module Pkg ## # This class is meant to encapsulate all of the data we know about a build invoked with # `rake package:` or `rake pl:`. It can read in this data via a yaml file, # have it set via accessors, and serialize it back to yaml for easy transport. # class Config require 'packaging/config/params.rb' require 'yaml' class << self ## # Returns a hash with string keys that maps instance variable # names without "@"" to their corresponding values. # def instance_values Hash[ { |name| [name[1..-1], instance_variable_get(name)] }] end # Every element in Pkg::Params::BUILD_PARAMS is a configurable setting # for the build. We use Pkg::Params::BUILD_PARAMS as the source of # truth for defining the the class instance variables and their # accessors of the Pkg::Config class Pkg::Params::BUILD_PARAMS.each do |v| attr_accessor v end # Return the binding of class context. Used for erb templates. # def get_binding return binding end ## # Take a hash of Config parameters, and iterate over them, setting the # value for each Config param to the corresponding hash key,value. # def config_from_hash(data = {}) data.each do |param, value| if Pkg::Params::BUILD_PARAMS.include?(param.to_sym) self.instance_variable_set("@#{param}", value) else warn "Warning - No build data parameter found for '#{param}'. Perhaps you have an erroneous entry in your yaml file?" end end end ## # Load a yaml file and use its contents to set the values for Pkg::Config # class instance variables # def config_from_yaml(file) build_data = Pkg::Util::Serialization.load_yaml(file) config_from_hash(build_data) end ## # By default return a hash of the names, values of current Pkg::Config # instance variables. With :format => :yaml, write a yaml file containing # the current names,values of Pkg::Config class instance variables # def config(args = { :target => nil, :format => :hash }) case args[:format] when :hash self.config_to_hash when :yaml self.config_to_yaml(args[:target]) end end ## # For each platform we ship for, find paths to its artifact and repo_config (if applicable). # This is to be consumed by beaker and later replaced with our metadata service. # def platform_data if self.project && self.ref && Pkg::Util::Net.check_host_ssh([self.builds_server]).empty? dir = "/opt/jenkins-builds/#{self.project}/#{self.ref}" cmd = "if [ -s \"#{dir}/artifacts\" ]; then cd #{dir}; find ./artifacts/ -mindepth 2 -type f; fi" artifacts, _ = Pkg::Util::Net.remote_ssh_cmd(self.builds_server, cmd, true) artifacts = artifacts.split("\n") data = {} artifacts.each do |artifact| tag = Pkg::Paths.tag_from_artifact_path(artifact) platform, version, arch = Pkg::Platforms.parse_platform_tag(tag) arch = 'ppc' if platform == 'aix' package_format = Pkg::Platforms.get_attribute(tag, :package_format) # Skip this if it's an unversioned MSI. We create these to help # beaker install the msi without having to know any version # information, but we should report the versioned artifact in # platform_data next if platform == 'windows' && File.basename(artifact) == "#{self.project}-#{arch}.#{package_format}" # Sometimes we have source or debug packages. We don't want to save # these paths in favor of the artifact paths. if platform == 'solaris' next if version == '10' && File.extname(artifact) != '.gz' next if version == '11' && File.extname(artifact) != '.p5p' else next if File.extname(artifact) != ".#{package_format}" end next if /#{self.project}-[a-z]+/.match(File.basename(artifact)) case package_format when 'deb' repo_config = "../repo_configs/deb/pl-#{self.project}-#{self.ref}-#{Pkg::Platforms.get_attribute(tag, :codename)}.list" when 'rpm' repo_config = "../repo_configs/rpm/pl-#{self.project}-#{self.ref}-#{tag}.repo" unless tag.include? 'aix' when 'swix', 'svr4', 'ips', 'dmg', 'msi' # No repo_configs for these platforms, so do nothing. else fail "Not sure what to do with packages with a package format of '#{package_format}' - maybe update PLATFORM_INFO?" end # Remove the f-prefix from the fedora platform tag keys so that # beaker can rely on consistent keys once we rip out the f for good tag = tag.sub(/fedora-f/, 'fedora-') data[tag] = { :artifact => artifact.sub('artifacts/', ''), :repo_config => repo_config, } end return data else warn "Skipping platform_data collection, but don't worry about it." return nil end end ## # Return a hash of all build parameters and their values, nil if unassigned. # def config_to_hash data = {} Pkg::Params::BUILD_PARAMS.each do |param|, self.instance_variable_get("@#{param}")) end, platform_data) data end ## # Write all build parameters to a yaml file, either one specified or in a # temporary location. Print the path to the file and return it as a # string. Accept an argument for the write target file. If not specified, # the name of the params file is the current git commit sha or tag. # def config_to_yaml(target = nil) file = "#{self.ref}.yaml" target = target.nil? ? File.join(Pkg::Util::File.mktemp, "#{self.ref}.yaml") : File.join(target, file) Pkg::Util::File.file_writable?(File.dirname(target), :required => true), 'w') do |f| f.puts self.config_to_hash.to_yaml end puts target target end ## # Print the names and values of all the params known to the build object # def print_config self.config_to_hash.each { |k, v| puts "#{k}: #{v}" } end ## # Return the names of all of the cows for the project, taking off the # base prefix, the architecture, and the .cow suffix. This is helpful in # the debian changelog. # def cow_list self.cows.split(' ').map do |cow| cow.split('-')[1] end.uniq.join(' ') end def default_project_root # Assume that either PROJECT_ROOT has been set, or we're running from the # project root # ENV['PROJECT_ROOT'] || Dir.pwd end def default_packaging_root # Assume that PACKAGING_ROOT has been set, or set the PACKAGING_ROOT to # one directory above the LIBDIR # defined?(PACKAGING_ROOT) ? File.expand_path(PACKAGING_ROOT) : File.expand_path(File.join(LIBDIR, "..")) end def load_default_configs got_config = false default_project_data = { :path => File.join(@project_root, "ext", "project_data.yaml"), :required => false } default_build_defaults = { :path => File.join(@project_root, "ext", "build_defaults.yaml"), :required => true } [default_project_data, default_build_defaults].each do |config| if File.readable? config[:path] self.config_from_yaml(config[:path]) got_config = true if config[:required] else puts "Skipping load of expected default config #{config[:path]}, cannot read file." end end if got_config self.config else # Since the default configuration files are not readable, most # likely not present, at this point we assume the project_root # isn't what we hoped it would be, and unset it. @project_root = nil end end # Set all aspects of how the package will be versioned. Versioning # relies exclusively on the git describe of the project, which will # fail if either Pkg::Config.project_root is nil, isn't in a git repo, # or is in a git repo, but there are no tags in the repo, in which case # git-describe will fail. # # It probably seems odd to load packaging-specific version # determinations, such as rpmversion here, at the top-level, and it is. # The reason for this that the creation of the most basic package # composition, the tarball, includes the generation of many different # packaging-specific files from templates in the source, and if faced # with loading rpmversion in the Tar object vs rpmversion in the # Config, I opt for the latter. It's basically a lose-lose, since it # really belongs in the Rpm object. def load_versioning if @project_root and Pkg::Util::Git.describe @ref = Pkg::Util::Git.sha_or_tag @short_ref = Pkg::Util::Git.sha_or_tag(7) @version = Pkg::Util::Version.dash_version @gemversion = Pkg::Util::Version.dot_version @debversion = Pkg::Util::Version.debversion @origversion = Pkg::Util::Version.origversion @rpmversion = Pkg::Util::Version.rpmversion @rpmrelease = Pkg::Util::Version.rpmrelease else puts "Skipping determination of version via git describe, Pkg::Config.project_root is not set to the path of a tagged git repo." end end ## # Since we're dealing with rake, much of the parameter override support # is via environment variables passed on the command line to a rake task. # These override any existing values of Pkg::Config class instance # variables # def load_envvars Pkg::Params::ENV_VARS.each do |v| if var = ENV[v[:envvar].to_s] case v[:type] when :bool self.instance_variable_set("@#{v[:var]}", Pkg::Util.boolean_value(var)) when :array self.instance_variable_set("@#{v[:var]}", string_to_array(var)) else self.instance_variable_set("@#{v[:var]}", var) end end end end ## # We supply several values by default, if they haven't been specified # already by config or environment variable. This includes the project # root as the default project root, which is relative to the # packaging path # def load_defaults @project_root ||= default_project_root @packaging_root ||= default_packaging_root Pkg::Params::DEFAULTS.each do |v| unless self.instance_variable_get("@#{v[:var]}") self.instance_variable_set("@#{v[:var]}", v[:val]) end end end ## # # Several workflows rely on being able to supply an optional yaml # parameters file that overrides all set values with its data. This has # always been supplied as an environment variable, "PARAMS_FILE." To # honor this, we have a method in config to override values as # expected. There is, however, a twist - it is absolutely essential # that the overrides do not override the project_root or packaging_root # settings, because this is environment-specific, and any value in a # params file is going to be wrong. Thus, if we have a project root or # packaging root before we begin overriding, we save it and restore it # after overrides. # def load_overrides if ENV['PARAMS_FILE'] && ENV['PARAMS_FILE'] != '' if File.readable?(ENV['PARAMS_FILE']) project_root = self.instance_variable_get("@project_root") packaging_root = self.instance_variable_get("@packaging_root") self.config_from_yaml(ENV['PARAMS_FILE']) self.instance_variable_set("@project_root", project_root) if project_root self.instance_variable_set("@packaging_root", packaging_root) if packaging_root else fail "PARAMS_FILE was set, but not to the path to a readable file." end end end ## # We also have renamed various variables as part of deprecations, and # if any of these are still in use, we want to assign the values to the # new variables. However, we skip this if they target variable is already # populated, to avoid overwriting in the case that the user has started # by populating the new variable name but left the old crufty one behind. # def issue_reassignments Pkg::Params::REASSIGNMENTS.each do |v| oldval = self.instance_variable_get("@#{v[:oldvar]}") newval = self.instance_variable_get("@#{v[:newvar]}") if newval.nil? && oldval self.instance_variable_set("@#{v[:newvar]}", oldval) end end end ## # Quite a few variables we also want to issue custom warnings about. # These are they. # def issue_deprecations Pkg::Params::DEPRECATIONS.each do |v| if self.instance_variable_get("@#{v[:var]}") warn v[:message] end end end def string_to_array(str) delimiters = /[,\s;]/ return str if str.respond_to?('each') str.split(delimiters).reject { |s| s.empty? }.map { |s| s.strip } end # This method is duplicated from enterprise-dist so we can access it here. def cow_to_codename_arch(cow) /^base-(.*)-(.*)\.cow$/.match(cow).captures end # This method is duplicated from enterprise-dist so we can access it here. def mock_to_dist_version_arch(mock) # We care about matching against two patterns here: # pupent-3.4-el5-i386 <= old style with PE_VER baked into the mock name # pupent-el5-i386 <= new style derived from a template mock.match(/pupent(-\d\.\d)?-([a-z]*)(\d*)-([^-]*)/)[2..4] end def deb_build_targets if self.vanagon_project self.deb_targets.split(' ') else self.cows.split(' ').map do |cow| codename, arch = self.cow_to_codename_arch(cow) "#{codename}-#{arch}" end end end def rpm_build_targets if self.vanagon_project self.rpm_targets.split(' ') else self.final_mocks.split(' ').map do |mock| platform, version, arch = self.mock_to_dist_version_arch(mock) "#{platform}-#{version}-#{arch}" end end end def yum_target_path(feature_branch = false) target_path = "#{Pkg::Config.yum_repo_path}/#{Pkg::Config.pe_version}" # Target path is different for feature (PEZ) or release branches if feature_branch || Pkg::Config.pe_feature_branch return "#{target_path}/feature/repos/" elsif Pkg::Config.pe_release_branch return "#{target_path}/release/repos/" else return "#{target_path}/repos/" end end def apt_target_path(feature_branch = false) target_path = "#{Pkg::Config.apt_repo_path}/#{Pkg::Config.pe_version}" # Target path is different for feature (PEZ) or release branches if feature_branch || Pkg::Config.pe_feature_branch return "#{target_path}/feature/repos/" elsif Pkg::Config.pe_release_branch return "#{target_path}/release/repos/" else return "#{target_path}/repos/" end end end end end