple urls using shell expansion** ```bash % proxy_tester test url --proxy localhost:3128 http://example{1,2,3,4}.net ``` **Fetching url via multiple proxies using shell expansion** ```bash % proxy_tester test url --proxy proxy{1,2,3}.localdomain:3128 http://example.net ``` **Fetching url n-times** Using the `--count`-option `proxy_tester` tries to fetch the given url `--count`-times within `--timeout` (default: 60s). ```bash % proxy_tester test url --proxy proxy1.localdomain:3128 http://example.net --count 5 ``` **Fetching url concurrently via proxy using shell expansion** Using the `--concurrent`-option `proxy_tester` creates 10 Threads which try to fetch the url as often as possible during 60 s. To change the number of threads you can use the `--count`-option. To change the timeout value please use `--timeout`. ```bash % proxy_tester test url --proxy proxy1.localdomain:3128 http://example.net --concurrent ``` **Write output to file instead of stdout** ```bash % proxy_tester test url --proxy proxy1.localdomain:3128 http://example.net --output /tmp/file.log ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( http://github.com/dg-vrnetze/proxy_tester/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request