require 'spec_helper' require 'progressbar' require_relative '../factories/project.rb' describe 'Test 00: Bebox::ProjectWizard' do describe 'Project data provision' do subject { } let(:project_name) { 'bebox-pname' } let(:parent_path) { "#{Dir.pwd}/tmp" } let(:http_box_uri) {''} let(:local_box_uri) {"#{Dir.pwd}/spec/fixtures/"} let(:bebox_boxes_path) {File.expand_path(Bebox::ProjectWizard::BEBOX_BOXES_PATH)} before :all do `mkdir -p #{bebox_boxes_path}/tmp` `rm -rf #{Dir.pwd}/tmp/bebox-pname` end before :each do $stdout.stub(:write) end after :all do `rm #{bebox_boxes_path}/` end it 'creates a project with wizard' do Bebox::Project.any_instance.stub(:create) { true } subject.stub(:bebox_boxes_setup) subject.stub(:choose_box) { '' } $stdin.stub(:gets).and_return('1') output = subject.create_new_project(project_name) expect(output).to eq(true) end it 'chooses a box from a menu' do $stdin.stub(:gets).and_return('1') output = subject.choose_box(['']) expect(output).to eq('') end it 'gets a valid box uri from user' do $stdin.stub(:gets).and_return(local_box_uri, 'y') subject.get_valid_box_uri(nil) expect(File.symlink?("#{bebox_boxes_path}/")).to eq(true) end it 'checks for project existence' do output = subject.project_exists?(parent_path, project_name) expect(output).to eq(Dir.exists?("#{Dir.pwd}/tmp/#{project_name}")) end it 'setup the bebox boxes directory' do subject.bebox_boxes_setup expect(Dir.exist?("#{bebox_boxes_path}/tmp")).to eq(true) expect(Dir["#{bebox_boxes_path}/tmp/*"].count).to eq(0) end it 'validates an http box uri' do output = subject.uri_valid?(http_box_uri) expect(output).to eq(true) end it 'validates a local-file box uri' do output = subject.uri_valid?(local_box_uri) expect(output).to eq(true) end it 'links to a local file box' do subject.set_box(local_box_uri) expect(File.symlink?("#{bebox_boxes_path}/")).to eq(true) end it 'checks for a local file box existence' do expect(subject.box_exists?(local_box_uri)).to eq(true) end it 'links to a remote file box' do remote_box_uri = '' subject.set_box(remote_box_uri) expect(File.exists?("#{bebox_boxes_path}/LICENSE")).to eq(true) `rm #{bebox_boxes_path}/LICENSE` end end end