#$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) unless # $:.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__)) || $:.include?(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) # Merb specific handling # make sure we're running inside Merb if defined?(Merb::Plugins) Merb::BootLoader.before_app_loads do Merb.add_mime_type(:fxml, :to_fxml, %w[application/xml text/xml application/x-xml], :charset => "utf-8") require 'ruboss_on_ruby/version' require 'ruboss_on_ruby/configuration' require 'ruboss_on_ruby/active_foo' if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) end # TODO: can we find out if use_orm :activerecord is on and only then load active record specific tasks? Merb::Plugins.add_rakefiles "ruboss_on_ruby/tasks", "ruboss_on_ruby/active_record_tasks" elsif defined?(ActionController::Base) # if we are not running in Merb, we've got to be running in Rails Mime::Type.register_alias "application/xml", :fxml require 'ruboss_on_ruby/version' require 'ruboss_on_ruby/configuration' require 'ruboss_on_ruby/active_foo' module ActionController class Base alias_method :old_render, :render # so that we can have handling for :fxml option and write code like # format.fxml { render :fxml => @projects } def render(options = nil, extra_options = {}, &block) if options and options[:fxml] xml = options[:fxml] response.content_type ||= Mime::XML render_for_text(xml.respond_to?(:to_fxml) ? xml.to_fxml : xml, options[:status]) else old_render(options, extra_options, &block) end end end end module RubossOnRubyController private # Extract any keys named _metadata from the models in the params hash # and put them in the root of the params hash. def extract_metadata_from_params metadata = {} metadata.merge!(params.delete('_metadata')) if params.has_key?('_metadata') params.each do |k, v| next unless v.respond_to?(:has_key?) and v.has_key?('_metadata') metadata.merge!(v.delete('_metadata')) end params.merge!(metadata) unless metadata.empty? end end # temporarily disable forgery protection site-wise ActionController::Base.allow_forgery_protection = false ActionController::Base.send :include, RubossOnRubyController ActionController::Base.send :prepend_before_filter, :extract_metadata_from_params end